Strategic Issue Identification Approaches A strategic issue is a critical challenge or key policy question which needs to beaddressed in order for the organization to achieve both its short-term and long-termobjectives. Identifying strategic issues in an organization is one of the most crucial steps instrategic planning (Bryson, 2018). Without proper identification of the strategic issue, […]
Bibliography of Alcohol in Today’s Society Fernandez, M., Arvanitakis, M., Musala, C., Deviere, J., Van Steenbergen, W., Putzeys,V., & Berrevoet, F. (2017). The Belgian national registry on chronic pancreatitis: Aprospective multi-centre study covering more than 800 patients in oneyear. Pancreatology, 17(4), 572-579.The study by Fernandez et al. (2017) sought to improve the understanding oftherapeutic management, complications, natural […]
Case Study of Pregnancy Discrimination Case Study A friend of mine called Ann used to work in one of the largest restaurants in the city.When she became pregnant a few years ago, she informed some of her colleagues about herpregnancy. Four months later, the management of the restaurant told her that it had decided tofire […]
Alcohol Consumption Screening Tools Several screening tools have been developed to help clinicians and other professionalsto identify patients that have drinking problems. AUDIT and T-ACE are two of the mostpopular of these screening tools. While AUDIT is used to identify patients with drinkingproblems in a wide range of settings and target populations, T-ACE can only […]
Pros and Cons of Strategic Planning Offices Within OrganizationsA dedicated strategic planning office within an organization can help an organizationimprove. Such a team is close enough to the ground to pick up organizational weaknesses in away that outside entities may not manage. Additionally, being present in the organizationfull-time, the team is likely to determine whether […]
Internet Therapy for 25-50 Year Old’s My target population comprises people aged between 25-50 years old. For this group,I believe that the best treatment setting will be the internet, specifically Instagram. Unlikeolder or much younger people, this group generally has access to technologies such assmartphones, laptops, and internet access, which are required for internet therapies. […]
Analysis of Hands-Off Approaches in Strategic Planning In hands-off approaches, leaders or developers of the strategic plan are not activelyinvolved in implementing the plan. Once they have developed and presented the plan, theygive team leaders, employees, and managers the freedom to find appropriate ways ofexecuting the plan (Drucker, 2018). A hands-off approach is likely to […]
Cost leadershipA firm that chooses this strategy sets out to be the lowest-cost producer of goods andservices in a given industry. A firm can gain a cost advantage through the use of varioussources. They include use of technology to reduce costs, having efficient logistics, pursuingof economies of scale, and securing of preferential access to raw […]
Alcohol Socialization in Italy and Finland For Italians, the first time a person takes alcohol beverages is usually in familysettings and under parents’ supervision (Rolando et al., 2012). For instance, children may begiven some wine during meals by their parents or grandparents. The first time of alcoholintake is, therefore, associated with family traditions and family […]
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention describes intimate partner violence(IPV) as psychological, physical, or sexual harm that is committed by a current or formerpartner (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). There are various ways in whichintimate partner violence manifests itself. According to the Power and Control Wheel, one ofthese ways is intimidation. Intimidation […]
About United Way of America The proposal has been developed for United Way of America. It is one of the largestnon-profit organizations in the US by donations. It partners with non-profit organizationsacross the country to fundraise and then use the fundraised resources to identify andimplement solutions to some of the most pressing problems in the […]
Sexual harassment at the workplace includes all unwanted sexual advances that takeplace in the work environment. According to Denisi and Griffin (1), there are two types ofsexual harassment. The two types are creation of hostile work environment and quid pro quo.In the scenario under study, the male co-worker created a hostile work environment for thefemale […]
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