Feature Story He is just a month shy of his fifty-second birthday but Steve Carter, the current coach ofThe Majesties, looks much younger. He could easily pass off as a man just turning 35. Apartfrom his baby face, his physique is that of a young swimmer- tall with broad shoulders and longarms. He was actually […]
Federal Emergency Response Plans Since its early years the US federal government has always engaged in disastermanagement. However, until 1950 when Congress passed Federal Civil Defense Act, the federalgovernment’s role in emergency response and management was usually reactive rather thanproactive (FEMA, 2016). After the passing of Civil Defense Act, other acts and directives werepassed in […]
Hurricane Harvey Hurricane Harvey was a category four hurricane that hit the US states of Texas andLouisiana in August, 2017. It resulted in massive flooding in both states leading to extensive lossof life and property. In terms of cost, Hurricane Harvey ties with Hurricane Katrina that hit in2005 as the costliest tropical storm to ever […]
Emergency Preparation for Hurricane Katrina One of the roles of an emergency planning team is to identify physical assets or socialgroups that are most vulnerable to risk and find ways of protecting them. As an emergencyplanning leader in New Orleans prior to Hurricane Katrina, I have identified poor and elderlypeople living in the city as […]
Impact of AI and Robotics Technologies on the Job MarketFor a few decades, humanity has been enjoying the benefits of technologicaladvancement without realizing the risks that they can pose. A case in point is artificialintelligence (AI) and robotic technologies. While they reduce costs and increase inefficiency,they also have the potential to cause significant negative disruptions […]
Analysis of Medical Errors In the case study, a doctor performs surgery on a patient who does not need one. It allstarted with misidentification of the patient. However, this initial misidentification was not thesole cause of the wrongful surgery. A series of errors including ignoring the objections of thepatient to the procedure, going on with […]
Healthcare Articles Comparison and Contrast There are multiple factors that affect health outcomes of individuals. Some of thesefactors can be controlled by the individuals themselves but others are beyond their control(Artiga & Hinton, 2019). To effectively address health needs of a given society and individuals,it is important to understand all these factors. In the articles […]
Healthcare Articles Comparison and Contrast There are multiple factors that affect health outcomes of individuals. Some of thesefactors can be controlled by the individuals themselves but others are beyond their control(Artiga & Hinton, 2019). To effectively address health needs of a given society and individuals,it is important to understand all these factors. In the articles […]
Personal Reflections The organizational problems that I have identified are patient injuries in hospitals andinfection-related readmissions. These are problems that are common in many hospitals. They notonly increase healthcare costs but also reduce quality of life of patients. I have personally experienced these two problems in the course of my work. I haveworked in a […]
Impact of Linking Minimum Wage to Inflation Some politicians have argued that minimum wage should be pegged on consumer priceindex (CPI), a general level of prices of goods and services of a fixed basket that a typicalhousehold buys each month (Taylor & Greenlaw, 2015). Only through such pegging wouldworkers who earn minimum wages be able […]
How a child turns out depends on many factors. One of the most important of thesefactors is parenting style. Parenting style is how a parent disciplines and interacts with their child(Benokraitis 339). Parenting styles vary from patent to parent and depend on factors such as thepersonality of the parent, their race/ethnicity, and social-economic status. In […]
What I found most interesting about children’s development is that it is not about thequantity of time that parents spend with their children that matters. What matters is quality oftheir interactions. I expected that since low income working class parents often spend more timewith their children than wealthier middle class parents, their children would have […]
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