BEHS 343 Quiz 1
- Parenting styles have little to no effect on children; they will grow up to become
whatever they are supposed to become. True or False? (1 point)
- Why is it important for parents and childcare givers to know and understand the
different developmental stages of children? (3 points)
It is important for parents and child care givers to know and understand the different
developmental stages of children in order to develop relationships that are more positive. Though
every child is unique through the understanding of the developmental you can recognize when a
child is excelling or is lacking in the developmental stages. Learning disabilities such as Autism
can be detected at a younger age which allows for action to be taken sooner rather than later to a
- Grace is 9 years old and is the only child of her parents. She is on the verge of being
obese just like her parents. Some people believe there isn’t much Grace can do about her
weight since obesity is prevalent in her family, but others think otherwise. If you were
assigned to counsel Grace about her weight, what would be your perspective and why?
Respond in no less than 100 words with a reference. (4 points)
Even though genes have been found to play a role in obesity development, they comprise a small
portion of a person’s overall risk (Brown et al., 2019). The lifestyle of a person also has
significant influence on whether they become obese or not. People who are genetically
predisposed to obesity can still avoid the condition by changing their lifestyle habits (Brown et
al., 2019). Grace, therefore, can avoid being overweight like her parents by living a healthier
lifestyle. For instance, with regular physical exercises, taking a lot of fruits and vegetables and
avoiding junk foods, and getting quality sleep, Grace can avoid being obese.
- It’s important especially for pre-teens and teenagers to have goals and to contribute to
household chores. True or False? (1 point)
- In no less than 100 words, explain the difference between discipline and punishment.
Why is it essential to know the difference? Support your response with a scholarly
reference. (3 points)
Discipline is a method that adults use to teach children appropriate behaviors while at the same
time ensuring that they develop into responsible and confident adults (Potter et al., 2017).
Punishment, on the other hand, involves inflicting physical and emotional pain to a child for past
misbehaviors (Potter et al., 2017). It is essential to know the difference between the two because
even though they are often used interchangeably, their impact on children is vastly different.
Discipline enables children to become responsible for their behavior (Potter et al., 2017). Unlike
discipline, punishment negatively affects the child’s confidence while doing little to shape their
future behaviors. When punishment is used to shape the behavior of a child, the child simply
finds ways of avoiding the person who punishes them rather than changing their behaviors.
- Completing a child’s homework for them instead of helping or guiding them accomplish
the task on their own is counterproductive. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your
response. (2 points)
I agree that completing a child’s homework instead of guiding them accomplish it is
counterproductive. Homework gives children an opportunity to learn for themselves. Doing the
homework for them robs them this opportunity. That is why it is counterproductive.
- Stephen is a 2-year-old boy with both physical and cognitive developmental delays. None
of his parents have any genes or traits that could have predicted Stephen’s outcome.
Additionally, Stephen’s mother took all the necessary precautions during her pregnancy to
ensure the delivery of a healthy baby. How could this happen to Stephen? What support
system would you recommend to Stephen’s parents? Provide at least 1 scholarly reference
(5 points).
It is hard to pinpoint the causes of various development delays. Thus, even though Stephen’s
mother took all the necessary measures to ensure that her child is born healthy, there are other
factors that could have contributed to Stephen’s condition that she did not have control over. For
instance, both parents could have recessive genes for Stephen’s condition. It is also worth noting
that development rates of children differ (Goodway et al., 2019). It could, therefore, just be that
at two years, Stephen is simply developing slowly rather than having development problems.
Whichever the case may be, the parents should check their physician for expert advice and
support. If Stephen indeed has development problems, he may be provided with specialized
services to address his condition.
- Why is there a need for a shift in the current education paradigm in the United States?
Respond using the course material as a guide. ( 2 points)
There is need for a shift in the current education paradigm in the United States because of better
understanding of how learning takes and increased use of technology in learning. Thanks to the
former, it is now clear that students learn differently. It is, therefore, important that there should
be a shift from teacher-centered to student-centered learning. Additionally, increased availability
of learning technologies has reduced the role of teachers to that of guides in the learning process
rather than sole knowledge providers. The education system needs to change to reflect this new
- What is the difference between a sensitive and a critical period in a child’s life? Give 2
examples of each period (4 points).
Sensitive periods in a child’s development are windows of reception for special stimulation
which allow the child to gain certain abilities and capacities. When the child fails to develop
these abilities and capacities because of lack of nurturing environment during the sensitive
period, they may still develop them in future under suitable conditions, albeit slowly and with
some difficulty. Examples of sensitive periods include language learning and vocabulary
Unlike sensitive periods, critical periods in a child’s development are periods which when a child
misses to develop the appropriate ability or capacity they may never develop them in future. For
instance, children who are raised by adults who are abusive and insensitive to their needs may
permanently lose the ability to show trust or compassion to others in adulthood. Vision
acquisition is another example of abilities developed during critical period.
- List 2 types of attachment styles that can de deduced from the attachment theory.
(2 points)
The two types of attachment styles are secure and avoidant.
- Current and on-going research supports the need for active involvement of fathers and
father-figures in the lives of children. Why is this so? Respond in no less than 150 words
and cite 2 references. (3 points)
Recent research has shown that there are many benefits that children get from having fathers or
father figures actively involved in their development. For instance, children whose fathers are
actively involved in their lives show superior cognitive development than those who do not
experience active father involvement in their lives (Allport et al., 2018). Additionally, the
children demonstrate greater capacity for exploration and curiosity (Allport et al., 2018). The
presence of father or father figure in a child’s life is, therefore, associated with greater
Apart from increased intelligence, active involvement of a father or father figure in a child’s
development also boosts their confidence. The emotional support that fathers and father figures
provide children has beneficial effects on the confidence of the child (Rolle et al., 2019).
Children whose fathers are actively involved in their upbringing have greater self-esteem, are
more able to resist peer pressure, can stand for themselves, and show greater tolerance for
frustrations and stress (Rolle et al., 2019).
Lastly, developing children are usually inquisitive. They are usually full of questions for adults
around them. Mothers and fathers often have different perspectives their children’s questions and
queries. With fathers actively involved in their life, children are able to get different
perspectives of various questions and issues. This broadens their thinking range and significantly
improves their problem-solving abilities.
Allport, B. S., Johnson, S., Aqil, A., Labrique, A. B., Nelson, T., Angela, K. C. & Marcell, A. V.
(2018). Promoting father involvement for child and family health. Academic
pediatrics, 18(7), 746-753.
Brown, T., Moore, T. H., Hooper, L., Gao, Y., Zayegh, A., Ijaz, S. & Waters, E. (2019).
Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, (7).
Goodway, J. D., Ozmun, J. C., & Gallahue, D. L. (2019). Understanding motor development:
Infants, children, adolescents, adults. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Potter, H., Boggs, B., & Dunbar, C. (2017). Discipline and punishment: How schools are
building the school-to-prison pipeline. The school to prison pipeline: The role of culture
and discipline in school, 65-90.
Rollè, L., Gullotta, G., Trombetta, T., Curti, L., Gerino, E., Brustia, P., & Caldarera, A. M.
(2019). Father Involvement and Cognitive Development in Early and Middle Childhood:
A Systematic Review. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 2405.