Planning and delivery of instruction in a diverse learning environment require someunderstanding of how sensory contributes to learning. It enables an educator to adopt the use ofmulti-sensory structured language programs help instruct children with cognitive developmentaldelays with much ease. They entail the use of all learning pathways in the brain, namelykinesthetic-tactile, visual and auditory, all […]
My learning is usually affected by both internal and external factors. Ventilation affectsmy learning significantly. I remember studying in a poorly ventilated room, and I could notunderstand a thing. Air quality is my optimal learning environment. At the time, the air filterswere not functional, and the room had blocked air discharge unit ventilators. In the […]
Emotions are Critical Identify and discuss the part(s) of the brain impacted by emotions.The limbic system is a group of interconnected structures, found in the brain, specificallyin the temporal lobe. Its main function is to carries out emotive messages such as love and fear. Itcomprises of a number of parts of the brain. The […]
Dreher et al., (2009), explains that the transmission of dopamine, a chemical in the brainis influenced by genes referred to as catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and polymorphisms,which function in the brain. The main genetic impact is in the robust level of blood and oxygenin the blood resulting in differences in responses. The response of different brain regions […]
Mistake fear is one of the hindrances to active participation, especially in a learningenvironment. One instance of mistake fear in my life that still stands out for me is during myyears in grade school. Our teacher had asked us to recite a poem, and I feared to make a mistakeor forgetting a line. The fear […]
After five weeks of learning the concept of brain development and learning, I havelearned a lot and my perception of my role as an educator has significantly improved. Myknowledge in neuroplasticity has improved, and now I know that teaching is more than contentdelivery in front of a classroom of students, it involves changing the brain. […]
Teaching and Learning Issues Within a Cognitive Context Stressed Learner at Fifth GradeCreating a safe and secure environment for a child for the growth and development ofhealthy bodies and brains is good both for the child and for society. It leads to the creation of astrong foundation for society to thrive and prosper. Research in […]
It is not easy to master the skills of identifying and constructing arguments. As a coach, Ihave dealt with different kinds of players, and I remember a team that I had three years ago,which treated arguments as a kind of war. It was hard dealing with this team because they neverseemed to agree on anything. […]
Discussion Discussion A) 2 1/2-year-old brotherYour younger brother is 2 ½ years old. You are trying to teach him some new words. UsingPiagetian ideas like assimilation and accommodation, what approach would you take andwhat would you expect to happen. Give some examples of words you would teach him andhow you would do it. Describe the […]
Letter Review Letter #1 LETTER REVIEW 3The facts and assumptions presented in the letter make sense. The facts are wellorganized by supported by studies done by other scholars ascertaining the use of thewater disinfector as a method of water treatment.
Examples of new safety guidelines that did not exist either when you were growing up, orwhen your parents were growing up.My parents grew up at an age when technology was not as advanced as it is today. Theydid not have any access to the internet, and safety on the internet was not an issue at […]
Provide a brief overview of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s child and adolescent cognitivedevelopmental theories. Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory and Jean Piaget’s stage theory represent two majortheories of cognitive development, and they both believe in constructivism. Piaget introduced theidea of a schema, which is a cognitive structure, where experiences are organized. Cognitivegrowth in children takes place through […]
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