Creative Teaching: Designing Creative and Culturally Relevant Instruction Part I: Audience and Rationale:Overview of the ClassGradeSubject Number ofstudents Age Gender Ethnicity Disabilities 7 Science:Photosynthesis and Foodweb 24 12-14Years 13 malestudents 12femalestudents 3 Hispanic8 AfricanAmerican2 Asian6Caucasian5 two ormore races 2 studentshaveLearningdisabilities 1 studenthas anemotionaldisorder 1 studenthas amoderateintellectual disability Part II: Outcomes:The project-based learning will […]
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a discipline that proactively values diversity. Itensures that supports that help meet the diverse needs of learners are embedded in instructionalmaterials. The needs of learners are already anticipated, and thus the instructional materials aredesigned in such a way that they accommodate different learners and help meet their varyingneeds. UDL […]
Part 1The videos and course text have given me an idea of what action research is. I did notquite understand what action research is and whether it differs from research. However, throughreading the course text, I know that action research refers to a systemic inquiry conducted byprofessionals such as educators who are interested in the […]
The link to the infographic is: assessment is important in improving the processes of teaching and learning.Among the four types of assessment, I think that formative assessment is the most important inregard to student learning. According to Lefrancois (2013), formative assessment is unique inthat it is embedded in the process of teaching and learning. […]
Finding Nemo? No, Finding Research Web-search SourcesSource 1citation Gettinger, M., Schienebeck, C., Seigel, S., & Vollmer, L. (2011).Assessment of classroom environments. The Oxford handbook ofschool psychology, 265-270. Source type Academic journalAnnotation The authors reviewed three approaches to assessing classroomenvironments. These are ecobehavioral assessment, classroomobservation, and classroom environment surveys. Using theseapproaches, the educators are able to link […]
Instructional Plan Analysis Universal Design for Learning (UDL) focuses on research, development, and educationalpractice-driven towards understanding diversity and how it affects learning. UDL ensures thatlearners’ diverse needs are met through different supports that are embedded in instructionalmaterials. UDL is founded on three main principles. The first principle entails multiple means ofrepresentation to allow students to […]
The action research study I selected is:Goodman-Scott, E., Doyle, B., & Brott, P. (2013). An Action Research Project to Determine theUtility of Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support for Elementary School BullyingPrevention. Professional School Counseling, 17(1), 120.I chose the topic “safe classroom environment” because I feel that safety within thelearning spaces is critical to the wellbeing of […]
The article, Personality, attitude, and demographic correlates of academic dishonesty: Ameta-analysis, is founded on a stud that examined how demographic characteristics, values, andpersonality of students are related to the engagement in academic cheating. The tendency tojustify inappropriate behavior, morality, and impulsivity has had the largest effects on academiccheating. Academic dishonesty is one of the unethical […]
Week 3 – Journal The week was highly informative on relaxation techniques. Autogenic training wasone of the techniques explored in the week’s readings. In previous classes, I had exploredmeditation, but I had not explored autogenic training. The book defines autogenic training asa relaxation technique that involves the use of imagination (Greenberg, 2021). One imaginestheir limbs […]
Formative Assessment Formative assessment involves gathering information and using it to enhance instructionand learning during an instructional sequence (Lefrançois, 2013). It provides qualitativefeedback to the learner that entails non-verbal signs of approval or verbal appraisal, happiness, oreven frustration. Either way, formative assessment provides feedback that is aimed at changingthe behavior of the teacher in response […]
Action ResearchPromote the use of new and alternative methods for teachingThe effective implementation of a curriculum depends largely on the selection ofteaching methods. Methods of teaching are often founded on predetermined instructionalobjectives aimed at promoting learning. Since instructional objectives vary based on factors suchas grade and content being delivered, the teacher also has a task […]
What is an IRB? An IRB is known as an Institutional Review Board that is a part ofeach institution of higher learning that reviews the action research study to ensure that theproposed study is conducted in such a manner that protects the rights of any human subjectsinvolved (Mertler, 2017). The purpose of the IRB is […]
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