PART 1Section A: What I know, assume, or imagineDiabetes mellitus or simply diabetes is a metabolic condition that leads to presence ofhigh sugar levels in the bloodstream (Forouhi & Newman, 2019). At the heart of diabetes isthe hormone insulin. Insulin is responsible for moving sugar (glucose) from the blood to thebody’s cells where the sugar […]
Gastrointestinal diseases are some of the common diseases in the human body. Thus,mistakes in coding and billing can result in huge financial losses for a healthcare organization.Being a specialty area, diseases of the gastrointestinal system have specialty codes which a codermay not be familiar with if they lack specialty knowledge. Knowing healthcare providers whospecialize in […]
Gastrointestinal system starts from the mouth and ends in the anus. Some of the body’smajor structures that are part of the gastrointestinal system include the mouth, the pharynx,esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, the rectum, and the anus (Levine et al., 2017).Other structures that are part of the gastrointestinal system include liver, salivary glands,pancreas, and […]
The American society has long been a racialized society. So much so that one’s racedetermined whether or not they became citizens. In 1790, the U.S. Congress ruled that onlywhite immigrants could become naturalized American citizens (Praxis 99, 2020). After theAmerican Civil War, citizenship was extended to African Americans. Thus, to become anAmerican citizen, one had […]
Nurses play a central role in the delivery of healthcare services to patients because theyspend a lot of time with patients during various stages of treatment. In performing their role,nurses often use various technologies to make their work easier and safer for patients. Thus, theyare usually the most affected healthcare professionals any time technologies are […]
HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Moore &Frye, 2019). It is a federal privacy rule that protects the security and privacy of some data ofindividuals, particularly identifiable data, that is obtained in healthcare settings. HIPAAprotects data of patients that is obtained through healthcare operations, treatment, andpayment. This paper examines some of the […]
The World Health Organization regularly reviews various health issues across the world and determines serious ones that countriesneed to prioritize. Even though WHO usually recommends best practices for a dealing with a given global health issue, each countryoften takes its own measures to deal with the health problem. The specific measures employed by a country […]
The urinary system produces urine (a waste product that is excreted by kidneys), storesthe urine, and then eliminates it. The main organs that make up the urinary system are thekidneys, the ureters, bladder, and urethra (Sampaio & Favorito, 2020). The kidneys produce theurine which then travels through the ureters. The urine fills up in the […]
The urinary system is at the heart of waste excretion from the body. Through the kidneys,it filters out wastes and excess water from the blood to form urine which goes to the bladder andis periodically eliminated when a person urinates (Sampaio & Favorito, 2020). Thus, the urinarysystem plays an important role in maintaining a strong […]
Part 1: Family and/or Community Assignment The success or failure of a student depends not just on what goes on in classroom butalso outside of class. In particular, families and communities play an important role in theintellectual and social development of a student. When the community, family, and schoolswork together, children benefit by having greater […]
Similarities and Differences Between Greenleaf’s Principles of Servant Leadership and Those Presented in the Bible Similarities and Differences Between Greenleaf’s Principles of Servant Leadership and Those Presented in the Bible Summary Green’sLeaf Bibble Passage followers In his book, Servant as Leader, Robert Greenleaf describes a number of servant-leadership principles. The principles provide valuable insights into […]
There are a number of nervous system issues that a patient can experience. Some ofthe issues occur suddenly and may cause the patient to experience life-threatening problemswhile others occur slowly over time (Carroll, 2019). Regardless of the nature of nervoussystem issue that a patient suffers from, there are a number of resources that a patient […]
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