Case Study: Cultural Awareness Cultural Responsiveness“Give ELLs opportunities to create performance-based products (e.g., oral reports, games,storyboards, or artwork) based on their readings in order to deepen their understanding of thecontent and to promote their oral language development at the same time” (Thompson, 2010).Jia will be guided on how to create artwork that resembles the butterfly […]
Educator Interview Professional preparation is necessary as an aspiring educator. academic qualificationssuch as acquiring a degree in education prepare an individual for the roles of a teacher. however,this does not create a complete picture of how the daily roles and responsibilities of a teacher arelike. Hence the reason it is important to interview a teacher […]
Theories of Second Language Acquisition As an educator, the behaviorist theory resonates most with me. The main reason why thetheory resonates with me is that it treats language as a behavior. The theory stipulates thatlanguage is a habit that is developed over time (Honigsfeld & Cohan, 2015). The habit isdeveloped through imitation and reinforcement. A […]
Video Games and Gender Stereotypes In the digital era, many people, especially the youth, play video games. Researchindicates that a young person in America plays video games for close to five hours every week(Henning et al., 2009). The popularity of video games has resulted in research based on theeffects of video games on adolescents. One […]
Pragmatics refers to the study of a speaker’s use of language, the meaning of the spokenwords, as well as the context within which the words are used. It refers to the disparity in what aspeaker actually says and what actually gets communicated. When people converse, the wordsthey speak are sometimes different from what they intend […]
Colonial Classroom: Then and Now Graphic OrganizerColonial Period Current DayLearning was characterized by memorization-learners had scarce textbooks and papersmaking memorization the only option tostudy. Learning today is deeper- students haveample papers and textbooks, and technologyis fast being integrating into today’sclassrooms. The tutor had a lot of authority and studentscould get spanked or whipped in school […]
The Best Laid Plans The plan by Benjamin Rush to establish free schools where public support would beprovided first to Pennsylvania and then later it would be rolled out to the entire nation. The plandid not come to fruition because the changes needed could not be adopted at the time. “Rush’seducation plan, which, like Jefferson’s, […]
Information literacy is important in today’s age as it enhances an individual’s approachesto critical thinking and problem-solving. It fosters one’s confidence in finding information,forming and sharing opinions, making solid and informed decisions, as well as in identifyingways of becoming a responsible citizen. Information literacy enables one to identify what is realand relevant in their personal […]
Take a Stand Assignment Dr. Benjamin Rush advocated for women to receive an education hence the reason hefounded the Young Ladies Academy of Philadelphia, to further support female education andgive women an opportunity to acquire education. For a very long time, female education hadbeen sidelined, with men being given priority to receive education and take […]
Stage ofDevelopment Emergent Beginning Fluent ReadingDevelopment Read aloud to thechildren.I will start byintroducing the titleof the text and theauthor, then read outloud to the children.Then discuss whatthe selected text wasabout and thenengage the learnersby asking them toreread certain parts ofthe text for them toget a deeperunderstanding ofwhat it is about(Honigsfeld &Cohan, 2015). Askstudents to explainwhat […]
Pros: They are highly applicable to immigrants that have little or no English proficiency. The programs are also designed for students who have limited formal education. The programs help in resettling refugee populations by focusing on the development oflanguage and content. The program offers learners a safe learning environment, and this empowers the learnersto take […]
Brain Function How information is carried from the sensory signals and transmitted to other areas of thebrain for further processing. Information is carried through the central and peripheral nervous system, which isresponsible for sensing, control, and response. The motor control allows the nervous system torespond. The neuron, which is the functional unit of the nervous […]
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