I agree that many prison conditions of the past were a violation of the EighthAmendment against cruel and unusual punishment and conditions. Isolation, overcrowding,poor sanitation, poor temperature and air quality, lack of exercise and food are all conditionsthat are cruel and, therefore, prohibited. As you have mentioned, the Newgate Prisoncertainly violated the Eighth Amendment by […]
There are various ethical issues in the case. They include deplorable workingconditions of the workers in the company’s factory, waste disposal that harms theenvironment, and bribing of government officials for favorable reports. The use of ethicaltheories helps in resolving these issues. The ethical theories that are applicable to the case are deontological and utilitariantheories. Deontological […]
I agree that many prison conditions of the past were a violation of the EighthAmendment against cruel and unusual punishment and conditions. Isolation, overcrowding,poor sanitation, poor temperature and air quality, lack of exercise and food are all conditionsthat are cruel and, therefore, prohibited. As you have mentioned, the Newgate Prisoncertainly violated the Eighth Amendment by […]
There are various ethical issues in the case. They include deplorable workingconditions of the workers in the company’s factory, waste disposal that harms theenvironment, and bribing of government officials for favorable reports. The use of ethicaltheories helps in resolving these issues. The ethical theories that are applicable to the case are deontological and utilitariantheories. Deontological […]
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Hertzberg’s two-factor theory or motivation-hygiene theory is a theory that wasdeveloped by Frederick Herzberg, an American psychologist. The theory is contained in thefamous book that he published in 1968 “One More Time, How Do You MotivateEmployees?” (Yadav, 2019). Even though it was published in 1968, Hertzberg had beendeveloping theory for much of […]
Question 1: Environmental Issue When determining the best approach that an organization should take in order toachieve environmental sustainability, the three main considerations that should be made areenvironmental effectiveness, ease of implementation and financial viability. For a mid-sizedmanufacturer, the three options that they have for achieving sustainability are expression ofcorporate responsibility, monetize and count, and […]
Cross-cultural limitations of person-centered approach to counsellingPerson-centered approach lacks structure and largely depends on the characteristics ofthe therapist and the client (Yalom & Josselson, 2019). This is a strength in some situationsand a weakness in others. One area where the approach has limitations is in cross-culturalcounseling. One of the core conditions for successful person-centered approach […]
Primary care serves as the first point of entry of a patient to the healthcare system. Itis at the primary care level that a patient’s health problem is identified. Correct identificationof a patient’s health condition helps to ensure that they receive appropriate and individualizedtreatment. Given the importance of correct identification of a patient’s problem in […]
Through my work in a family medical facility, I have had the opportunity ofproviding care to adults with different health complications. One of my most recentencounters was with a male patient aged 49. The patient was rushed to the hospital in a coma.The wife, who had brought him to the hospital, informed us that the […]
Evidence practice guidelines are statements that are formulated by experts to helphealthcare practitioners, patients, and administrators to make the best possible decisionsregarding a patient’s health in different circumstances (Grosso, 2018). The practiceguidelines are based on the available evidence about various clinical situations. Theguidelines are just recommendations that a nurse practitioner may choose to follow or […]
Introduction Advocacy is a major pillar of nursing. In their workplaces and communities, nursesinstinctively advocate for their patients. Even though it is less commonly practiced by nurses,political and legislative advocacy is equally important in advancing patient care. Understandingthe legislative process that transforms proposals into laws is key to having effective legislativeadvocacy. This paper examines the […]
Human anatomy is the study of the various structures in the human body. Humanphysiology, on the other hand, is the study of how different body structures function (Shiland,2016). The fields of medical study have close relationship with medical billing and coding.Understanding of human anatomy and physiology helps medical coding and billing to bemore accurate. This […]
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