Identify your chosen standard(s)Standard 3: Diverse Learners – The teacher understands how students differ in their approachesto learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to learners from diversecultural backgrounds and learners with exceptionalities (Henson, 2009).Explain why this Professional Standard is interesting to youThe above professional standards interest me because it explains the core of […]
Workshop Plan Part 1 Part 1A: Workshop DetailsTitle “Role of the Teacher in the 21 st Century.” The workshop aims at sensitizing new teachers on the changing roles inthe profession. The modern-day teacher has a new role to play in theintegration of technology in the classroom, and this will be coveredduring the workshop. Explanation Teachers […]
Domestic Violence Discussion W2 One of the main problems relating to the help-seeking behavior of Hedda Nussbaumrelates to culture. Culture alludes to important elements that are part of a people’s history andtradition (Ngo & Le, 2007). Culture distinguishes a group from others. The American culture isdefined by violence is a major theme. Violence is in […]
False Advertising Legal Factors in the ScenarioThe case revolves around distinct elements of a contract. One of the legal elements in thecontract is offer and acceptance of the contract. The offer made by the company and theacceptance by the customer is a major point of consideration. The validity of the contract statedby the soft drink […]
Healthcare Economics All human beings crave to live long and healthy lives. Everyone wishes to avoid hospitaladmissions and visits. However, good health does not come easy. The attainment of good healthrequires one to dedicate their resources towards achieving this objective. To this end, health is aneconomic problem. Individuals have to spend a significant amount of […]
Employee Training Employee training is important in ensuring that the organization keeps up with industrystandards. Through training, the organization will manage to improve the level of performance,and this will translate into high levels of competitiveness. The level of employee engagementwill also improve with training. Employee training will equip employees with the necessaryskills required for them […]
Compensation and Government Regulations There are several salary payment systems applied by employers. Job-based pay and skill-based pay systems are the most common. They are distinctively different in the definition interms of how they affect the employee. For job-based pay system, the salary is set depending onthe nature of the work itself, the responsibilities an […]
Human Resources The business world is overly competitive. As a result, a HR certification helps boostone’s career prospects. Through HR certification, one is likely to stand out from othercandidates, and this increases their chances of getting hired. A PHR certification helps one toestablish themselves in the human resources field. A PHR certification goes a long […]
The podcast Hidden Brain tells a story of Randy Gardner. Gardner used to experienceinsomnia and in the wee hours of the morning would step out of his yard and listen to carswhizzing. Insomnia is a deep state of helplessness that people experience. Randy is retired andtogether with his wife focus on hobbies and their cat […]
I. IntroductionSource 1: Title of Source: The New Science of Sleep Author: Holly Pevzner Publication date: May/June 2019 Source/Organization: Psychology Today Thesis/Point: Sleep gives people rest and enhances their overall productivity Brief summary/overview of the source:The article explains good sleep practices. It discourages people from using screens, eitherlaptops, phones or televisions, at least one hour […]
21st-century skills: Compare and contrast what the authors identify as 21st-century skillswith what you would identify as 21st-century skills. In your explanation, be sure to citeevidence from the readings.Different authors have given their definitions or what they think are 21 st -century skills.Boholano (2017), Partnership for 21 st Century Skills (2016), and Dede (2010) hold […]
A culture of universal achievement in a learning institution occurs when a considerablepercentage of the members of staff believe that academic standards are achievable. Through sucha culture, the school creates a learning environment that enables students to achieve success inwriting, math, and reading. A school should be an institution that does not know any limits […]
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