Community Child Development Center Proposal A child’s development is defined by various milestones that are observable as a childgoes through different phases of development. As toddlers grow into children and adolescents,parents anxiously watch and they sometimes do not know the kind of activities that they can useto foster development in their children. Development then continues […]
To start, you canCommunity Child Development Center Proposal
A child’s development is defined by various milestones that are observable as a child
goes through different phases of development. As toddlers grow into children and adolescents,
parents anxiously watch and they sometimes do not know the kind of activities that they can use
to foster development in their children. Development then continues through different phases in
the life of a child. A child needs support and involvement in guided and well-planned activities
for him or her to be able to go through the different phases successfully without getting fixated at
any stage. It is for this reason that I designed a Community Child Development Center proposal
for consideration by the City Council. It has detailed and well-planned activities that children can
engage in at different levels of development. The main goals of the Community Child
Development Center are to mold children and help them develop the right way into adults and
help caregivers learn activities that help foster growth and development in children. There are
different rooms, each will have different activities for different age groups and proper care and
training will be provided to each group. The Community Child Development Center Proposal
shows my expertise in the growth and development of children and adolescents. I present this
proposal to the City Council for consideration of my expert opinion on these specially designed
rooms and in coming up with a child development center for our community, which are about to
transform the lives of children and adolescents in this town for the better.
ROOM #1 – Infant Room
Physical Development Activity
A child engages in different physical developmental tasks. One of the activities is
pushing and pulling. At the age of 12 to 18 months, a child discovers the joy of pushing and
dragging toys along (Parenting editors, 2019). With time, coordination improves as he will be
able to walk forward while looking back to check on the toy or object that he or she is pulling. A
child at this age is able to walk without support. He or she throws objects and even ascends a few
steps without the assistance of an adult. Physical movements at this stage help in developing both
fine motor skills as well as gross motor skills. As children push and pull objects, they use their
hands to grip or grasp the objects as they pull. As they do so, their arms and legs muscles are
strengthened (Mossler, 2014). Pushing and pulling toys foster creative and independent play as
the baby learns to play alone using objects within his or her reach. This activity offers a physical
challenge to the baby. At first, the baby is able to stand and hold or push the toy; with time, he or
she learns how to walk and push it. As the baby continues making steps, he or she gains stability,
coordination, and is eventually able to coordinate.
Cognitive Development Activity
One of the activities that will be necessary for an infant’s room is Where is thumbkin?
This is a game where the caregiver draws little faces on his or her thumbs so that they resemble
faces of little people. The caregiver then uses the finger puppets to excite the baby by playing
with him or her. The caregiver sits on the floor while facing the baby, he or she then starts by
asking in a rhythmic way, “where is Thumbkin, where is thumbkin? The game starts with the
caregiver’s hands behind his or her back. Then the caregiver says, “here I am” he or she brings
one thumb to the front where the baby can see. He or she repeats the process and brings the
second thumb to the front. Then continues by singing, “how are you today?” he or she wiggles
the thumbs as though the thumbs are communicating with each other. Then says, “very well, I
thank you.” The caregiver repeats the process again by hiding the thumb behind his or her back.
Theorist Jean Piaget developed ideas on the qualitative changes in cognition. He said that when a
child is about one year, he or she develops object permanence (Mossler, 2014). Where is
Thumbkin is an activity that helps in the development of a baby’s language, sensory, ad helps a
child understand object permanence. At the age of one year, some of the milestones in motor
development include a child being able to walk through support, standing alone, and grasping
with the forefinger and thumb. At this stage, the child is also learning that people and objects
exist. Through where is thumbkin, a child understands that people and objects continue to exist
even when he or she cannot see them. playing where is thumbkin enhances the development of
these cognitive abilities, such as object permanence. It supports the psychosocial domain.
Psychosocial Development Activity
An infant faces a lot of separation anxiety every time she or he does not see the caregiver.
