Wellness Score in Each Area of WellnessMy score in the area of physical wellness was 50. In the areas of emotional wellness,social wellness, occupational wellness, financial wellness, intellectual wellness, spiritualwellness, and environmental wellness, I scored 30, 15,8,15,15, 11, and 18, respectively.Areas of WeaknessThe three areas that are my weaknesses are physical wellness, social wellness, andspiritual […]
To start, you canWellness Score in Each Area of Wellness
My score in the area of physical wellness was 50. In the areas of emotional wellness,
social wellness, occupational wellness, financial wellness, intellectual wellness, spiritual
wellness, and environmental wellness, I scored 30, 15,8,15,15, 11, and 18, respectively.
Areas of Weakness
The three areas that are my weaknesses are physical wellness, social wellness, and
spiritual wellness. In the dimension of physical wellness, I scored 50, whereas the ideal score is
of social wellness, I do not have a tight bond with my friends. I rarely create time for my friends,
and I believe this has affected my social wellness score. I also do not excel at expressing feelings
to people close to me. I always like solving problems alone, and this results in difficulty
expressing my feelings.
Diseases that Could Result from My Weaknesses
One of the primary diseases that could result in a lack of physical exercise is heart
disease. Garcia-Aymerich et al. (2006) report that physical inactivity could result in heart-
related problems even in people who are not exposed to other risk factors. In addition, the lack of
physical exercises exposes me to type 2 diabetes (Booth, Roberts, & Laye, 2011). Physical
activity is very important because it helps in the regulation of blood sugar. It also helps in the
lowering of the levels of cholesterol in the body. The implication is that a lack of exercise can
expose me to complications that can result in type 2 diabetes. Sleep deprivation can result in
serious problems, including high blood pressure, depression, and heart attack. The lack of social
support from friends means that one can developmental and psychological problems.
Strongest Dimensions of Wellness
My three strongest dimensions of wellness are emotional wellness, financial wellness,
and occupational wellness. I scored 30 in the area of emotional wellness with a perfect score
being 32. I also scored 15 with a perfect score of 16 in the area of financial wellness. My
occupational wellness score was eight which is a perfect score.
Lifestyle Factors that Have Resulted in these Strengths
One of the lifestyle factors that has contributed to my score is the fact that I participate in
hobbies and activities that I enjoy. My husband and I coach a basketball team. I always ensured
that I have enough time to participate in various hobbies. In addition, I believe I am resilient. I
can cope with stress, and this does not result in undue emotional stress. I do not have eating
disorders, and I make a point of seeing a therapist in case I have issues that are taking a toll on
my mental health. In addition, I excel in the area of managing my finances. I am able to save and
create a workable budget. I am able to stick to my budget, and this has enabled me to overcome
many problems. I am content with my current employment status. I work hard at work and feel
like part of the organization that I work with currently.
Ways I can Improve my Weakest Areas
One of the ways through which I can improve through the weakest areas is through
physical exercise. I want to ensure that I create a workable plan that will help me create time for
physical exercise. In addition, I feel that ensuring that I create time for my friends can also help
me to improve on my social wellness.
Booth, F. W., Roberts, C. K., & Laye, M. J. (2011). Lack of exercise is a major cause of chronic
diseases. Comprehensive Physiology, 2(2), 1143-1211.
Garcia-Aymerich, J., Lange, P., Benet, M., Schnohr, P., & Antó, J. M. (2006). Regular physical
activity reduces hospital admission and mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease: a population based cohort study. Thorax, 61(9), 772-778.
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