In discussion one, I selected A House That Once Was by Julie Fogliano. I used this text toteach this standard; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.3.4.a: Read grade-level text with purpose andunderstanding. I will use three different games to support the text and standard. First, I use wordsketches. This game is best played by four or five players (Rasinski & […]
CCR Anchor Standards Reason for Picking the Anchor StandardThe anchor standard that I chose is C CSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.1 : Ask and answerquestions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis forthe answers (College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading, 2020). I picked thisanchor standard because it is the first […]
Court Case 1: Gregory v. Helvering, 293 US 465.FactsEvelyn Gregory was the owner of United Mortgage Company, which also owned anothercompany, Monitor Securities Corporation, 1,000 shares of stock. On September 18, 1928, Evelyncreated a Averill Corp. After three days of the new company’s existence, and she transferred the1000 shares of stock from Monitor Securities Corporation […]
A Guided Reading Lesson Plan Guided reading refers to an instructional method where the educator divides the class intosmall groups depending on reading levels and abilities; each group comprises of learners whodemonstrate the same level reading proficiencies and can read texts that are of the same level.The educator selects a text that is easy enough […]
Fluency is a multidimensional concept that refers to the process that connects decoding tocomprehending. It is a bridge that automatizes word recognition and ensures that readers canfocus on the construction of meaning rather than just decoding words. Fluency consists ofprocesses such as decoding, the ability to read in an expressive manner, and meaningfully.Accurate decoding is […]
What are at least two benefits of independent reading practices? The amount of time that learners spend doing independent reading is the best indicator ofachievements and the amount of gain that a student gets from their academics. Independentreading is beneficial as it builds a reader’s fluency. Evidence shows that unless learners caneffortlessly and accurately meet the […]
A Case for Increased Online Higher Education in California IntroductionHigher education is the ultimate goal for the parents and students in providing them withopportunities for entry into careers of their choice. The increase in enrolment and graduands in2018 illustrates the progressive growth of providing a skilled workforce to the United Statesmarket (Busteed,2019). However, an increase […]
Before 1919, there was no minimum age when individuals could consume alcohol in theUnited States. The legal age differed from one state to another until in 1920, when ratification ofthe 18 th Amendment of the constitution took place (Tietjen, 2014). After the confirmation of the21 st Amendment of the law in 1933, the minimum drinking […]
Project Management The project involves relocating the corporate headquarters office, which is relativelycomplicated and has huge demands. Convincing the sponsor will involve describing theadvantages of both as well as relating the two to the organizational structure. A dedicated teamstructure is essential because it is cost-effective. On the other hand, a matrix project managementstructure is advantageous […]
Summative Assessment-Balanced Literacy Plan IntroductionBalanced literacy is a curricular technique that aims at guiding learners towards lifelong,proficient, and fluent reading. It integrates different modalities of literacy instruction and ischaracterized by the use of authentic texts and explicit skill instruction. The delivery of balancedliteracy is facilitated by the preparation and use of a balanced literacy lesson […]
Forms of contraception Depo-Provera is a form of contraception done though an injection that preventspregnancy for a period of eleven to thirteen weeks. Its effectiveness in preventing pregnancy is99.7 percent. It is effective and reversible. It does not contain estrogen and is good for peoplewho are allergic to the component. It contains medroxyprogesterone, and some […]
IntroductionIn the 21 st century, social media use is an ever-increasing phenomenon. Seven in everyten people in the United States use social media to connect with their peers, friends, and toreceive and share information and entertaining content. Study shows that most young peoplepervasively and extensively use social media for a variety of reasons such as […]
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