Summative Assessment

The backward design model proposes a method where one sets instructional goals beforechoosing methods and forms through which learners will be assessed. The backward designencourages intentionality when designing lessons. It is thus beneficial to educators because ithelps them in first establishing the purpose of the lesson and how to implement the curriculumduring the instructional process. […]

To start, you can

The backward design model proposes a method where one sets instructional goals before
choosing methods and forms through which learners will be assessed. The backward design
encourages intentionality when designing lessons. It is thus beneficial to educators because it
helps them in first establishing the purpose of the lesson and how to implement the curriculum
during the instructional process. It is an effective way of designing lessons, and the teacher is
guided on how to provide instruction and assessments. After identifying the desired results or
goals, instructors are very easily able to develop assessments. The backward design helps the
teacher to deliver instruction that is grounded on learning outcomes.
Standard and Learning Objective

Highlight your path:
PK -6 7-12 Corporate




Name of Standards: Common Core Standards
Content Area: English Language Arts
Grade or Audience: 7 th grade
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative,
connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning
and tone.
Measurable Learning Objectives/Outcomes/Targets

  1. Students will be able to define a word and phrase based on its context in the text
  2. Students will be able to analyze the impact that an author’s word choice has on meaning
    and tone in a text (Analyzing).
  3. Students will be able to discuss the connotative, figurative, and technical meaning of
    words as used in the text (applying).

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment involves gathering information and using it to enhance instruction
and learning during an instructional sequence (Lefrançois, 2013). It provides qualitative
feedback to the learner that entails non-verbal signs of approval or verbal appraisal, happiness, or
even frustration. Either way, formative assessment provides feedback that is aimed at changing
the behavior of the teacher in response to the specific learning needs of the students. The
feedback affects learning positively as the instructor is able to know how best to modify
instruction materials as well as techniques used to deliver instruction.
Formative assessments give the instructor the ability to provide instant and constant
feedback to the learners and should thus be part of every lesson plan. By so doing, teachers allow
students to be part of the learning environment. Students are allowed an opportunity to develop
self-assessment strategies that are critical in enhancing their ability to comprehend their own
thought processes. They are useful in helping students identify their strengths as well as areas
that they need to make improvements. Also, the faculty is able to identify areas that students are
struggling and come up with a plan on how to help them.
Formative assessments should be used either formally or informally. Since formative
assessments are low stakes, they have little or no point value. A teacher may ask students to

submit a research proposal for early feedback so that they can make their project better for the
final submission. An educator may ask students to write two or three sentences explaining what
they learned or the main points of the lesson. Alternatively, an instructor may ask oral questions
in class or ask students to draw a concept map and explain what they have learned.
The first way through which I will assess the students is by asking oral questions. I will
give students a text to read, then ask them to explain how the author uses different words and
phrases figuratively in the text. Based on the responses, I will be able to tell whether students
understand how different words and phrases are used figuratively to convey a specific meaning
that helps the author communicate their ideas to the reader. According to Lefrançois (2013),
formative assessment gives feedback to the learners and teachers. Based on the responses, I will
know whether students achieve the instructional objectives; students will also be able to know
whether they understand the content based on my feedback. I will then make a decision whether
to proceed or revisit the topic depending on my evaluation of student responses. This assessment
will help me know whether students have achieved the third learning objective, which has the
application part. The objective entails enabling students to discuss connotative, figurative, and
technical meanings of words as used in the text.
The second way through which I will formatively assess learners is by using EdPuzzle.
Students will watch a video that will have questions embedded in it. As they watch the video,
they will answer questions that will test their understanding of how words and phrases used in a
text impact its meaning. Using Edpuzzle, I will be able to know how individual students are
engaging with digital content. Also, when students use Edpuzzle, the teacher is able to interact
with the students and know whether they understand the content (Davis, 2015). This formative
assessment is aligned with my instructional objectives. Specifically, I will use it to check

whether on the analysis component of the objectives. I will assess whether students are able to
analyze the impact that an author’s word choice has on meaning and tone in a text. The video
will contain a text with different words and phrases, and students will be asked to explain how
the meaning of the different texts changes based on the author’s choice of words. Some questions
will also check on how the tone in the texts changes based on the words and phrases used by the
The third way through which I will assess the students is by asking them to record a short
video of themselves answering a few questions that I will have asked them. I will use the
application known as ‘Explain Everything’ to help students record themselves answering the
questions asked. This assessment will help me evaluate whether students have achieved the first
instructional objective, which checks on their ability to remember. It will also be checking on the
part of the standard where students are required to ‘determine the meaning of words and phrases
as they are used in a text.’ Thus, this formative assessment aligns with both the instructional
objective and the standard.

