Develop a statement that addresses how you will remain committed to collaboration withinyour professional field of choice.“Teamwork and dedication lead to success. Collaboration drives individual accomplishmentstowards organizational objectives.”Outline an implementation plan that will help you achieve your statement. Collaboration is a school set-up that has been instrumental in enhancing performanceamong the learners. The first step […]
Instructional Management Plan Teaching is a complex and challenging profession. A successful teacher is one who planson how to carry out different instruction activities effectively. Teaching entails different rolessuch as the use and analysis of data, collaboration with colleagues, and designing activities thathelp the teacher connect well with the students. However, one of the most […]
An IEP is a legal document developed for every child in a public school in the U.S ANDwith special needs and reviewed and revised accordingly. It shows a child’s ability levels,functional performance, and academic achievement. The statement also shows how the child’sform of disability affects his or her participation in curriculum activities (Center for ParentInformation […]
Standards Alignment Standards alignment is critical in the provision of a framework to help the instructorremain on the track while making plans and teaching. The beauty of alignment is that it allowsfor progression and continuity of learners from one level to another. Alignment allows room forcontinuity which is instrumental in making education purposeful and meaningful. […]
The process of identifying individuals with exceptionalities takes place in several distinctsteps. First, the pre-referral step. This entails teachers and parents working together incollaboration to informally resolve behavioral and/or academic problems faced by a child in theclassroom. At this stage, the child’s response to intervention is closely monitored. There aremulti-tiered systems of support that involve […]
Interpreting Evaluation Results and Identifying Characteristics of DisabilitiesDifferent disabilities are characterized by a variety of challenges in acquiring differentskills. In education, disabilities make learners struggle in making educational milestones. Theystruggle to achieve the same success as other learners at their level. The paper comprises of threeparts. The first part explains specific learning disabilities, autism spectrum […]
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Workplace motivation is important since it guarantees that a company will achieve itsgoals and objectives. Without a motivated workforce, a company cannot meet its company goals.Motivated employees achieve an optimal level of output. Workplace motivation falls under twodistinct categories, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation (Lin, 2007).Understanding both intrinsic and extrinsic […]
Based on the evaluation, the most appropriate placement (LRE) for Henry would be in ageneral education classroom. Henry has a learning disability, dyslexia to be specific. UnderIDEA, henry is entitled to be educated in the Least Restrictive Environment. In this case, ageneral education classroom is an ideal environment for Henry. According to Marx et al. […]
Educators have learned to treat data in a secure manner. Over the years, educators havebeen taught on the need to have data kept safe and secure through maintaining a high level ofconfidentiality. Educators thus guard data to ensure that they maintain the integrity of the data.Educators also fail to share data with other educators because […]
Based on the evaluation, the most appropriate placement (LRE) for Henry would be in ageneral education classroom. Henry has a learning disability, dyslexia to be specific. UnderIDEA, henry is entitled to be educated in the Least Restrictive Environment. In this case, ageneral education classroom is an ideal environment for Henry. According to Marx et al. […]
Western civilization had begun to take roots in the early twentieth century. The onset ofWorld War 1 was a major blow to the self-confidence and optimism that people had on westerncivilization. For several decades before 1914, there had been remarkable progress in reason andhuman progress. Politicians, philosophers and reformers were happy with the progress beingmade […]
Classroom Behavior StrategiesFunctional Behavior Assessment The school environment helps promote the emotional, social, and academic developmentof a child. Many children tend to display undesirable and inappropriate behavior in theclassroom, and this may affect learning for them and for other students. David is such anexample. Although he attends class regularly and does well in math, his […]
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