Human Sexuality Project Topic: Teen PregnancySex Education Materials:Carter, D. (2012). Comprehensive sex education for teens is more effective than abstinence. AJNThe American Journal of Nursing, 112(3), 15.Evans, R., Garner, P., & Honig, A. S. (2014). Prevention of violence, abuse, and neglect in earlychildhood: A review of the literature on research, policy, and practice. Early childdevelopment and care, 184(9-10), 1295-1335.Kappeler, […]
Distorted Thinking One weakness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the fact that it involves oneconfronting their emotions. Cognitive behavioral therapy is founded one identifying distortions.Failure to confront these distortions could result in CBT not achieving the desired results. Inaddition, CBT may fail to address the underlying problems that create distortions. CBT makessense because it […]
Reflection Family, friends, and movies are the top three things that have influenced my views onsex. As a child, my parents taught me the difference between appropriate and inappropriatetouch. They taught me to speak up when I feel uncomfortable about how someone is touchingme. As I grew, they taught me about sex, the act, and […]
Communication in a Diverse Culture Our communication is affected by the culture within which we grew up. Consequently,culture is, to a large extent, affected by the way in which we communicate. The people Iencounter as I go about daily activities are from different cultural backgrounds. I make aconscious and deliberate decision each day to not […]
Student Services Online Describe the most important benefits and challenges associated with offering studentservices in an online learning environment.The internet is resonating with the community by extending social connections from onlyface-to-face to online platforms. The expansive nature of the internet has led to a surge in onlinelearning. This has been beneficial in the provision of […]
References Coombs, W. T. (2008). Campus crisis management: A comprehensive guide to planning,prevention, response, and recovery.
Conduct and Report on the Interview Student services require great recognition, development, and support as they play acritical role in student development. I conducted an interview through which I interacted with astudent service professional. In the seventy-five-minute phone interview, I learned a lot about therole and importance of student service professionals in the holistic development […]
Article Review: History of Higher Education McCoy, D. L., Luedke, C. L., & Winkle-Wagner, R. (2017). Encouraged or Weeded Out:Perspectives of Students of Color in the STEM Disciplines on FacultyInteractions. Journal of College Student Development, 58(5), 657.Students’ interactions with faculty members have been vital in assisting students to gothrough their undergraduate programs. The interactions become even more […]
Summarize the story of how you developed as a learner by sharing important experiencesthat affected your cognitive development. For example, what was your support system likein school and at home? Did you feel safe to take intellectual risks within your educationalexperiences? Why or why not? As a learner, I was not always positive about education. […]
The topic I chose for this course is ‘Racial and ethnic diversity in higher education in America.’Based on your reading of The Open Education Movement: Is This the Future ofEducation? which is required for this week, how does this movement fit with the originalhistorical purpose of higher education and the history of your identified topic for […]
Retention Efforts Online ResourceCollege student retention [electronic resource]: formula for student success / [edited by] AlanSeidman. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2020).The above resource is an e-book that addresses student retention in colleges. AlanSeidman analyzes higher education with a particular focus being put on access and retention,which still remains a vexing issue for legislators […]
Article Review: Policy and National and Local Laws Rosenbaum, S., Teitelbaum, J., & Scott, J. (2013). Raising the Bar on Achieving RacialDiversity in Higher Education: The United States Supreme Court’s Decision in Fisherv University of Texas. Academic Medicine, 88(12), 1792–1794.The Supreme court upheld the legality of having university admission practices that are race-conscious with the aim of […]
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