•The Ashford University Library is a great resource that can be utilized by students whoaim at working on research. I found the library to provide information that is necessary forsupplementing lectures. Through the library, I have been able to do research on different issues. Ihave found assignments interesting and informative. Important study materials are also […]
Literature Review and Analysis: The “Gender Gap” in Education IntroductionSuccess in schools pays off at both the individual level and the society level. Itcontributes tremendously to social development and economic growth. Education systems thatrank high in performance are those that put emphasis on both equity and quality. Equity inschools entail individual and social circumstances such […]
Explain at least five differences between popular and scholarly sources used in research. Popular sources differ significantly from scholarly sources. Popular sources are publishedin newspapers and magazines and often cover eye-catching topics, while scholarly sources arepublished in journals that are subject-specific and are often geared towards experts and scholarsin a specific field (Cendejas, 2014). Popular […]
Critical thinking has certain elements, which are not universal but are critical in theprocess. One of the elements of critical thinking is the identification, which entails establishingthe problem or situation. After having a clear picture of the situation, then one can embark ondiving deeper into the real issue as well as the viable solutions. After […]
Upon graduating, I look forward to working as a high school teacher in New York. Tobecome a teacher in New York, I will be required to have completed a bachelor’s degree inEducation and an accredited teacher certification program. Certification programs are availableboth on-site and online. There are two types of certificates for teachers offered in […]
The global issue that I chose for research for my final paper is Poverty and IncomeInequality. Specifically, I will be looking at the relationship between poverty and incomeinequality. The research will aim at establishing whether income inequality dampens growtheffect on poverty, by looking at the U.S. growth elasticity argument holds that increase in incomeinequality has […]
Poverty and Income Inequality Poverty and income inequality remain to be among the biggest problems confronting theworld today. The two are human rights problems that need to be addressed through deliberateefforts from governments and government agencies. People who live in poverty are unable toaccess certain fundamental human rights. They lack sufficient housing, food, water, andeducation. […]
Data has changed the way treatment is administered, enhanced prediction of outbreakepidemics, helped improve the general quality of life through helping avoid preventable diseases.Data collection is, therefore, important to healthcare providers. One of the scenarios that datacollection and application would help in better management of the patient condition is in themanagement of blood pressure and […]
Data in the health care sector is important as health care providers make decisions thatare evidence-based. One of the problems that could be saved through data collection andapplication is Opioid use in the U.S. It is a problem that has affected many families in the U.S,with opioid misuse being the leading cause of accidental deaths, […]
Oral Final Essay InterviewI held my interview with Suphak Ryan, who is my colleague from Thailand. She worksas an Accounting Coordinator and has a Master’s degree. Suphak is 37 years old and a mother ofthree children. Suphak has been working at different roles for more than a decade now, but shehas had to take several […]
Rough Draft Review Process Evaluation IntroductionPoverty and income inequality remain to be among the biggest problems confronting theworld today. The two are human rights problems that need to be addressed through deliberateefforts from governments and government agencies. People who live in poverty are unable toaccess certain fundamental human rights. They lack sufficient housing, food, water, […]
Nursing Identify and describe practice barriers for APNs in your state (ALABAMA) and discussthese barriers on a state and national level.The ability of APN s to work maximumly as per their training and education is an issuein many states in the U.S. although allowing full practice for APNs is necessary for keepinghealth costs down and […]
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