Section I: Leadership and Collaboration Experience My personal experience with leadership began in 2017 when I became a nurse supervisorfor an infusion company. I had 20 nurses working under me. Some of my roles includedcollaborating with the pharmacy, facilitating visits, and payroll. The work was challenging, butthe onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 made […]
As frontline workers in the healthcare system, nurses are uniquely placed to evaluate various program have been enacted toaddress different health and social issues. They have a great understanding of the needs of the patients and other targetedpopulations and can, therefore, be effective in promoting their interests not just during the formulation of the policies […]
The natural disaster that I chose is the 2020 wildfires in California. Wildfires havebeen a common occurrence in California. However, in 2020, the state experienced more than8,400 wildfires that destroyed around 4 million acres of land (Keeley & Syphard, 2021). Sixof the state’s biggest wildfires occurred during the year (Keeley & Syphard, 2021). Thus,California’s 2020 […]
It has long been established in leadership literature that that the major division ofmanagement or leadership style is the leader’s preference of either relationship-oriented ortask-oriented leadership approach. In the former approach, the leader is primarily focused ongetting work at hand done or accomplishing a given set of tasks. Often, such leaders focus onsatisfying the demands […]
The world is flat is a metaphor depicting how globalization has altered economicconcepts. In the 21 st century, advances in technology offered a playing field where buyers andsellers would communicate and come up with an environment of equal opportunities.Technology-enhanced sharing of ideas, transportation, and connection between parties in theintertwined market. An example to illustrate the […]
Supply chain management employs strategic outsourcing that formalizes the company’spurchasing power consolidation. Through strategic outsourcing, the company can find thedesired values in the marketplace and align its business goals to the purchasing strategy. Digitaltransformation has enhanced the growth of strategic outsourcing hence impacting the evolutionof supply chain processes. The approach requires an analysis of the […]
Introduction GenaTech is a medium-sized company that designs and sells innovative medical devices.The company offers groundbreaking healthcare technology solutions for challenging conditions.It plays a significant role in inspiring new possibilities and hope in people across the globe.Empathy inspires the company’s technologies that adopt the lifestyle of customers and do notdisrupt the way they like to […]
Jean Watson came up with the theory of human caring and the ‘caritas process.’ Thetheorist has a background in nursing and psychology and throughout her practice, she observedthe effect of caring on patients and the eventual health outcomes. Supportive care has positivehealth outcomes. It leads to relationship management which is a crucial part of patientengagement […]
Assisted suicide has been a controversial topic since its inception. It is also referred to asEuthanasia and is defined as hastening the death of a patient to reduce pain and suffering. Thereexist two forms of assisted suicide including active and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasiahappens when the physician deliberately ends the life of a terminally ill […]
The world has become overly globalized over the 21 st century. Organizations haveappreciated the idea of diversity and inclusion in the workplace where they recruit people fromvarious cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Diversity has a significant impact on organizationaloperations and it determines the success of an organization. In this case, the organizationimplemented a training program on […]
Key Areas of Organizational Training The world has become overly globalized over the 21 st century. Organizations haveappreciated the idea of diversity and inclusion in the workplace where they recruit people fromvarious cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Diversity has a significant impact on organizationaloperations and it determines the success of an organization. In this case, the […]
Apple Inc.Introduction Apple Inc. is one of the best companies in the world. It is a global corporation that dealswith designing, production, development, and distribution of computer applications, electronics,and internet services. Apple Inc. products such as MacBook and iPhone have earned thecompany a good reputation through outperforming other products from competing companieslike Samsung. The recent […]
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