Montessori is an innovative, child-centered approach. One major theme of Montessori-style education is the fact that learners learn based on their educational interests. The implicationis that learning occurs naturally as learners are exposed to their educational interests at that pointin time. The role of teachers is also different in the Montessori approach. Teachers offerguidance as […]
Question 1The first contract in the movie, The Rainmaker, entails an agreement to cover for medicalbills. The contract is between Donny Ray and his family and an insurance company. Theinsurance company fails to honor the terms of the contract and refuses to pay Donny Ray’shospital bill. The enforceability of this contract may be challenged if […]
Community Child Development Center Proposal A child’s development is defined by various milestones that are observable as a childgoes through different phases of development. As toddlers grow into children and adolescents,parents anxiously watch and they sometimes do not know the kind of activities that they can useto foster development in their children. Development then continues […]
Of the eight types of instructional units introduced in chapter 7, the project- and problem-based units (PBL) standout for me. Units that are designed around PBL allow students to interactwith real-world situations (Hansen et al., 2015). They are in a position to respond to questionsand challenges encountered in the real world. PBL stands out for […]
When lessons fail to engage students, the end result is that the students become frustrated. Inaddition, learners become demotivated, and this affects the delivery of content. Teachers mustensure that they create conducive conditions at the beginning of the lesson. Reference Hansen, C.B., Buczynski, S., & Puckett, K.S. (2015). Curriculum and instruction for the 21stCentury. Bridgepoint […]
Final Project Part one: Lesson planLesson Plan 1Grade LevelMy lesson is designed for the 8 th grade because learners at this level study should beaware of how to engage in purposeful reading. This lesson is aimed at tapping on thelearner’s ability to read texts and make correct interpretations while providing thenecessary evidence to support their […]
The seven basic principles explain in details how learning takes place. Among the seven, thethree that I might incorporate into the classroom include the following; influenced by how they think their peers will perceive them in the event they fail to givethe correct answer. As such, I will incorporate the tenets of this principle in […]
In the teaching profession, teachers must strive to become competent. Dealing withlearners is complicated, and one must ensure that they facilitate the learning process by having awide knowledge base. Standard 2 indicates that the teacher must understand the learningdifferences (LeFrançois, 2018). I exhibit the principle by understanding that each learner isunique. There are cognitive variables […]
a. Classroom ExperiencesOne of the positive classroom experiences is how we would have the “word of the week”at the beginning of every week. Our mathematics teacher in 8 th grade, Mr. Podkrash guided usinto identifying a word of the week that was meaningful to us at the time, write it down at thecenter of a […]
Characteristics of a quality curriculumA quality curriculum is one that facilitates learner’s understanding by helping them createa connection between the content covered in class and their real-life experiences in their worldoutside the classroom. Thus, a quality curriculum ought to be organized around importantcontent goals such that students are made aware of what they will be […]
Reflection on Educational ExperiencesWhen I think of assessments, I remember the tension that made me have. I used to havesleepless nights as I prepared for assessments. Some of the subjects were easy, and I did notrequire much preparation, but some proved very hard for me and sometimes even after a lot ofmemorizing, I still got […]
One of the times that I felt a lesson was meaningful was when a teacher asked us toreflect on the goals at the beginning of a lesson, and state how those goals aligned or failed toalign with our personal goals. I felt that for the first time, I was given a chance to voice myopinion […]
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