The process of making an ethical decision is guided by specific models that are used toexamine ethical dilemmas. The process begins with the recognition that there is an ethicaldecision to be made. The process entails first outlining the scope of the ethical dilemma andreasons why it is an ethical dilemma. In this post, I state […]
Schedule Interview My interview is scheduled to take place at 2.00 pm, Friday, 2 nd October 2020. Theinterview will be conducted via phone. The mode of communication is convenient, consideringthe differences in our locations. Interview questions will be based on the selected topic, namely;‘Increasing enrollment in higher education by distance learners, online learners, and older […]
Behavior BEHAVIOR 3There are different types of Differential Reinforcement. Differential reinforcement ofother behavior (DRO) entails delivering a stimulus that has reinforcing effects if the problembehavior does not occur during a specified period of time ((LeGray et al., 2013). Differentialreinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI) involves reinforcing specified behaviors that arenot compatible with the undesirable behavior (LeGray […]
I would handle the situation by listening to the student in a way that shows that Iempathize and care. As the student shares, I will stay claim and speak in a reassuring tone. I willlet him share his thoughts, pain, and maybe experiences that are depressing. While at it, I willacknowledge and let him know […]
I have chosen Diversity as my topic category. For the Article Review and AnalysisReview Assignments, I will use the topic, Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in AmericanHigher Education. Issues related to this topic include access and inclusion in higher educationand trends in college enrollment for high school graduates. The issue of trends affects and relatesto diversity […]
Macbeth, by Shakespeare, is a tragedy based on the story of a soldier named Macbeth,whose overriding ambition and thirst for power make him lose his morals. He is ready to attainpower through violent means. The story illustrates the corrupting power of power and therelationship between violence, coercion, and erosion of one’s morals. The author developsMacbeth […]
Collaboration in Pediatric Primary Healthcare My pediatric clinical rotation sessions have been very impactful. I have learned manylessons, specifically through collaboration. I have noted that collaboration leads to improvedpatient outcomes. When I work in collaboration with other practitioners, I have minimal to zeromedical errors. Consequently, patients are satisfied with the service provided, and I am […]
Developing multi-cultural awareness is a significant starting point for a student affairprofessional It requires commitment and a supportive environment to nurture the commitment Begins with first becoming aware of one’s privileges, biases, and assumptionsMulti-cultural awareness entails beliefs, attitudes, value systems, and assumptions that shapean individual’s understanding of other people who are culturally different. A […]
Historical Timeline I have chosen the topic category of Diversity and will examine promotingdiversity and inclusion in America. Over time, the U.S population has steadily become morediverse in its ethnic and racial composition. The timeline will look at educational attainmentacross different racial and ethnic communities since the 1960s. Link to the timeline:\ Overall, the […]
I have always advocated for the integration and use of technology, both in learning andoutside the learning environment. Thus, it was not hard selecting a position for purposes of thisdiscussion. I have the view that technology has a strong and positiveness usefulness, and I favorthe widespread and rapid adoption of social media technologies in student […]
I have chosen diversity and inclusion in America’s higher education. I will refine thetopic by looking specifically at race and ethnicity in America and promising practices in higherlearning institutions. Racial and ethnic disparities have been evident in higher educationenrollment and attainment in the country. The same has been seen through gaps in employmentrates and earnings. […]
Battered Mind Prevention The organization will be called Battered Mind Prevention. The purpose of thisorganization will be to help people outlive their past battered experiences. It will prevent peoplefrom living the minds of when they were battered. It will be dedicated to aiding people inknowing how to deliberately stop ruminating. The organization will function to […]
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