Abstract IntroductionLocalization of internet traffic is the process of adapting internet traffic to local languageand culture in the target market. It is the process of adapting traffic into a different linguistic andcultural context— involving much more than the simple translation of text. Consumers in the“smart world” are increasingly penetrating high-end, sensor-rich mobile devices and wirelesscommunication […]
Goal 1: In order to read a list of ten words beginning at his level of independence and graduallybecoming difficult, Henry will be given guided reading and individualized reading instruction inthe use of context and word chunking, and he will be able to read aloud with an accuracy of 93% at a rate of 70 […]
to support your opinion with scholarly citations in APA format both in the body ofyour post and at its conclusion.The seven principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching are realistic. Culture is a coreelement in the learning process. It shapes the thinking processes of students and plays a role inhow they receive information and communicate with their […]
Progress Monitoring Plan Assessment to Practice Alignment: I. Evaluation Results Henry is a transfer student in Mr Franklin’s inclusiveclassroom. An evaluation identifies some academic areasthat he is struggling with and needs to be addressed. AfterWoodcock-Johnson education assessment test wasadministered, Henry performed as follows; letter-word identification- his standards score was88, and this was within the low […]
Table of Contents ResourceManual forEducatingStudents withExceptionalities RESOURCE MANUAL 3Resource Manual for Students with Exceptionalities 4Key Terms in Educating Students with Exceptionalities 4Timeline of Important Legislation and Case Law 6Categories and Characteristics of Students with Exceptionalities under IDEA 8Evidence-based Practices Supporting Academic, Social/Emotional and Behavioral Needs 10Academic Support Strategies and Resources 10Social/Emotional Support Strategies and Resources […]
SETTING THE STAGE FOR SUCCESS 3 Classroom environmentThe classroom environment is an important aspect of learning and has a direct impact onlearning outcomes. There are psychological and physical aspects of the classroom environmentthat are associated with positive learning outcomes. The physical aspects of the learningenvironment affect habits of mind and student engagement during instruction. A […]
Learning has an intimate relationship with the world that we live in and is affected by it.Jarvis states that learning rarely occurs in splendid isolation from the world in which the learnerlives (Kenner & Weinerman, 2011). Human beings would not have survived without learning.Even today, learning still occupies a central place in the existence and […]
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.9-10.4.CConsult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses),both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precisemeaning, its part of speech, or its etymology (Common Core State Standards, 2020).Objective 1 i. Students will construct sentences using the words provided to them after correctlydefining them and identifying […]
Two instructional strategiesTask cardsMind maps Two instructional tools (e.g., technology tool, device or iPad App, Web Quests, etc.),PostersClicker technology One activity (e.g., Think-Pair-Share).Show and tellThe above instructional strategies are instrumental in addressing the diverse learningneeds of students in a classroom. Task cards will allow me to give my students a wide range ofcontent that […]
Learning Theories Learning is a basic endeavour among human beings. They have not survived and cannotsurvive without learning. Adults are constantly engaged in learning. Lifelong learning takesplace in different learning settings, some formal and others informal. Learning has thus beenstudied for a long time leading to the development of learning theories. Learning theoriesprovide an explanation […]
CCSS & Differentiated Classrooms Standards for MathematicsStandards for Mathematics provide different types of expertise that provide specificity andclarity to mathematics educators. They are practices that are founded on high quality “processesand proficiencies” for providing mathematical instruction (Common Core State StandardsInitiative, 2020). They define what learners should know, comprehend, and be in a position to doas […]
Learning styles are important as they have a direct impact on the overall learning process.Thus, there are benefits of knowing one’s preferred learning style. Examining and having anunderstanding of one’s learning style helps an individual become more aware of their brain. Ifone knows how they learn best, then it becomes easier to communicate effectively with […]
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