Teaching and learning landscapes are rapidly changing. The 21 st century has seen a rise intechnological integration in the classroom and the widespread use of technologies in society.Besides, access to the internet has integrally improved teaching. Blended learning is acombination of different learning methods that incorporate a variety of teaching models-traditional face-to-face learning and eLearning. […]
The movie “Lean on Me” is about a teacher who is motivating his students just beforethey sit for their final exam. He tells the students that the people out there think lowly aboutthem, and the chances they have of passing the exam. He says that the people out there think thatthe students are failures, education […]
Learning styles are not importantLearning styles is one of the four elements that have an impact on the learning profile.Others include culture, gender, and intelligence preferences. It is an evolving concept and hashad heated arguments on is importance or lack of it. Famous psychologists such as DanielWillingham at the University of Virginia and Linda Gottfredson […]
The process of coming up with a research topic is critical as it determines how the entireprocess of conducting research will be like (Mertler, 2018). In selecting a topic of research, Iselected the topic that interested me most from the list given. I settled on poverty and incomeinequality because this topic excites me. I find […]
How does this teacher lead students and effectively manage her classroom? In what wayswas her instruction differentiated? Be specific.The teacher effectively leads the learners by ensuring that the classroom belongs to everystudent in terms of both responsibility and opportunity. This is evident when the teacher asksdifferent students questions, and each time, she gives a different […]
One of the strategies that I will implement as a classroom teacher is scaffolding. Throughscaffolding, I will support students so that they can be in a better position to master content andbe able to carry out activities that initially seemed out of reach. The strategy will enable me towork with students, help them become more […]
Corporal punishment has raised a heated debate over the years. Corporal punishment canbe defined as a method of punishing learners through inflicting physical pain. There are variousmethods of corporal punishment, including slapping, paddling, and hitting. Proponents argue thatit helps in maintaining discipline (Alvarado, 2017). I believe that corporal punishment is not anappropriate method of behavior […]
Patient Safety CDSS is considered to be the cornerstone when it comes to patient safety. However, ifnot used properly, this system could jeopardize the safety of patients. For instance, changingclinical terminologies on CDSS, and failing to communicate the changes to all concerned CDSSteams could lead to errors which would, in turn, jeopardize the safety of […]
Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen Globalism is a term through which the very idea of globalization is articulated,communicated, made acceptable, discussed, in short, founded for analysis and to be reflected on(Papastephanou, 2005). It seeks to explain the universe, which is characterized by networks ofconnections that extend between many continents. It makes seeks to explain […]
Explain the implications of globalization. Globalization has been a driving force behind many issues around the world. Nations andprivate enterprises across the world are interconnected. Consumers and individual workers aretoday, in the era of globalization, more connected than in any other period in the past. Some ofthe ways through which nations and private individuals have […]
Explain what it means to be ethical as it relates to personal, academic, and professionalgrowth. “Being ethical means behaving with a sense of right and wrong, good and bad, and virtueand evil” (Anis, 2013). Ethical behavior denotes different actions depending on the context beingreferred to. For instance, ethical behavior in academic standards refers to the […]
Lesson Plan Revision and Analysis Selected Lesson Plan:Superman: Modern MythologyCommon Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.1Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferencesdrawn from the text.I chose the lesson plan Superman mythology for elementary school. The choice wasmotivated by the need to challenge my abilities to diversify. I look forward […]
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