Frequently asked questions

All you need to know about placing an order, downloading your assignment, and more.

  • Is it legal to buy papers from you?

    Yes! It’s completely legal and digitally safe to buy papers from ApprovedNurses. You can use the essays, research papers, and dissertation chapters we’ve provided you with to enhance your own understanding of the topics, structure, course material, and so on. As long as you don’t try to pass our materials off as your own work, everything stays legit.
  • Can you do my essay in less than 12 hours?

    Yes! We can actually write a short and urgent essay in about 4 hours, as soon as you place your order and pay for it. We always try our hardest to deliver your papers on time, no matter how soon you need them. That’s why you can safely say, “I’m sure they can do my essay ASAP,” when you recommend us to your friends.  

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Price: $36
  • Freebies
  • Format
  • Formatting (MLA, APA, Chicago, custom, etc.)
  • Title page & bibliography
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Amendments to your paper when they are needed
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  • 275 word/double-spaced page
  • 12 point Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double, single, and custom spacing
  • We care about originality

    Our custom human-written papers from top essay writers are always free from plagiarism.

  • We protect your privacy

    Your data and payment info stay secured every time you get our help from an essay writer.

  • You control your money

    Your money is safe with us. If your plans change, you can get it sent back to your card.

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