Career and Technical Education (CTE) refers to the practice of allowing students who attendpost-secondary institutions, high school, and middle school the opportunity to learn specificcareer skills. In most cases, students in high school have not yet made up their minds on the kindof careers that they want to pursue for the rest of their lives. […]
Thank you for your comment on my post. In response to your question, I think that theissue of academic cheating is a complicated one. I will start by thinking about how to come upwith a corrective response aimed at showing the student that what they did is not only wrong butought not to be repeated […]
Hello Keelandra, you have selected a great topic. I selected a different topic on creatingsafe learning environments, but I think it somehow related or connects to the one you selected onstudents with disabilities. One of the strategies of having a safe learning environment is bymaking modifications and accommodations and ensure that students study in a […]
Hello Faren, through the video, I learned an effective way of implementing differentiation that isenabled by the universal design for learning. Even if some students feel that one method does notfavor them, they still should be exposed to it so that they can hone their skills. For instance, if alearner is an auditory type of […]
Career and Technical Education (CTE) refers to the practice of allowing students who attendpost-secondary institutions, high school, and middle school the opportunity to learn specificcareer skills. In most cases, students in high school have not yet made up their minds on the kindof careers that they want to pursue for the rest of their lives. […]
Source: Seattle Education (2021).The above image reflects my views and experiences with standardized testing both at aprofessional as well as academic level. First, I disapprove of standardized testing because itnarrows all students or individuals involved into a one-size-fits-all kind of model. In theacademic setting, students from all walks of life and with unique individualities are […]
Summative Assessment Summative assessment refers to assessment that is done at the end of an instructionalunit, such as at the end of the course, unit, or instructional program. The focus is mostly on theoutcome of a program. This paper presents a summative assessment for seventh-grade learners.The unit being tested is on text analysis, and the […]
I have learned a lot in the last few weeks that I have engaged with content in this course.One of the basic concepts that I have learned is the principles of UDL. The three principles ofUDL will be of use in my role as a classroom teacher in the near future. First, I will applymultiple […]
Select three of the four prompts below, and then discuss how the Framework for 21st CenturyLearning (Links to an external site.) can be applied to each prompt using specific examples ofthe actions you would take to apply the framework.Analyze how you can maintain high standards and demonstrate high expectations for allethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse students in the […]
Final project written synopsis: Community Event The main purpose of the Community Event is to convince the attendees, mainly membersof the community, to support the technology bond, which will provide students with upgradedtechnology. Once the bond is awarded, student’s lives will be improved as they will have accessto improved technology. It will be easier to […]
Data Analysis in Educational Assessment Educational assessment refers to the process of collecting data about what students havelearned within their learning environments. The process is not complete, neither does it holdvalue if the data gathered is not analyzed and used to make instructional decisions. Instructorsuse educational assessments to collect data that informs their instruction. The […]
Option A: According to Danielson’s framework (as cited in Phelps, 2008), what are the threeareas of teacher-leaders’ influence? For each area, describe your leadershipcapacity. Which area do you see as your strength and why? Which area is yourweakest and why?More teachers need to function as leaders for school improvement (Phelps, 2008). One ofthe essential building […]
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