The achievement of professional goals depends on a number of factors. Some areindividual factors, others are organizational, while others are industry-wide factors. Forprofessional goals to be realistic, they need to take into consideration all these factors. In thisassessment of my professional goals as summarized in my mission and vision statements, Ihave examined individual-level factors that […]
Patient billing involves processing of patient claims while collections involverecovering overdue medical bills from patients. The two processes are extremely importantfor healthcare organizations because they impact the financial health of the organizations.Granted, the main goal of healthcare organizations is to provide excellent healthcare servicesto patients and improve their health outcomes. However, they cannot achieve this […]
Basic Elements of an Effective Medical Office Financial Policy The basic elements of an effective medical office financial policy are simplicity,alignment with relevant laws, and ability to cover all possible scenarios regarding patientpayments for services provided by the healthcare organization. Simplicity means that thefinancial policy should be easily understood by both staff and patients (Cone […]
Collection process is the process of collecting overdue medical bills from current orformer patients. Patients that do not have health insurance or whose health insurance does notcover all of their medical bills may be left with pending bills. When the bills becomeoverdue, the collection process provides steps that the billing officer needs to follow in […]
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a legislation that waspassed in 1996 with the primary goal of ensuring that individuals do not lose their healthinsurance when they are in-between jobs (Karne et al., 2021). However, it had many otherprovisions that have proved to be of great benefit to healthcare in general. For instance, […]
Adult participation in sports has numerous benefits. They include improvement ofphysical and mental health. Adults who participate in sports and other physical activities areat a reduced risk of developing lifestyle diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases anddiabetes. Additionally, participation in sports and physical activities also improve one’sphysical shape thus increasing self-esteem. Despite the clear benefits of […]
Describe HIPAA, its purpose, and provisions. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Passed in1996, the Act has five titles that spell out its purpose and provisions. Title I. protects workersand their families from losing their insurance coverage any time they lose or change theirjobs. It also prevents new healthcare plans from denying […]
Medical compliance plans are programs that healthcare organizations start which aremeant to help it to adhere to legal, ethical, and professional standards that are applicable tothe healthcare organizations. Such programs often have many components. They includeclearly stated procedures, policies, and processes that define appropriate conduct for staff in ahealthcare organization (Bodenger & Steiner, 2017). Since […]
Immortality of the soul is a common concept in both religion and philosophy. Theconcept of immortality of the soul is closely related with beliefs about life after death (Van,2020). Even though the two concepts have close relationship, there are slight differencesbetween them. Immortality of the soul does not simply mean that the soul continues existingafter […]
Values are standards of behavior. They provide a framework on whose basisindividuals determine what is good or bad, what is ethical or unethical, and what is desirableor undesirable in different situations. Various theories have been advanced to explain thesource of individual and societal values as well as what motivates individuals and groups tolive according to […]
Psychological egoism is a theory that holds that the main motivation of human beingsis self-interest. This motivation is so strong that even when humans help other people it is fortheir personal benefit (Carlson et al., 2020). The benefit can either be direct or indirect.Psychological egoism is often contrasted with psychological altruism, which supports theview that […]
Leisure is defined as the time that a person can choose to do whatever they want to doas long as the chosen activity of task is not part of their official duties (Caldwell, n.a). Someof the activities that are associated with leisure time include sight-seeing, traveling,recreation, and socializing with family and friends. The activities can […]
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