Development of Summative Assessment

Test Blueprint

Learning Objective/Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy

of Test

of Test

The learner will be able to define a
word and phrase based on its
context in the text.

Remembering 4 40 40%

The learner will be able to analyze
the impact that an author’s word
choice has on meaning.

Analyzing 4 40 40%

The learner will be able to discuss
connotative, figurative, and
technical meanings of words as

Applying 2 20 20%

used in the text.

Totals 10 100 100%

Test Questions

Test Question One

Identify the Learning

The learner will be able to define a word and phrase based on
its context in the text.

Identify the Type of Test
Question Item
constructed-response, or

Multiple-choice items

Identify the Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write the Test Question
and Answer.
(If it is a performance-
based assessment, simply
write “see rubric” as the

Question- In the Graveyard Book, Neil writes, “The dead are
not superstitious, not as a rule, but they watched her as a
Roman Augur might have watched the sacred crows circle.
What does the word Augur mean?
a. ghost
b. soothsayer
c. widow
d. teacher
Answer- soothsayer
Test Question Two

Identify the Learning

The learner will be able to define a word and phrase based on
its context in the text.

Identify the Type of Test
Question Item
constructed-response, or

Multiple-choice items

Identify the Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write the Test Question
and Answer.

Question – In the Graveyard book, the author writes, “Its light
was not bright, and it was diffused by the mist, but the man
Jack would not need much light. What does the word diffuse
mean in this context?
a. Concentrated
b. Spread through
c. Not clear
d. Reduced
Answer – Spread through

Test Question Three

Identify the Learning

The learner will be able to define a word and phrase based on
its context in the text.

Identify the Type of Test
Question Item
constructed-response, or


Identify the Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write the Test Question
and Answer.
(If it is a performance-
based assessment, simply
write “see rubric” as the

Question- based on what you have read in the first chapter of
the Graveyard, what does the word discarnate mean?
Answer- lacking a physical body

Test Question Four

Identify the Learning

The learner will be able to analyze the impact that an author’s
word choice has on meaning.

Identify the Type of Test
Question Item
constructed-response, or


Identify the Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write the Test Question
and Answer.
(If it is a performance-
based assessment, simply
write “see rubric” as the

Question – in the Graveyard book, Josiah Worthington
expostulated by saying that they needed to blast the Graveyard.
In this context, the word expostulated is used to mean to
protest against someone’s actions or plans to act.
Answer- True
Test Question Five

Identify the Learning

The learner will be able to analyze the impact that an author’s
word choice has on meaning.

Identify the Type of Test
Question Item
constructed-response, or

Short-answer constructed responses

Identify the Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write the Test Question
and Answer.

Question- Read the excerpt provided, then explain what the
author refers to when he uses the word revenants.

(If it is a performance-
based assessment, simply
write “see rubric” as the

“Your duty, ma’am, is to the graveyard and to the
commonality of those who form this population of discarnate
spirits, revenants , and suchlike wights, and your duty thus is
to return the creature as soon as possible to its natural
home—which is not here.”
Answer- Revenant- someone who has returned from the dead.
Test Question Six

Identify the Learning

The learner will be able to analyze the impact that an author’s
word choice has on meaning.

Identify the Type of Test
Question Item
constructed-response, or

Short-answer constructed responses

Identify the Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write the Test Question
and Answer.
(If it is a performance-
based assessment, simply
write “see rubric” as the

Question- What does the author imply when he writes, “the
lady on the grey”?
Answer- a mysterious figure who could be a personification of
death in the story.

Test Question Seven

Identify the Learning

The learner will be able to define a word and phrase based on
its context in the text.

Identify the Type of Test
Question Item
constructed-response, or


Identify the Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write the Test Question
and Answer.
(If it is a performance-
based assessment, simply
write “see rubric” as the

Question- Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Match
the words in column A with their antonyms in column B.

  1. vague a. confusing
  2. lucid b. common
  3. unprecedented c. clear
     Vague-clear
     Lucid-confusing
     Unprecedented-common
    Test Question Eight

Identify the Learning

Students will be able to discuss connotative, figurative, and
technical meanings of words as used in the text.

