Healthcare Payment Systems Prospective payment system (PPS) is a healthcare reimbursement method whereproviders receive fixed payment amounts for specific services that they provide to patients fromMedicare (Berenson, 2016). It is the opposite of non-prospective payment service in whichpayment amounts are determined after the healthcare service has been provided. PPS wasinitiated with the goal of reducing […]
What is the expected outcome of this one-time (not repeated) game?Defend your answer.If the game is played one time, both companies will have to lower their prices. Thepayoff for both companies A and B will be $100, $100, respectively. The dominant strategy foreach player in the game is the lowering of the prices. It guarantees […]
Ambiguity and Uncertainty in Nursing Practice Nurses work in complex adaptive systems. Such systems are complex because theirworking and outcomes are not based on individual behaviors and actions of personnel in thesystems but rather how they interact with each other (D’agata & McGrath, 2016). It is adaptivebecause individuals have to reorganize their actions and practices […]
The United States federal government uses four monetary policy tools. They include thereserve requirement, open market operations, discount rate, and the interest of reserves. Thediscount rate is the financial tool likely to influence the sale of smartphones in the United States.Expansionary monetary policy increases the supply of money in the economy. On the other hand,contractionary […]
3D Guns Research Paper Controversy surrounding publication of blueprints for 3D printable guns is primarily anissue of balancing constitutional rights of citizens with other important roles of the governmentparticularly maintenance of public safety. At stake in this controversy is the extend of limits offree speech rights and right to bear arms. This paper will show […]
Working of Antibiotics The discovery of penicillin in 1929 by Alexander Fleming ushered in a new era ofantibiotics. Many other antibiotics were soon developed that could treat diseases caused bybacteria such as tuberculosis and pneumonia. Antibiotics are effective in treating such infectionsbecause they are able to kill the harmful bacteria cells (prokaryotic cells) while leaving […]
Introduction Hospitality industry is one of the biggest service industries in the world with millions ofpeople employed in its many fields. It is also one of the fastest growing industries. Thus, it islikely to remain a major employer for the foreseeable future and a major source of revenues formany countries. This paper focuses on two […]
Interracial/inter-ethnic marriages are marriages involving spouses from different racial orethnic groups. For much of America’s history, interracial/inter-ethnic marriages were both illegaland frowned upon. The 1967 Supreme Court ruling in Loving v. Virginia ended all lawsprohibiting interracial marriages (Coontz 34). The ruling reflected changing views amongAmericans regarding such marriages, which were to become even more liberal […]
Technological progress has always created jobs while destroying others. In the past, thisprocess has been generally accepted as part of society’s progress. However, recent predictionsthat robots and artificial intelligence are going to replace hundreds of millions of jobs worldwidein less than two decades has created a lot of anxiety. Such massive job losses in such […]
Nowadays it is often taken for granted that marriages should be between partners wholove each other. It has not always been this way though. Until early years of the twentiethcentury, marriages were mostly based on economics and politics, not love (Benokraitis 170).That has now changed and love marriages have now become universal with more than […]
EHR Regulations ‘Meaningful use’ is a concept contained in HITECH Act which was passed by Congresswith the goal of providing incentives to healthcare facilities to adopt Electronic Health Records(EHR) use in their facilities. According to ‘meaningful use’ requirements, for healthcare facilitiesto receive incentives under the HITECH Act they need to not just adopt EHR but […]
Reasons for Texas’ Low Voter Turnout Texas, one of the largest states in the US, has the undesired distinction of consistentlyhaving one of the lowest voter turnouts during elections. While turnouts in presidential electionsare relatively high, turnouts in primaries and votes on constitutional issues are routinely below10% (Ramsey, 2016). Many reasons have been advanced to […]
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