Prescription drug overdose is currently one of the most serious health crises in the UnitedStates. Since the problem emerged around three decades ago, it has claimed hundreds ofthousands of lives (Jones et al., 2018). Such is the seriousness of the problem that is has nowbeen declared an epidemic in the United States. The problem is […]
One of the definitions of leadership is the ability to influence a group of people towardthe achievement of a given goal. A leader is one who has been able to inspire followers togreat success in business, politics, science, military, and other fields of human endeavors.This paper examines two inspirational leaders – Richard Branson and Warren […]
A successful project is one that meets all of its goals and meets the expectations ofvarious stakeholders of the project (Radujković & Sjekavica, 2017). Project success does nothappen by accident. Rather, it is a product of numerous factors. In particular, there are threefactors or elements which are key to the success of any project. The […]
Muscoskeletal system is a body system that is composed of two parts: the muscularand skeletal system. The muscular system includes all types of muscles in the body whosecontraction and relaxation causes body movements and tendons which attach the body’smuscles to the bones (Gropp & Boyle, 2017). The second component of the muscoskeletalsystem is the skeletal […]
Describe features of the four federal workers compensation plans and other two types ofstate workers compensation benefits.The Federal government has a number of workers compensation plans that are overseenby the department of labor. The plans offer compensation to civilian employees that work fordifferent government agencies. Some of the plans include the Federal Employees CompensationProgram, Federal […]
Travel insurance is a type of policy that reimburses a person when they suffer loss orencounter various problems on their trip. Some of the problems that travel insurance coversagainst include trip cancellations or delays and luggage loss (Danise, 2021). Additionally, travelinsurance covers medical expenses that one may incur during a trip. For instance, if one […]
Alphabetic Index and Tabular List are parts of ICD-10-CM, a morbidity classificationsystem. The Alphabetic Index is the first part of ICD-10-CM. It has a list of diagnostic termsand their corresponding code (Hodorowicz, 2016). It is usually used like one would use aphonebook. One searches for a given condition or treatment by name. The Alphabetic Indexprovides […]
Diagnostic codes are combination of letters and numbers that healthcare professionalsassign to a given procedure, symptom or diagnosis. They are a translation of written diseaseand injury description into a form that can be universally understood. The codes providedetailed and specific information about the condition of a patient and their treatments (Hirschet al., 2016). Given the […]
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes are used by healthcare professionals tospecify patient treatment services and the charges that are associated with the treatments(Glauser et al., 2020). Some of the services and procedures that the codes are used to reportinclude surgical, radiology, laboratory, and diagnostic services. The aim of CPT codes is toprovide a uniform language […]
HCPCS stands for Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System. It was developedby the Centers for Medicine and Medicaid (CMS) for the purposes of recording and reportingmedical services and procedures (Gross, 2020). HCPCS has two levels (Gross, 2020). Level 1codes are similar to current procedural terminology (CPT) codes while Level 2 codes arealphanumeric codes (Gross, 2020). Even […]
Definition of Mission, Vision, and Core Values Statements Mission, vision, and core values are important statements that guide the behaviors ofleaders and employees of an organization. A vision statement describes the aspirations of anorganization. A mission statement describes what an organization intends to do in order toachieve its vision while core values statement describes the […]
The principle of fairness in eligibility and conducting of competitions is meant toensure that all athletes are put on equal footing (Nafziger & Ross, 2011). Issues that areusually dealt with under this principle include those related to discrimination, age, sex,nationality as well as doping. This paper examines the age controversy of the Chinesewomen’s gymnastic team […]
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