Description of two or three factors (power, influence, coalitions) that contributed to orsupported the negotiation strategies and analysis of their effectivenessPower and influence are important factors that determine the outcomes ofnegotiations. Power relates to the alternatives that a given party has in negotiations(Wiltermuth, Raj, & Wood, 2018). The more alternatives that a party has the […]
When a disaster is deemed to be too big and serious for a state government toeffectively respond to it, the president may make a major disaster declaration. Such adeclaration allows the federal government to get involved in the disaster’s response andrecovery efforts. A recent example of such involvement was the federal government’sinvolvement in the recovery […]
Hurricanes pose a major threat to my community. Any time that they occur they leavea trail of destruction with many lives lost and properties destroyed. The destructive nature ofhurricanes is due to the strong winds that they produce which turn debris into dangerousprojectiles, damage poles and utility lines, and tear roofs from homes. The hurricanes […]
Hurricane Mathew was a major storm that hit the United States and many countries inthe Caribbean in 2016. Even though it had a strength that was greater than that of otherprevious storms, such as Hurricane Katrina, the death toll and property destruction that itcaused were significantly less than those of other previous major storms. In […]
My community is vulnerable to many natural disasters. The greatest risk comes fromtropical storms and hurricanes. Other risks, though comparatively minor, include flooding,droughts, and tornados. Dealing with all these risks requires concerted efforts of thecommunity, private and non-governmental organizations, and local, state, and federalgovernment agencies. This paper examines the role of the governor in preparation […]
Nicknamed the Sunshine state because of its warm temperatures and abundant sunshine,Florida is extremely popular with tourists who flock to the state annually to enjoy its greatweather and wonderful beaches. Unfortunately, the state’s location also makes it vulnerable tomyriad of natural disasters, such as tropical storms and hurricanes. An example of a naturaldisaster that hit […]
How Hospitals Can Improve Collaboration with Key VendorsThere are many ways in which hospitals can improve their collaboration with keyvendors, such as large distributors in food services, pharmacy and medical supplies. One ofthe ways is communicating demand expectations (Ledlow, Manrodt & Scott, 2017). Forinstance, the hospital could share data, such as how its consumption of […]
High healthcare costs continue to be a barrier to access to quality healthcare manyindividuals and families. Thus, to improve access to healthcare, it is important to find ways ofreducing healthcare costs without compromising on quality of medical care that healthcarefacilities provide to patients. One way of reducing healthcare costs without compromising itsquality is through full […]
Benefits of Maintaining Inventory in Healthcare Supply ChainMaintaining an inventory in a healthcare supply chain has many benefits. The benefitsinclude protection of investment since effective maintenance of inventory reduces chances oftheft. Other major benefits of maintaining an inventory in healthcare supply chains areachieving effectiveness and efficiency of supply chains (Leaven, Ahmmad & Peebles, 2017).These benefits […]
Any time a disaster occurs, the affected people look upon, among other agencies, thefederal government for help in dealing in with the effects of the disaster. When the help takeslong to reach people in desperate need of it, the result is prolonging of human suffering andmisery, and driving up of recovery costs. It is, therefore, […]
On 20 th April 2010, there occurred a blowout of Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rigthat was operated by the oil giant, BP. The blowout resulted in close to 4.9 million barrels ofoil being discharged in the Gulf of Mexico (Sherman, Bosma & Underwood, 2019). Theconsequences were devastating. 11 people lost their lives. Many others sustained […]
Strategic Value of Employee Benefits Programs Employee benefits are indirect or non-cash compensation that employers provide toemployees. The benefits can either be a legal requirement, such as healthcare insurance andsocial security payments or discretionary, such as paid time off. Employers use employeebenefits to attract top talent, inspire employee loyalty, increase productivity, and improve jobsatisfaction. These […]
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