IntroductionThe article, Age-Related Differences in the Association between Autistic Sons’Challenging Behaviour and Maternal Anxiety and Depression: Implications for Counsellors byBitsika & Sharpley (2020) explored challenging behavior (CB) among autistic sons and itsimpact on their mother’s mental health. The study aimed to investigate the possible relationshipbetween the autistic child’s CB and depression and anxiety symptoms in […]
Fault lines have a direct impact on one’s worldview. After observing my mediaconsumption for three days, I realized that there are certain fault lines at work in my selection ofthe content that I consume. First, I realized that I consume a lot of podcast content. Preferpodcasts that discuss trending issues in technology. I feel that […]
The learners will read a text in pairs of two. They will then discuss details of the text asthey engage in the post-reading activity below.A graphic OrganizerCharacters:a.b.c. Character traits:a.b.c. Themes:a.b.c. Major events:a.b.c. Lessons Learnt:a.b. 3 DescriptionA graphic organizer is an insightful and interesting post-reading activity. It is a visualdisplay that will help the learners organize […]
Guaranteeing the welfare of children is among the priorities both at the national level andthe international level. To this end, my proposed law seeks to ensure that prospective parentsundergo a psychological test before they can be granted permission to have children. Manyparents are not fit to have children owing. Some do not have the requisite […]
Read the piece on “10 famous psychological experiments…….” on this week’s reading list.Select 3 experiments from that list and list all violations of ethical principles that you thinkthose experiments have committed.The Little Albert experiment violated the beneficence principle. The beneficenceprinciple dictates that the risks and benefits of research need to be evaluated critically before anexperiment […]
Unit 5 Assignment In a team, there are different methods of communication. Every method ofcommunication has its advantages and disadvantages. It is, therefore, important to select the bestcommunication method based on the needs of a group. Verbal communication is chosen whenthere is a need for immediate feedback. On the other hand, written communication is importantwhen […]
The teacher in the Anna Noble East HS Exemplary Teaching Video uses directInstruction model. In this model, the teacher stands in front of the class and introduces thespecific content to be learned during the lesson. In this video, the teacher does exactly that. Sheintroduces physical and chemical change, explains and then checks the learners’ understandingusing […]
Pros and Cons of Using Educational Technology in Schools ProsWakil, K., Qaisar, N., & Mohammed, C. (2017). Enriching classrooms with technology in thebasic schools. European Journal of Open Education and E-learning Studies.The authors explore the role of technology in enhancing the learning experience in the classroomset-up. They outline the following advantages of integrating technology in the […]
Ethical use of Technology The utilization of technology in the classroom is a complex task for both the teacher andthe student. Some students have access to technology even before they step into elementaryschool. While some use technology and have access to the internet while under the supervisionof their parents, some connect to the internet with […]
Slide twoSlide two contains a summary of the pros of incorporating technology into the teaching andlearning process. These include enhanced learning experience, competitive advantage, increasedengagement, innovative teaching, enjoyable lessons, and develop technology skills.Slide 3Academic integrity ensures that learners go through the learning process. Students maintainacademic integrity by ensuring that they value other scholar’s intellect through […]
Literature-Based Topic My area of focus is literature, specifically elementary focus. The title will be “TextAnalysis.” The topic is associated with Common Core State Standards. English and LanguageArts (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.2). Basically, it will entail identification of main themesor the central ideas that an author has expressed in a text. Then the development of the themeswill be […]
KUD Objectives The following ‘KUD-Know-Understand-Do’ objectives indicate what my students will master;K-Know The student will know; Point of view Text Structure Influence of Words and Phrases The impact of the point of view on thestory Analysis of different structures indifferent texts Effect of the style adopted by theauthor The authors choice of words […]
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