Identify the Type of Test
Question Item
constructed-response, or

Short-answer constructed responses

Identify the Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write the Test Question
and Answer.
(If it is a performance-
based assessment, simply
write “see rubric” as the

Question – The author in the Graveyard Book writes, “But
between now and then, there was life: and Bod walked into it
with his eyes and heart wide open.” Identify the type of
figurative language used and state what it means in this context.
Answer- figurative language- Idiom
Meaning- Bod is ready and open to living his life to the fullest.

He wants to enjoy life while it lasts between now and the time
when he dies and returns to the Graveyard.
Test Question Nine

Identify the Learning

Students will be able to discuss connotative, figurative, and
technical meanings of words as used in the text.

Identify the Type of Test
Question Item


Identify the Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write the Test Question
and Answer.

Question- Silas is a solitary stranger who sleeps during the
daytime and roams the fields of the Graveyard at night. He is
thus a vampire.
Answer- True
Test Question Ten

Identify the Learning

The learner will be able to analyze the impact that an author’s
word choice has on meaning.

Identify the Type of Test
Question Item

Performance-based assessment

Identify the Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write the Test Question
and Answer.

Question- the author states, “death is a great democracy?” what
do you think the author implies? Do you agree with this

statement? Why or why not. Explain in 200 words and ensure
that you support your answer with evidence from the text.
Answer- in the rubric below.

Development of Rubric for Performance Assessment
Excellent Good Fair Poor


The student has
met the learning
The student
mastery of the
standard and
shows the ability
to apply content
from the text
and transfer
learning with
complexity, and

The student has
met the learning
The student
mastery of the
learning content
and shows the
ability to apply
content from the
text to the asked

The student is
approaching the
partial mastery
of the standard.
Does not fully
apply content
learned in
responding to
the text

The student has
not met the
Learner provides
little evidence in
meeting the
expectation. Do
not apply
content from the
text in
responding to
the question.

Evidence and

The student
provides the best

Student supports
answer with

Writing presents
evidence that is
most relevant.

The evidence
presented lacks
relevance to

evidence from
the text to
support claims
made in
response to the
asked question.

evidence but has
a few gaps
where claims
made are

However, the
student presents
examples to
support a single

ideas developed
in writing.

Structure The student
develops ideas
in a cohesive
manner. The
structure is
engaging and

The student
presents a
logical argument
but has several
gaps, and the
writing lacks

The argument
presented is
However, there
is an
unnecessary use
of transitional
language, and
the argument
made is mostly

The student
presents a
argument and
does not develop
ideas in the
course of the

Style The writing is
concise and
clear. It
mastery of

Writing is
mostly clear but
contains a few
errors and

The student
presents writing
that mostly
makes sense and
uses appropriate

Writing is
mostly vague,
confusing, and
contains many

vocabulary and
sentence variety.

sentences. However, there
is a lot of
vagueness due to
a weak
interpretation of
the author’s
main ideas.
Analysis of Data Interpretation

Educational assessment refers to the process of collecting data about what students have
learned within their learning environments. The process is not complete, neither does it hold
value if the data gathered is not analyzed and used to make instructional decisions. Instructors
use educational assessments to collect data that informs their instruction. The data is also used to
make administrative decisions. This may include buying more resources to enhance the
instructional process. At a national and state level, the data may be used to identify challenges
such as lack of resources and understaffing, and then necessary action is taken. I have identified
the three measures of central tendency below and described how each is useful in helping an
instructor make informed decisions pertaining to their instruction.
Mean, Median and Mode

Fifteen students took the test and the results were as follows;

88,43,75,96,90,63,85,87,91,75,96,52,100,63, and 75. I will use this data to calculate the mean,
mode, and median. The mean is arrived at by adding all the scores and then dividing by the total
number of students (Lefrançois, 2013). In this case, the total scores for all 15 students are 1175.
The mean is