Peekaboo games help the caregiver show the baby that she or he may not always be in front of
her, but will always be near. Using a sheet, hands, or by going behind the door, and peeping
helps a child deal with anxiety (Lerner & Parlakian, 2019). The mother or caregiver stands up in
front of the child and starts walking away for a few steps out of the room. Tells the kid, “I am
going. I will be back”. Gives the child a few seconds then reappears. Erikson referred to this
stage as the Trust vs. Mistrust stage, which is the most fundamental in a child’s psychosocial
development ((Mossler, 2014). The peekaboo game helps a child develop trust, and he or she
feels secure. The game assures the child of the caregiver’s presence and emotional availability.
The child knows that he or she may not always see the caregiver, but the caregiver will always
be near to feed, nurture, and respond to his or her needs. A child develops trust, which is critical
to the child’s emotional development at this stage. At this stage, children seek relationships that
engender security and trust. Through peekaboo games, a child succeeds in mastering the basic
psychosocial goals and is able to advance and develop a secure sense of security. It is only from
a place of secure attachment that a baby feels safe. These games assure a child that help will
always be near when he or she needs it.
ROOM #2 – Toddler Room
Physical Development Activity
Different physical developmental activities aid in the development of different motor
skills. At the age of 12 to 24 months, a child is able to climb. A child tries to climb on the table,
desk, or even bed. Sometimes they fall, but with time, they are able to maneuver their way
around. Some of the milestones in motor development at this stage include the ability to walk
without support, climb, jump, drink from a cup, and turn to get water (Mossler, 2014). At this
age, children are struggling to find a balance between a challenge and a risk. His or her ability to
reason is not equivalent to his or her ability to carry out physical tasks. Thus, he or she will try
climbing even in risky situations hence the need for monitoring. Climbing is a very critical
physical milestone. It helps the child to develop coordination, which he will need to master the
skills necessary to ascend steps. It is through learning how to climb a bed, that child masters how
to walk up the staircase without falling (Whitebread et al., 2017). Climbing also enhances
stability, which is necessary for learning other physical activities such as jumping.
Cognitive Development Activity
Babies aged 1 to 3 years tend to enjoy fun and games. Activities and games that enhance
the baby’s ability to think and come up with solutions help foster cognitive development. For
example, slope and slide is a game that enhances the baby’s cognitive abilities. The caregiver
slides a toy car down a slope from different angles and then asks the child to give the link
between the toy car and the slope. The child follows the car as it slides and this helps with
coordination. The child is encouraged to think to figure out the answer. A child at this stage
dresses him or herself, even though he or she cannot do the buttons, and is able to ascend steps
unaided (Mossler, 2014). Using the slope and slide activity helps foster coordination as his or her
cognitive abilities are enhanced.
Psychosocial Development Activity
The activity requires a clean empty container and some cereals. Show the child how he or
she can drop a few pieces of cereals inside the container. Give the child the container and the
cereals and watch as she or he tries to figure out how to remove the cereals outside. The child
may try shaking the container, dropping it, turning it upside down, but eventually, he or she
manages to remove the cereals inside. The activity is effective in building problem-solving skills
in a child. The activity is effective for children between two to three years old. Erikson mentions
that at this stage, children want autonomy ((Mossler, 2014). They want to be let alone to do
things on their own such as dress themselves or feed themselves. Toddlers develop a sense of
autonomy when caregivers encourage self-sufficiency. The child starts to believe in his or her
abilities to solve problems and have things done by himself or herself. the activity helps children
to gain autonomy and take the initiative.
ROOM #3 – Early Childhood Room
Physical Development Activity
Jumping is another activity that enhances physical development in children. At the age of
24 months to 36 months or between 2 to 3 years, a toddler learns how to jump low structures.
Eventually, he or she is able to jump from a standing position. Some of the developmental
milestones associated with this age are that a child is able to hop irregularly, dress himself or
herself without closing the buttons, alternate his or her feet and ascend steps without any
assistance, and he or she is able to pour liquid from one container to another (Mossler, 2014).
