Unit Planning IntroductionThe importance of this unit plan is that it provides a framework within which all thelessons covered in this unit will cover. It provides a plan that will be used to prepare individuallessons. The unit will cover the analysis of The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, aliterature piece that is popular for its […]
Support Communication and Data Management EdmodoMy appreciation for Edmodo’s usefulness and application in the classroom set-up hasgrown over the years; hence, the reason why I chose this tool. I have used this tool to sharepresentation content in previous conferences, and I could not help but notice how this tool madework easier not just for me […]
Technology to Support Instructional Delivery Instant Feedback with SocrativeOne of the most vital parts of the learning process is immediate feedback, and the InstantFeedback with Socrative provides immediate feedback; hence, the reason I chose it. The toolprovides a teacher with an efficient way to monitor and evaluate the student’s’ progress in aneffective manner that saves […]
Career Plan Reflection Every aspect of my teaching career will be shaped by the role I want to play as aneducator. in five years from now, I aspire to be an educator, shaping the minds of young peopleand helping shape their destinies. One of the reasons I enrolled for a bachelor’s degree ineducation is because […]
Challenges and Rewards for the Reflective Practitioner Beliefs, values, attitudes, and experiences have a significant influence on my personalphilosophy of education. My day-to-day practices and encounters affect and inform my approachto teaching. My teachers, apart from Mr. Podkrash, gave up on me, and this made me to almostgive up on myself. This experience shapes my […]
KUD Lesson Plan 2 Grade LevelThis lesson plan is designed for learners in the 11 th grade because by this stage; students needto be able to independently read literary texts and explain the author’s central ideas. It is abuild-up from the previous lesson, where students were introduced to the text that they will bereading and […]
Journal on Teacher Certification The webinar So You Think You Can Teach impacted me greatly, more so on the fact thatit is important to embrace the culture of the school. Culture defines a school, and it is importantto observe it to ensure a smooth integration into the new community as a new teacher. Thepresentation gave […]
KUD Lesson Plan Grade LevelThis lesson plan is designed for learners in the 11 th grade because by this stage; students needto learn to read literary texts, interpret them, and analyze the author’s message. Thus, thelesson will be instrumental in teaching students analysis of literature pieces as well asinculcate a culture of purposeful reading among […]
Examining the Common Core State Standards The Common Core State StandardsThe Common Core State Standards are a set of academic standards that include bothmathematical practices and content standards, for what every learner is required to learn in eachgrade. They cover grade levels from kindergarten to High school and are used in most states inthe U.S […]
Case Study Ms. Ruiz provides several options of performance-based assessment, among them;writing, performing, and directing a play or skit and sharing an original piece of writing. Thesetwo options meet the criteria for effective assessment. Both demonstrate a high level ofreliability, content validity, fairness, student engagement, and motivation as well asconsequential relevance. In both, students demonstrate […]
My Personal Teaching Philosophy Great educators always aim at dispensing basic knowledge to learners that will propelthem into becoming successful citizens in an advanced democratic nation. Knowing orunknowingly, the acts of teachers are informed by philosophical viewpoints. A teacher’s beliefs,values, interests, and attitudes influence the decisions they make in a learning environment. Ateacher ensures that […]
Considering Charter Schools Compass Montessori School uses teaching methodologies that are built on the intellect ofthe students in different levels and their spiritual potential. Materials used to enhance teachingare self-correcting, and they focus on the learning process. The school has unique instructionaltechniques as students learn through tailored materials that are aligned to scaffolded teachingtechniques aimed […]
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