Disaster Preparedness StrategyReview the video by the United Nations development program.United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). (2015, March 10). Disaster riskreduction is a development issue [Video file]. Retrievedfrom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZhl9zzk9w8Next, think about the community in which you live. Which strategy do you think would bemost important for your community to implement to minimize risk from disasters? Brieflydescribe how […]
Sunderland City Council Changes Organizational changes are often a reaction to external pressures, internal pressures orboth. These pressures have to be significant enough such that non-reaction from the organizationcan have a negative effect on its ability to perform. Some of these changes may be temporary.However, others main remain in place for a long time thus […]
Kaiser Permanente Innovation Consultancy Identify processes, work units, interdepartmental committees, etc., within anorganizational structure that are being evaluated by the Consultancy in order to promote aproactive approach toward change.The Innovation Consultancy unit evaluated various work units and processes with thegoal of promoting a proactive approach to change. The work units that were evaluated includednot just […]
Change Management at Strickland Corporation Businesses need to continually make changes to better adapt to changing economic andbusiness environments. Without making changes, they risk losing out to their competitors. It isthis need for change with the goal of becoming more competitive that Jack White, the newgeneral manager of Strickland Corporation’s pet food division, has identified. […]
Electronic Health Information Exchanges Electronic Health Information Exchange (HIE) allows healthcare professionals as well aspatients to access and share vital medical information of a patient in a secure manner. Some of itsbenefits include increasing efficiency of care, reducing healthcare costs, and improvingcoordination of patient care which results in better patient outcomes (Hersh et al., 2015). […]
Sexual Violence Quiz Why are first year college women at greater risk for sexual assault and/or rape?First year college students are at greater risk of sexual assault and/or rape because it isoften the first time that they are away from their parents (Warshaw, 1970). They are, therefore,more susceptible to submit to social pressures to experiment […]
Disaster Mitigation Activities Mitigation activities are activities that are done with the goal of either eliminating orreducing risks to both people and property from both natural and artificial hazards as well as theimpacts of those hazards. Knowing the importance of effectively preparing for hazards, mycommunity has been engaged in a number of mitigation activities against […]
Disaster Impact on Fort Myers The summary that I have chosen is “Economy”. Under this summary, Reidmiller et al.(2018) argue that climate change is going to lead to losses not only to American infrastructurebut also to properties. It is also going to lead to a reduction in economic growth rate as risingglobal temperatures and rising […]
Analysis of Lee County Disaster Mitigation Strategy Lee County, Florida, has a local mitigation strategy (LMS) whose goal is to promotemitigation activities against hazards that threaten property and people living within the county.The mitigation plan is especially important because Lee County, which Fort Myers is part of, isvulnerable to a whole range of disaster events. […]
Health insurance is a key benefit that employees expect their employer to provide themwith. Even though it constitutes significant cost to the employer, providing health insurance toemployees can help a business to attract and retain top talent. Additionally, depending on the sizeof the organization, providing health insurance to employees can also be a legal requirement. […]
Controversy in Advertisements The intense competition among businesses for the attention of consumers has ledsome businesses to intentionally use shocking and sometimes offensive messaging andimages whose primary role is to capture the attention of consumers and also arouse theircuriosity (Madni et al., 2016). Other businesses find their advertisements generatingcontroversy against their wishes. Regardless of whether […]
Women and Beauty Standards Debra Gimlin characterizes the body as a symbol of “selfhood, but its relation to itsinhabitants is shaped primarily by the individuals capacity for material consumption” (Gimlin,2002). The first part of the statement “body as a symbol of selfhood”, can be interpreted asmeaning that a body represents a unique identity of a […]
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