These activities aid in the development of both fine and gross motor skills. Jumping requires
bilateral coordination, which refers to a child’s ability to use both sides of his or her body to
carry out a task. Thus, he or she develops bilateral coordination through jumping.
Cognitive Development Activity
Puzzles aid in cognitive development among children aged 3 to 6 years. Puzzles give
children with an opportunity to sharpen their skills as they think how to fit the different pieces.
They enable them to come with solutions and preschoolers are trained to get answers and think
logically. Children are also trained on how to be persistent, as there is usually only one way to
get the correct answer. At this age, children are usually able to connect buttons, zippers, and
snaps accurately. They are also able to copy shapes and descend stairs unaided. Engaging in
puzzles helps in the development of the ability to do things on their own, as children learn to be
more independent. Advancement in fine motor skills prepares children for activities that they
will be engaging in while in school such as writing and drawing (Mossler, 2014).
Psychosocial Development Activity
Candyland is a simple board game that provides children between 3 to 6 years with a
basic blueprint for how to interact socially in an appropriate way and engage in cooperative play.
Children are taught to wait for their turn and to approach the board with the mentality that
sometimes they will win, but sometimes they will lose. The game is short enough to hold the
child’s attention. However, it has rules that ensure none of the players feel like stomping on the
board is acceptable. Children at this stage begin to assert their control and power over the word.
They have control over their social interactions and direct their play. According to Erickson,
children who successfully go through this stage feel capable of taking leadership roles as they
tend to take the initiative ((Mossler, 2014).
ROOM #4 – Middle/Late Childhood Room
Physical Development Activity
Children aged 7 to 12 years have personally defined tasks, own goals, and agendas. They
require the support of the guardian or parent to accomplish them and further enhance their self-
esteem. They tend to test the physical limits a lot and can engage in a wide variety of risky
activities such as climbing trees and jumping heights. To keep them occupied in activities that
will not endanger them helps a lot and is important at this stage. Such activity is riding a bicycle.
This helps the child develop endurance and use energy in constructive activities. According to
Jean Piaget, this is the concrete operational stage, and it makes up the industry versus inferiority
stage as described by Erickson. Children form significant relationships with peers and friends as
opposed to their parents. Thus, they worry a lot about how they are perceived by those outside
their family circle. Thus, engaging in bicycle riding with peers or organized groups helps the
child develop physically as well as boost his or her self-confidence.
Cognitive Development Activity
Some of the developmental milestones at this stage include daydreaming and playing
with imagination. At this stage, a child tends to become more forgetful and absent-minded as she
or he gets lost in a little world of imagination. An activity that will help in cognitive development
at this stage is making a day’s schedule. Guide the child in making a schedule of all the activities
that he or she will engage in on a certain day. The schedule should show specific activities, the
time they will be performed, and how long that will take. Since the child can tell time,
developing a schedule will be effective in planning the child’s day. The child will require a
calendar and a wristwatch. Reassuring the child when he or she makes a mistake will encourage
the child to develop his or her cognitive abilities as he or she becomes more industrious
(Mossler, 2014). Erickson states that this stage is characterized by ‘being able’ which is a focus
that enhances the child’s ability and helps him or her realize his or her own potential.
Psychosocial Development Activity
Storytelling is an activity that can foster psychosocial development in this stage. Let the
children sit in groups of three. Then each child gets an opportunity to share a story; it can be
from real-life experiences or creative imagination. The story should have victorious characters
and a lesson on how to develop trust and respect for one another. Through storytelling, a child
learns positive solutions to social conflict. He or she learns the value of friendships,
responsibility and commitment. Some of the developmental milestones at the age of 7 years
include the ability to use tools, children’s physical movement resembles that of adults, and
children can anticipate the trajectory of rolling balls (Mossler, 2014). There is a significant
development and this stage is the best for the child to learn values that are important in forming
and maintaining social relationships such as trust and respect.
ROOM #5 – Adolescence Room
Physical Development Activity
The adolescent stage is associated with a number of physical changes in the body of an
individual that mark the transition into adulthood. There is a sudden growth in height and weight,
and there are certain physical activities that can aid in the physical development at this stage.
