UB-04, also referred to as CMS-1450, is a form that used for billing of medical andmental health claims by institutional providers such as hospitals and nursing facilities.Institutional providers use UB-04 form to submit claims for services such as surgery,laboratory, radiology, and other services (Cross, 2015). UB-04 and CMS-1500 are similar in appearance. However, there are […]
Europe and North America have developed the two dominant sporting models in theworld. The European sporting model is used in Europe and most other parts of the worldwhile the North American model is mainly used in the U.S and Canada. The two sportingmodels have significant differences. For instance, there are major differences in the way […]
According to StrengthsFinder, people who focus on improving their strengths instead ofworking on their weaknesses tend to perform better and achieve more than people who focusa lot of their time and energy on their weaknesses (Rath, 2007). Based on this fact, it isimportant for people to find their strengths and then improve them in order […]
Culture encompasses written and unwritten rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes thatare developed over time and are shared by a group of people. Thus, organizational culture isthe values, philosophy, and expectations that guide the behaviors of members of a givenorganization when interacting with each other and with people outside of the organization.Just like culture makes a […]
Main Issues at Cricket Australia The main issues at Cricket Australia can be found from Patrick’s review of the fivefiles. First, there was no collaboration among personnel in the unit charged with promotion ofintegrity in Australian cricket as all integrity-related decisions were made by Risk andCompliance Manager and the CEO. Apart from not sharing decision-making […]
Similarity in Elements Between HIPAA 837 and CMS-1500 Claims HIPAA 837 and CMS-1500 are both claims forms used for billing insurers forservices provided to patients. While HIPAA 837 claims form is used to electronicallytransmit claims, CMS-1500 is claim form that is based on paper (Allwell, 2017). HIPAA 837claims form is used by healthcare suppliers and […]
Goals are statements of a desired future that a person or organization plans to achieve.They describe what either a person or organization tries to accomplish in the short or long-term. Whether they are short-term or long-term, having goals has been found to help peoplelive more focused and successful lives (Daudkhane, 2017). Just like in personal […]
Difference Between RA and EOB Remittance advice (RA) and Explanation of Benefits (EOB) are statements that areused for communicating claim adjudication information to both healthcare providers andpatients. They are largely similar with a few exceptions. The main difference between the twostatements is that while RA is provided to the healthcare provider, EOB is usually sent […]
There are many instances where insurance providers refuse to pay for patienthealthcare services billed to them or pay less than the billed amount. When insurancecompanies make this decision, they usually provide reasons for their decision as well as aprocedure of appealing the decision if the provider is not satisfied with it. Thus, an appealsprocess is […]
Outline of My Personality Types Based on the personality tests that I took, I am open-minded, conscientious,extroverted, agreeable, and calm. Regarding my open-mindedness, I am always open to newexperiences thanks to my curiosity and creativity. As a conscientious person, I am highlyorganized and can be relied upon to effectively discharge my duties in different settings. […]
According to Nafziger & Rossi (2011), doping is a prohibited practice in sports thatrelates to the use of methods and substances whose goal is to enhance one’s performance.Doping greatly harms the integrity of sports. It was to combat doping that World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was formed in 1999 (Waddington & Moller, 2019). Theorganization was formed […]
One of the fundamental properties of sporting activities is uncertainty of process aswell as outcomes (Tak, Sam & Jackson, 2018). Match-fixing downgrades sports by removingthe aspect of uncertainty. It also undermines major sporting ideals, norms, and values, such aspassion, honesty, perseverance, determination and honesty (Tak, Sam & Jackson, 2018). It isfor these reasons that match-fixing […]
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