Creating a Unit Plan Introduction CREATING A UNIT PLAN 3 and sometimes demanding. Their behavior keeps changing, and they are unusuallydemanding of energy and time. Online Resources:Common Core State Standards. (2020). English Language Arts Standards » Language » Grade9-10 | Common Core State Standards Initiative. Retrieved 6 August2020, from Stage 2: CREATING A UNIT […]

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Creating a Unit Plan


  • The fictional classroom has a positive atmosphere. The room is spacious and comfortably
    accommodates all the students. The classroom has a teacher’s table, which has four spaces.
    These are set aside for learners with disabilities as they need additional support during
    instruction hence their close proximity to the teacher. Other students sit in tables, each table
    holding a minimum of four students and a maximum of six. The seating arrangement
    facilitates social learning. It creates adequate room for revising concepts, sharing ideas, and
    discussions. It allows for continuous learning that is self-directed, even in the absence of a
    teacher. The classroom environment encourages positive behavior among learners. The
    classroom is well supplied with materials that support learning. It has adequate materials to
    allow learners to create great artwork.
  • Grade Level: 9 th Grade
  • Content Area: Vocabulary Pronunciation
  • Total number of students –The class consists of 24 students. Their ages range from 14
    years to 16 years. The class contains ten male students and 14 female students. There are four
    races represented in the classroom. These comprise of five students f Hispanic origin, there
    are six white students, four students of African American descent, and there are four Asian
    students. There are also three students who are interracial. There are three students who are
    ESLs. Two students have so far been involved in the eligibility process. There is also one
    student who has been identified as eligible for special education services. The class has one
    student with learning disabilities.
  • Other relevant information- there are two students that are usually disruptive, withdrawn,


and sometimes demanding. Their behavior keeps changing, and they are unusually
demanding of energy and time.

  • Content area: Vocabulary Pronunciation
    Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.9-10.4.C
    Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses),
    both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise
    meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology (Common Core State Standards, 2020).
  • Measurable Unit Objective:
  1. Students will be able to correctly pronounce a word and give its meaning with the use of
    a dictionary, word glossaries, and thesauruses with 95 % accuracy.
  2. Students will be able to read words correctly and demonstrate an understanding of their
    meaning by constructing sentences with 95 % accuracy.

Online Resources:
Common Core State Standards. (2020). English Language Arts Standards » Language » Grade
9-10 | Common Core State Standards Initiative. Retrieved 6 August
2020, from

Stage 2:

  • Pre-assessment:
    First, I will ask students to share her initial thoughts on general word pronunciation. I will

encourage the students to note down what compels them the most n regard to pronunciation
and correct usage of a word either when using it to communicate orally or in writing. Using
concept maps, I will ask students to show their personal interest in regard to pronunciation
and word usage. Also, I will use questions at the beginning of the unit. I will give students a
group of questions. They will vary, some of them will be used to evaluate their thoughts and
understanding of the topic to be introduced, while others will check their general interests in
the area. Some questions will include words such as “how certain are you,” and these will
prompt students to brainstorm what they know about a topic and what they think about the
unit being introduced. I will use the data gathered to adjust my instruction accordingly to fit
my learner’s needs, personal interests, and strengths. Depending on the information
collected, I will select more materials to help foster learner understanding of the topic. If they
know much about the topic, then I will select more complex materials to introduce them to
new knowledge, and this will help build on what they know already.

  • Formative Assessment:
    I will use strategic questioning to ask higher-order questions such as those involving “how.”
    For instance, I will ask, how is this word pronounced, “acquiesce.” Then I will give the
    students a few seconds to try correct pronunciation. I will then direct them to use their
    dictionaries to check for the correct pronunciation as well as the meaning of the word. Then,
    I will ask them to construct a sentence using the word. I will check on correct pronunciation
    and correct usage depending on the meaning of the word. I will use task cards during
    formative assessments. Since students will be seated in groups depending on their ability
    levels, task cards will contain words of varying complexity. Teach group will have task cards
    containing words that match their ability levels.


Students will also be required to create mind maps using the words provided to them in the
task cards. These will assess their ability to correctly use the dictionary and other learning
materials to get the current meaning and usage of a word. They will be required to give as
many details of the words as possible, including constructing sentences using the word. I will
check the mind maps to see how well they are using the words given and their understanding
of the words as well.
UDL principles are well addressed in these assessments. First, learners are provided with
multiple means to represent content. They are asked to answer questions orally, in written
form, and even using mind maps. They engage in multiple actions (Puckett, 2013). they
engage orally with one another and with the teacher, they will also write words given in their
task cards, check them up in the word glossaries and dictionaries, and create mind maps.
Lastly, there are multiple means of engagement. Learners use technology, dictionaries, task
cards, and notebooks. They also give their responses orally and engage in discussions with
one another.

