Experiential Learning Experiential learning gives experience a central role in the growth and development ofhuman beings. The experiential learning theory holds that learning is a process and is bestconceived as such as opposed to in terms of its outcomes. Learners are educated through goingthrough a continuous reconstruction of experience (Merriam & Bierema, 2014). Learning is […]
Creating a Unit Plan Introduction CREATING A UNIT PLAN 3 and sometimes demanding. Their behavior keeps changing, and they are unusuallydemanding of energy and time. Online Resources:Common Core State Standards. (2020). English Language Arts Standards » Language » Grade9-10 | Common Core State Standards Initiative. Corestandards.org. Retrieved 6 August2020, from http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/L/9-10/#CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.9-10.2. Stage 2: CREATING A UNIT […]
my professional goals is to create an inclusive classroom environment. That means that I willwork with students with disabilities as well as those without. Therefore, to make my instructiondifferentiated and one that means the diverse needs of all my students, I will have to understandthem fully. I think that a short course in special needs […]
Assessments help teachers to understand the level of understanding in learners.Differentiated assessment is a process where the teacher is able to gather information prior andafter instruction and, in so doing, facilitate the learning process. Assessments ensure that alllearners achieve success in the learning process. Through assessments, teachers are able tounderstand how learners are applying concepts […]
Experiential Learning During teaching, a teacher uses an instructional plan. Wlodkowsi gives two assumptionsthat create a connection between learning and motivation (Merriam & Bierema, 2014). He statesthat if something can be learned, then the learning can be done in a way that is motivating to thestudents. In his view, every instructional plan should seek to […]
Differentiated Assessment Differentiated instruction is a continuing process where the educator evaluates studentswith the aim of collecting data before conducting instruction, during instruction, and afterinstruction to make the process and learning experience better. It is a process that ensures alllearners achieve success as they learn together in a differentiated class. The teacher acquires datafrom a […]
One of the most frequently used differential reinforcement procedure is differentialreinforcement of other behavior (DRO). The procedure consists of delivering a stimulus that isreinforcing n nature if a certain response is not elicited for a given period of time. Studies haveshown that DRO is an effective procedure for correcting problem behavior (LeGray et al., 2013).However, […]
Do online learning and other manifestations of communication and information technologyexacerbate the digital divide or not? How or how not? Technology has enhanced access to information, and this has specifically beenmeaningful to adult learners. Learning has become more relevant, just-in-time, and self-directed.The digital age has introduced digital learning. Technology has penetrated every aspect of living,consequently […]
Science is a broad discipline that attempts to study an array of human endeavors. Amongthe key things that science seeks to explore is the natural world. The natural world can best bedefined as all things that exist in nature. The natural world includes animals and plants. Onedistinguishing feature of the things that are included in […]
Quality improvement programs are designed to help an organization improve its quality of healthcare. In the organization, to optimize its performance while improving the care provided to the patients served. The QI program that needs to be implemented focusses on improving health outcomes by enhancing patient safety. In addition, the QI program seeks to have […]
Creation and sharing of media content have become Google activities among the youth. Many young people in the digital age create and share content that they have created. WeChat and Google Hangouts are some of the applications that have helped create a participatory culture. WeChat enables users to do more and in so doing creates […]
The security of patients’ data is important when implementing a healthcare system. It is therefore important for a healthcare organization to conduct an in-depth analysis of the systems and address any security concerns. The process of evaluating a system for security concerns begins with the evaluation of the information technology environment. Information technology systems must […]
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