“Sanction of the Victim” by Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged Explanation of the Philosophy ImageThe image provided is that of Atlas holding the world in Greek mythology. From themanner in which Atlas is bending, it is clear that the globe constitutes a major burden forhim. Under the image is the famous maxim from Atlas Shrugged […]
The expansion of NationaliTeas into global markets is going to potentially increasethe company’s revenues and profits. However, for the global expansion strategy to beeffective, the company needs to develop a communication plan that will ensure all itscommunications, both internal and external, are culturally sensitive and professional. Thispaper presents such a communication plan with the focus […]
Active citizen participation in public life is important for democratic societies toflourish. Many democratic states have sought to increase public engagement in public policydevelopment because of the immense benefits that such engagement bring. The benefitsinclude improving the effectiveness of the policies, resolving any potential conflicts that mayemerge during implementation of the policy, solidify legitimacy of […]
Electronic government (e-government) involves the application of informationtechnology (IT) in the delivery of various government services. Governments and otherpublic agencies are increasingly rolling out e-government services in order to improveefficiency and convenience and support equity, democracy, and transparency. One of the e-government services that I have enjoyed using is the e-filing service.Electronic filing or e-filing […]
Waste management is a major problem affecting large urban centers. If cities do notprovide adequate trash bins and pick up the trash on time, they risk having dirty and smellystreets. Thanks to technology developments, there are now various tools that cities can use toeffectively carry out their waste management functions. One of these technology tools […]
I am interested in exploring the philosophy of Aristotle further because he is one ofthe most influential philosophers of all time. Even though he lived close to two and a halfmillennia ago, his philosophy has had a major influence on modern philosophy and Westernlegal justice systems. Therefore, understanding Aristotle is key to understanding manyaspects of […]
There are many lessons that I have learnt in the course which will certainly be of greatvalue to me as a public administrator in future. Perhaps the most important one is learningabout effective management of public-private partnerships in the delivery of public services.Understanding how to achieve such partnerships and manage them in a manner that […]
Public managers carry out various managerial activities and operations of publicentities, such as improving the efficiency and quality of services that public organizationsprovide. In performing these roles, one of the most important attributes that a public managershould have is strategic thinking. While it is important to ensure that the day-to-dayoperations of the public organization are […]
In addition to managing people, processes, and resources, public administrators arealso expected to manage and resolve unexpected events in their areas of jurisdiction.Regardless of how good they are at other tasks, poor management of crises, disasters, andother unexpected events can lead to the public losing trust in the competence of publicofficials. A recent event that […]
In Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes argues that senses are unreliable.Therefore, any idea that is based on senses should be questioned. He uses the DreamArgument to prove that senses are unreliable in development of ideas (Willet 1). In theDream Argument, Descartes argues that he often experiences sensations that are similar to theones that he […]
The thought experiment that I found most interesting is Thomson’s Violinist. Thethought experiment is on the defense of abortion. It was developed by Judith Jarvis Thomsonin 1971. Thomson developed the thought experiment to support abortion for pregnanciesresulting from rape (Block 1). One of the primary reasons why abortion debates remainpolarizing is because of the disagreement […]
John Locke argues that “in a state of nature, men are free, equal, and independent”(Forde 1). Unlike Hobbes who argues that human beings in a state of nature have no law toguide their relations, Locke argues that there is natural law that guides the behavior of humanbeings in the state of nature. At the very […]
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