  • Summative Assessment:
    students will use the following words to create an infographic using their i-pads: chasm,
    chaotic, absorption, affiliation, ambiguous, fulfill, nausea, martyr, vie, wary, summarize, and
    tedious. Students will be divided into four groups depending on their ability levels. Students
    who demonstrate the lowest ability will be given words such as fulfill, chaotic, and vie. I will
    ask them to seek help from their groups, but each student must submit their own infographic.
    I will also ask students to make a brief presentation; each group will present one word, and
    provide its meaning, correct pronunciation, words that have the same meaning or can be used
    interchangeably with the given words (if they exist), and construct sentences using the given


The end of unit assessments addresses the UDL principles. First, learners are provided with
multiple means of representing their content (Puckett, 2013). They will use an infographic
and make an oral presentation in class. Secondly, learners are provided with multiple means
of action. They engage each other in discussions as they prepare their infographics; they also
use various materials such as word glossaries and dictionaries; they use their i-pads, and
make oral presentations. Lastly, students have multiple means of engagement, as can be seen
in the various activities they will involve themselves in. The assessments take into account
the fact that my classroom comprises of a diverse student population with different ability
levels. The words given are of varying complexity degrees. Students will be working on
words that match their ability levels. Secondly, there is room for discussions, and this will
cater for auditory learners. The creation of infographics will come in handy for visual
learners. Lastly, the assessment also addresses the DI theory. The assessments are in such a
way that they enhance inclusivity. Learners engage in the same kind of activities, but the
complexity of the activities differs depending on their varying abilities.

Stage 3: The final stage of the unit plan involves developing the activities and experiences.

Unit Goal: Students will use the Sounds of speech app and the pronunciation app
and consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries,
thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its

precise meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology.
Day 1: Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this lesson, students will correctly pronounce a word and give its meaning
with the use of a dictionary, word glossaries, and thesauruses with 95 % accuracy.

Activity: Students will use their dictionaries,
task cards, and word glossaries to check for
correct pronunciation, word meanings, and
usage. They will refer to words provided to
them in the task cards.

Formative Assessment: the objective will be
assessed by having students make oral
pronunciations of words in class during the
lesson. Also, students will create mind maps
using the words given in the task cards. They
will be assessed for accuracy.

Sounds of speech app
the app will come in handy when teaching pronunciation. It will animate what happens inside the
mouth during pronunciation. Students will look at how different sounds are made. I will explain
how the app will be used to the learners and have them use it to enhance their pronunciation.
Using the app, learners will see what happens in the mouth when pronouncing different sounds.
They will then imitate or mimic the speaker until they get the pronunciation correctly. They will
have the app even outside class, and it will help them as they engage in individual practice.
This technology tool addresses differentiated instruction. Other than having a visual
representation of how the word is pronounced, the app also has a video of a person actually
pronouncing the word. This will come in handy for both visual and auditory learners. Also, it
will help learners with visual impairments. Those unable to use an actual dictionary will use the


app and get the correct pronunciation of the words (Yoshida, 2018). It is easier as opposed to
having to enlarge the fonts to be able to a word’s correct pronunciation. The app is an example of
universal design. It presents all learners despite their different abilities, with a learning
environment that is flexible (Yoshida, 2018). It ensures that every learner in the class learns
pronunciation and has the same access to the curriculum. It also provides an opportunity for all
learners to achieve the lesson’s objective.
What self-regulation strategies
Self-reinforcement has been built throughout the lesson by praising and acknowledging when
students make an effort to accomplish a task. For instance, depending on their abilities, students
will struggle with different levels of vocabulary. Thus, each student is handled individually, and
individual progress acknowledged. It aids in differentiated instruction as each learner
receives tailored instruction. Reflection is also reinforced by having students pause to listen to
each other’s progress. Learners are engaged in some of the roadblocks encountered in
completing some of the tasks assigned to them. Again, the roadblocks will differ depending on a
learner’s performance level. Thus, learners are engaged individually, and each assisted through
the reflection. Students learn how to reflect on assigned tasks and how to seek feedback or
assistance if they realize that it is necessary for their progress. The strategies aid in
differentiation as they enable each learner to get tailored responses and feedback.

Day 2: Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this lesson, students will read words correctly and demonstrate an


understanding of their meaning by constructing sentences with 95 % accuracy.

