Feminism Studies
- Watch video, ‘Feminism Today’ under the Week 2 Content. Summarize the major ideas,
and discuss your reaction regarding feminist, feminism, and feminist movement.
The video ‘Feminism Today’ argues that even though most of the goals of previous feminism
movements have not been achieved, it is no longer common to see women holding
demonstrations and rallies pushing for fulfilment of all feminism goals. This state of affairs is not
because the current generation of women has no interest in feminist issues but because current
generation of women is pursuing feminist goals using different methods. Additionally, focus of
feminists has broadened to include living wage push, immigration reform, and environmental
conservation. They are also focusing their efforts on achieving gender equality in countries
abroad where women face acute gender inequality.
- Watch video, ‘Makers: Women Who Make America’ under the Week 2 Content. How
would you relate yourself to Makers? Discuss your reaction of this video.
I enjoyed watching ‘Makers: Women Who Make America’ because it highlights powerful stories
of women whose success in various fields has inspired many girls and women across the world. I
was personally inspired by their stories. The video is particularly important because of stories of
such successful women are often ignored by mainstream media thus creating a perception of
male superiority over women.
- According to radical feminism, what forms the basis of women’s oppression? What is the
primary political goal of radical feminism? Do you think how much the goal of radical
feminism has been achieved?
According to radical feminism, the basis of women’s oppression is patriarchal gender relations
rather than class conflict or legal systems (O’Neill, 2017). The primary political objective of
radical feminists is, therefore, destruction of institutional and cultural practices that support
patriarchy in societies. This goal of radical feminism remains largely unachieved as especially in
developing countries as patriarchy remains firmly entrenched in those societies.
- Differentiate between first-wave feminism and second-wave feminism. What are the
characteristics of third-wave feminism? Are we witnessing a “third wave” of feminism?
First wave feminism lasted from mid 19 th century to early 20 th century. This wave of feminism
sought to overturn laws that created gender inequality such as laws that denied voting rights to
women (O’Neill, 2017). Second wave of feminism, on the other hand, focused on role of women
societies, gender norms, and cultural inequalities. Thus, unlike the first wave of feminism, the
second wave did not concern itself much with legal issues. After second wave came third wave
of feminism which focused on a vast number of goals such as gender pay gap and sexual
harassment of women (O’Neill, 2017). Currently we are experiencing third wave of feminism
because issues of sexual harassment and gender pay gap continue being fought over.
- According to multi-racial feminism, what forms the basis of women’s oppression? How
are its major contributions to feminist theory and understanding of women today?
According to multiracial feminism, discrimination, particularly one based on race is a key
contributor to women’s oppression. Multiracial feminism has made significant contributions to
feminist theory. Chief among them is the idea of intersectionality of issues related to gender
inequality such as class and racial discrimination. According to this idea, various identities of
women overlap to create unique experiences that may not be experienced by other women (Zinn
& Dill, 2016).
- Read the article, ’Feminist Politics: Where We Stand’ from Week 2 Learning Resources
- Summarize the major ideas and your reaction of the article.
The major ideas of ‘Feminist Politics: Where We Stand’ include correction of misconception that
feminism is anti-male. While early feminist movements were anti-male, subsequent feminist
movements are primarily anti-sexism, not anti-male. The feminist movements, particularly the
first and second waves, were primarily focused on issues affecting middle class white women
and ignored issues affecting women of color whose form of feminism was deemed revolutionary.
Lastly, in the current feminism movement, women are free to pursue feminism goals that affect
- Watch video, ‘On Intersectionality’ under the Week 2 Content.
What are the major tenets of intersectional feminism? Would you consider yourself an
intersectional feminist? Why or why not?
The major tenets of intersectional feminism are racism and sexism. For instance black women
suffer and overlap of racism and sexism whose effect is great than racism suffered by black men
and sexism suffered by white women (Crenshaw 2016). I definitely consider myself an
intersectional feminist. I believe that women possess multiple identities and these identities
intersect to create a unique form of oppression.
Crenshaw, K. (2016). On Intersectionality. Southbank Centre. Retrieved on 1 st February, 2020
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DW4HLgYPlA&feature=youtu.be
O’neill, W. L. (2017). Feminism in America: A history. Routledge.
Zinn, M. B., & Dill, B. T. (2016). Theorizing difference from multiracial feminism. In Race,
gender and class (pp. 76-82). Routledge.