Interest Groups Influence on Public Policies Various interest groups strive to influence public policies at various levels ofgovernment. A lot of focus of the activities of these groups and individuals has been at thefederal level where lobbyists play a significant role in the development of public policies. Thereis less focus on local and state governments […]
Organization Teams Questions What are the advantages and disadvantages of a cross-functional and a cross-departmentalteam?Advantages There is increased effectiveness in performance of tasks because team members possessdifferent knowledge and skills. There is better communication in the team if they are centrally organized Disadvantages There is lack of ownership of mistakes as there is no specific […]
One Minute Manager Watch the video titled “More Management Techniques from The One Minute Manager” (6min 28 s), shown below. From the video, give your opinion on the three (3) approachesdiscussed in the video (goal setting, praise, and reprimand). Assess how these are or are notapplicable to a team setting, and whether this is still pertinent in […]
Analysis of California Plastic Ban Policy California banned all single-user plastic bags in 2014. The ban was overwhelminglyvoted for in a referendum two years later. With the ban, California became the first state in theUS to have such a ban.How the policy to ban plastic bags was formulatedThe policy to ban plastic bags in California […]
Analysis of California Plastic Ban Policy California banned all single-user plastic bags in 2014. The ban was overwhelminglyvoted for in a referendum two years later. With the ban, California became the first state in theUS to have such a ban.How the policy to ban plastic bags was formulatedThe policy to ban plastic bags in California […]
US Immigration Policy Problem Definition and AnalysisThe US prides itself for being a nation of immigrants. Throughout its history, it haswelcomed people from all over the world who arrived on its shores seeking for betteropportunities for themselves and their families. However, like for every country, America’sborders cannot be open for everyone. The question of who […]
The story of Cain and his brother Abel in Genesis chapter 4 shows that violence amonghuman beings is a consequence of breakdown of brotherhood. In the story, the two brothersmake sacrifices to God. Cain, being a farmer, offers God the produce he had cultivated on hisland (Genesis 4: 2). Abel, on the other hand, is […]
Political Apathy The core principle of democratic societies is that governments work for their citizens.Laws and policies that governments enact are what their citizens desire and express throughparticipation in various democratic/political processes such as voting and attending politicalrallies. Therefore, in the absence of such political processes, there is very little governmentaccountability and the policies and […]
SUNY General Education RequirementsSUNY University has general education requirements which comprise of ten study areas.These study areas are Basic Communication, Mathematics, American History, Other WorldCivilizations, Foreign Language, Social Sciences, Humanities, The Arts, Natural Sciences, andWestern Civilization. For a student to graduate, they must have thirty credits in at least seven ofthese study areas and two […]
Bias of Social Scientists Political leaders often cite findings of research work conducted by social scientists andother researchers when debating various public policies. The reason why they cite such findingsis because of the assumption that the findings are objective. This, however, may not be the caseas social scientists often have a bias towards liberal policies […]
National Rifle AssociationNational Rifle Association of America Roles and FunctionsNational Rifles Association of America (NRA) is an advocacy group that promotes gunrights in the USA. When it was founded in 1871, its primary function was to promote riflemarksmanship (National Rifle Association). However, in recent decades it has mainly beeninvolved in efforts to protect gun rights […]
National Versus Local Policy Implementation Policies formulated at the national level often have to be implemented at local/sub-national level in order for them to achieve their stated goals. For implementation to be effectiveat local level there is need for adequate resources needed for the policy’s implementation. Moreimportantly, local governments or authorities also need to have […]
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