Students will be required to create mind
maps using the words provided to them in
the task cards. These will foster their
ability to correctly use the dictionary and
other learning materials to get the current
meaning and usage of a word. They will be
required to give as many details of the
words as possible, including constructing
sentences using the word.
Students will also make oral presentations
in class, after working in groups to create
mind maps and practice correct
pronunciation. Learners will briefly present
a word in class. They will show the usage
of the word by constructing a sentence
using the word. They will then briefly
explain the meaning of the word.
The above activities allow for
differentiated instruction. First, learners
engage in diverse activities; they discuss,

Formative Assessment:
I will check the mind maps to see how well
they are using the words given and their
understanding of the words as well.
Additionally, will listen for correct
pronunciation as learners will be making
their presentations in class. I will check to
see if learners are able to pronounce words
accurately and whether they are able to
correctly use resources given to them, such
as a dictionary to check for the correct
meaning of a word, as well as their ability
to use the words to construct sentences.


create mind maps, and make oral
presentations. Diversified activities
accommodate diverse learners with
different learning styles.
The pronunciation app
Students will have the pronunciation app already installed into their tablets. This app will help
them study and practice the pronunciation of words they find hard to pronounce. It helps achieve
similar results to the sounds of the speech app. However, since this is a different lesson, I opted
to use a different app to make the lesson more exciting. Also, some learners might find this app
easier to use compared to the sounds of the speech app. A second app gives them the opportunity
to choose the app that works best for them. This app does not contain a video of an actual
speaker pronouncing a word (Yoshida, 2018). however, it contains animations of word
pronunciations. This app might appeal more to the visual learner. The app will be used during
instruction, and students will also use it outside the class for extended practice. The app allows
for self-directed learning. Students will be able to check for the pronunciation of a new word on
their own. The app is an example of universal design. It presents all learners despite their
different abilities, with a learning environment that is flexible (Yoshida, 2018). It ensures that
every learner in the class learns pronunciation and has the same access to the curriculum. It also
provides an opportunity for all learners to achieve the lesson’s objective.
Self-regulation strategies
Using the right vocabulary
Correct word pronunciation


Learners have been equipped with tools and resources to use on their own to check for correct
pronunciation of new words. By so doing, their ability to use the right vocabulary and correctly
pronounce words has been enhanced. Different students have been given different words with
varying complexities. The aim is to ensure that each learner interacts with words that foster their
learning and do not make learning too difficult to achieve.
Day 3: Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this lesson, students will demonstrate the correct pronunciation of words by
making brief presentations with 95% accuracy.

Activity: students will engage in brief group
discussions. Each group will work on a list of
words provided to them. They will check for
their meanings in the dictionary. They will also
use the sounds of speech app to get the correct
pronunciations of different words.
Differentiation will be addressed as learners
will work on different lists of words whose
complexity will vary depending on a student’s
ability level.
Further, students will listen to some sentences
and words that I will have recorded using
Audacity and shared with them. They will

Formative Assessment: students will make
presentations in class. They will be assessed
based on correct word pronunciation. They will
be assessed on their ability to use a given word
correctly in a sentence.

access the file using their tablets and then
listen to some of the words that we will have
covered during the lesson.
It is a sound recording app that I will use to record some examples of sentences with words that
we will learn in class. I will have recorded the sentences prior to the lesson. Then, during the
lesson, I will share the file with the students. Students will then repeat each sentence and practice
during the lesson. They will also practice during the week until they have perfected correct
pronunciation of the words used in the sentences. The too will aid in differentiated instruction.
Students will have access to resources that will help them with extended practice (Yoshida,
2018). Quick learners may need to listen, maybe twice or thrice. However, there are learners who
will need a lot of practice to master the correct pronunciation of the given words. Either way, the
app enables each learner, regardless of their ability level, to have unlimited access to the resource
for adequate practice.

Self-regulation strategies
Task management
During the lesson, learners engage in various tasks. The tasks are timed. Some tasks
students are engaged in deciding how long they will take to complete them.
Depending on the agreed time, they are monitored and guided accordingly. Those
who need help are assisted in ensuring that they are able to complete assigned tasks.

Also, learners are given a recorded file to listen and mimic the teacher in reading the
sentences. They evaluate their correctness in pronouncing the words. They repeat and
practice until they are able to read the sentences correctly. The activity helps learners
self-evaluate themselves. Task management helps learners understand their ability
levels better and time themselves based on their ability to effectively complete
assigned tasks (Parent et al., 2020). Giving students materials to practice individually
on their own aids in differentiated instruction. Based on the ability of the students, the
teacher gives different sets of sentences for students to use for their practice



Parent, V., Tremblay-Bouchard, A., Rodrigue, A., Myre-Bisaillon, J., & Boudreau, C.
(2020). The Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) Approach.
LD@school. Retrieved 17 August 2020, from
Puckett, K (2013). Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Guide [Electronic
version]. Retrieved from
Yoshida, M. T. (2018). Choosing Technology Tools to Meet Pronunciation Teaching
and Learning Goals. Catesol Journal, 30(1), 195-212.

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