1179/15= 78.6
The median is a measure of central tendency that is arrived at by ranking all scores and
finding the midpoint (Lefrançois, 2013). In this case, the median is 85.
The third measure of central tendency is the mode which refers to the most frequently
recurring score (Lefrançois, 2013). In this case, the mode is 75.
Educational Assessment
Based on the bar graph, most students scored 75 and above marks, with only four
scorings below this mark. Based on the bar graph on the incorrect answers, it is clear that
question 4 tested on a content area that all the students understood; none of the fifteen students
failed on this question. Other well-performed content areas include those covered under question
eight, which had only one student giving the incorrect answer, and questions three and five,
which both had two students who failed to answer them correctly. Further, based on the bar
graph, it is evident that the content areas covered by questions two and seven were least
understood. For instance, ten students did not answer question two correctly. Also, eight students
failed question eight. Such information tells the instructor that content areas assessed under
questions two and seven were least understood.
Applying the Data
As an instructor, I would use this data to make decisions on content areas that need to be
revisited and more time spent helping the students understand. According to Lefrançois (2013),
the information provided by the measures of central tendency helps the instructor know which
problem was the most difficult or the easiest. This way, they are able to make informed decisions
on areas that some students need individualized instruction. I will also get in touch with the

students so as to identify whether the questions were well-formulated or whether the content area
in question was not well covered and instructional objectives not achieved.
Interpreting the Mean, Median, and Mode
The mean, median, and mode are different in figures. Based on the computations, the
figures are 78.6, 85, and 75, respectively. Based on the scores of all the students, the median
gives a more accurate description of the scores. According to Lefrançois (2013), the median and
the mode are less likely to be affected by extreme scores in a group of data and are thus more
accurate in showing how scores are distributed. The figures, however, do not have a wide
variation. They are similar in that they all are used in describing score distributions and are thus
useful in educational assessments. The mean, mode, and median are useful in different instances
depending on the data required


Criteria Proficiency Level Rationale

Standard and Learning
Objective Distinguished 2.00

The paper contains the
learning objective, standard,
and learning pathway as
selected in week 1. Revisions
have also been made based
on instructor feedback.

Formative Assessment Distinguished 3.00

The paper clearly explains
the benefits of using
formative assessment. I have
also provided the three ways
through which students can
be assessed. The assessment
is founded on the learning

Development of Summative
Assessment Distinguished 4.00

The paper has the test
blueprint and lists ten
detailed questions. I also
revised the paper based on
instructor feedback.

Development of Rubric for
Performance Assessment Distinguished 3.00

I have included the rubric for
the performance assessment.
The rubric provided did not
need any revisions based on
feedback provided by the

Analysis of Data and
Interpretation Distinguished 3.00

The paper includes a
thorough analysis of data and
interpretation. Instructor
feedback has been used to
revise the paper.

Reflection Distinguished 3.00

The paper provides a detailed
and comprehensive self-

Intro, Thesis & Conclusion Distinguished 0.75

The paper is properly
organized and includes an
introduction, thesis, and

Written Communication:
Control of Syntax and

Distinguished 0.50

The paper displays
comprehension and
organization of syntax and

Written Communication:
APA Formatting Distinguished 0.25 The paper exhibits proper
APA formatting.

Written Communication:
Page Requirement Distinguished 0.25

The length of the paper is as
required in the instructions

Written Communication: Distinguished 0.25 The sources are properly

Resource Requirement formatted, and the number
exceeds the required number
of scholarly sources.

After reviewing the rubric, I did not change anything in the paper. I realized that I had followed
the instructions as provided.
Benefits of having learners self-assess their work
Self-assessment helps develop learners who are able to eventually take charge and be in
control of their own learning processes (Lefrançois, 2013). Such learners are prepared early
enough on how to become self-directed and autonomous individuals. It helps because they are
actively involved in setting their own goals. They also become students who can devise and
apply techniques that are appropriate for reaching those goals. Self-assessment is thus beneficial
to students.


Overall, the backward design model is important in developing lessons as they help the
instructor provide instruction and assessments that are grounded on the learning outcomes.
Instruction and other learning activities are founded on already set learning goals. After
identifying the standard to be taught, educators should develop measurable learning objectives.
Further, formative assessments are useful in informing the process of instruction. When
developing the summative assessment, it is important to ensure that each question asked aligns
with a specific learning objective. The blueprint shows the test items, the value of each, and the
cognitive ability that will be tested. Overall, after an assessment is given, it is important to record
data and analyze it to know the overall progress made by learners.


Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2021). English Language Arts Standards » Reading:
Informational Text » Grade 7 » 4 | Common Core State Standards Initiative. Retrieved 22
February 2021, from
Davis, V. (2015, January 15). Fantastic, fast formative assessment tools (Links to an external
site.) [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Lefrançois, G. R. (2013). Of learning and assessment. Retrieved from

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