Adolescents can be engaged in performing water aerobics for 30 minutes. This activity will be
involve engaging in different activities such as swim laps, kicks at the wall, tread water and squat
jumps at the shallow ends of the water pool. This exercise aids in the physical changes and helps
the adolescent keep watch on weight changes. It ensures that the body is fit, especially when
regularly undertaken. This is an outdoor activity and considering that at this age deals with
individuals at the age of 13-18, outdoor activities are best for physical development as they
involve a lot of energy.
Cognitive Development Activity
Mime or charade games is a game that is suitable for children from the age of eight to
fourteen. Players read a word and try communicating it through actions and gestures. It requires
a minimum of four participants and a maximum of ten. Activities required to play this game
include a pen and paper for keeping the score. The group of children is divided into at least two
smaller groups (Dickson & Stephens, 2015). Then one kid from each group takes turn to take a
chit, reads the word written on it silently. The player has to reenact the word, and the other team
must guess what phrase or word it is. A score is given for the correct guess. Jean Piaget said that
adolescents tend to think abstractly and they tend to hypothesize outcomes. This stage is referred
to as the formal operations stage, where teenagers think in a more advanced manner. They want
complete autonomy to exercise their decision-making abilities. Through taking part in charade
games, teenagers improve their satisfaction and cognition (Dickson & Stephens, 2015). They feel
more enabled to figure out things on their own correctly. During adolescence, the prefrontal
cortex undergoes several drastic changes. An individual achieves improved cognitive control, but
they have poor control of their emotions. They tend to be more reactive as opposed to reflective.
Playing Charade games enhances the kid’s ability to think reflectively as opposed to reactively.
They contribute to improved reasoning, control, and judgment. Besides, Vygotsky believed that
children tend to remember information that is consistent with what their environment provides.
Psychosocial Development Activity
Adolescents have a lot of energy that can be used constructively. In this activity, they
come up with a nice way of organizing sticky pads. The materials required for this activity
include stickers, sticky note pads of nay shape and color, a white satin ribbon, plain cardboard,
and a polka dot wrapping paper. They stick the polka-dotted sheet to the cardboard. Then place
the cardboard vertically on the table and tie the white satin ribbon in the middle around the
cardboard. Place the sticky note pads below the ribbon in any way that one desires. The last step
would be to decorate the top end with stickers. The sticky note pad holder is ready. The activity
encourages group work. The basic conflict for adolescents between the stage of 12 to 18 years is
identity versus role confusion (Mossler, 2014). Social relationships are very important to
individuals at this stage. As they try to develop a sense of self-identity, success means a lot to
them. completing small projects successfully boosts their confidence. Failure, on the other hand,
leads to confusion. Thus, small successful projects are effective in fostering the development of
identity as a teenager tends to feel in control.
Overall, this proposal provides different activities that can help foster physical, cognitive,
and psychosocial development at different stages of development from birth to the age of
eighteen. The Community Child Development Center Proposal shows a well-thought-out plan of
how to make growth and development better. Children and care-givers deserve to understand
different stages of development as this helps in selecting activities that foster development for
children at that stage. This project would best fit our community as it provides the design for the
proposed child development community center. If approved by the city council, this plan will be
implemented and the children of this community will experience a great transformation in theif
Mossler, R. A. (2014). Child and adolescent development (2nd ed.). Retrieved from
Dickson, K. A., & Stephens, B. W. (2015). It’s all in the mime: actions speak louder than words
when teaching the cranial nerves. Anatomical sciences education, 8(6), 584-592.
Parenting editors. (2019). Toddler Developmental Milestones. Retrieved 21 November 2019,
Whitebread, D., Neale, D., Jensen, H., Liu, C., Solis, S. L., Hopkins, E., … & Zosh, J.
(2017). The role of play in children’s development: a review of the evidence. LEGO
Lerner, C., & Parlakian, R. (2019). Play Activities for 12 to 24 months. Retrieved 25 November
2019, from
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