Case Study Analysis What are the potential ethical and legal implications for each of the following practicemembers?Medical assistantMedical assistants are important professionals in the provision of medical care. Medicalassistants provide clinical care as well as admirative support in healthcare facilities. Medicalassistants have an ethical and legal obligation of taking and recording vital signs (Ahalt,Rothman, & […]
Roles of Medical Assistants A medical assistant can be very effective in the practice of a physician and help themachieve patient satisfaction, big scores in quality care measures, and help in the optimization ifreimbursement. The roles differ significantly per state. There are regions where medicalassistants discuss mediation with patients, specifically during the roaming process. They […]
San Diego quick assessment of reading eligibility.Different students respond to instruction in various ways and at different rates. Sinceteachers must be accountable, they assess students at different times throughout an academicyear. According to Rasinski & Padak 2013, an assessment is “a valid, effective, and efficientway to monitor and identify potential trouble spots in student’s reading.” […]
The Four Blocks design gives young children many opportunities to attain goals set bythe educator. The four blocks include self-selected reading, guided reading, working with words,and writing (Rasinski & Padak, 2013). These four provide a balanced program through which ateacher is able to instruct children into learning how to read and write. The following is […]
Journal: Early Literacy-Basic Terms I am excited about learning new concepts and terminologies. As Julia states in chaptertwo of the coursebook, “I don’t think students need to know all this special vocabulary, but Ithink I should” (Rasinski & Padak, 2013). The vocabulary appears complex and complicated tomaster. Even then, I am ready to learn about […]
Current Research Summarize at least four findings or new learning’s from your article.The article, Literacy, and language: new developments in research, theory, and practice isinsightful in several ways. First, it is astonishing to realize that early childhood teachers were,from time to time, not allowed to give children print material during instruction. In the article,Saracho explains […]
Word PatternsExplain why it is important to teach word patterns.It is crucial to teach word patterns because this helps students see the connection thatexists between letters and the sounds that they represent. Students discover how words work andcan decode as many single-syllabic and multisyllabic words as possible (Rasinski & Padak,2013). Also, learning word patterns enables […]
Using Authentic Texts IntroductionChildren need access to texts that they can easily read. Reading is a new skill that is beingintroduced to them, and it is necessary to ensure that the texts given are easy to read. Someteachers hold that texts with controlled vocabulary are flat and boring compared to those withnatural language patterns. Children […]
Example of a Word WallTouch and read the word:Blue Blue Blue Blue BlueHe has a blue car. She has a blue book. She has a blue shoe. He has a blue pen. I got two pairs ofblue shirts. I have a blueballoon. She has a blue sock. He has a blue cat. Theme, Purpose, and […]
Explain how the “Making Words” program described in Chapter 10, utilize the principlesof constructivism.In constructivism, teaching focuses primarily on empowering the students (Calpro, 2020).The teacher plays the role of engaging students as they discover knowledge, and provides themwith opportunities to reflect upon the lessons and relate them to their real-world. Theconstructivist approach to learning modifies […]
CLO 1: Describe and apply the findings of current theoretical principles and research onbest practices for early literacy learners. I have learned best practices for early literacy learners. In the past two weeks, I havelearned basic terms in early literacy development, their meaning and usage in teaching reading.Also, I have realized that through word building, […]
When instructing children, the context of a word is described as the neighbourhood whereit lives. Rasinski & Padak (2013), define contextual analysis as “a word identification strategy, areader attempts to determine the meaning and/or pronunciation of an unknown word by the wayit is used in the text. Word clues such as illustrations and graphic aids […]
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