A vision is an essential building block for teacher leadership (Phelps, 2008). Floreyprimary school has a vision statement which states, “To empower students to acquire,demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-longlearners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practice the core values of theschool: respect, tolerance […]
Critical Appraisal of Literature In its October 5 th , 2020 issue, the Wiley Online Library journal published results on alarge clinical research study examining the progression and prognosis of COVID-19 amongpatients with diabetes. The authors sought to establish whether diabetes is a risk factorinfluencing the progression and prognosis of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) […]
The federal agencies are traditional organizations. The agencies discussed in thecase studies are structured in a manner whereby the main focus is on structure andcontrol. One of the issues identified with such an organizational type is inflexibility andan inability to adjust when change occurs. For instances, although the three agencies, theFederal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), […]
I still do not support the no-zero grading policy. Allowing a no-zero rule helps childrennot to be left behind in some classes, but it also hurts them in many ways. I do not agree withgiving students an easy pass. Our society awards effort and hard work, while a no-zero rule asksteachers to award a lack […]
Part A What does it mean to be a reflective practitioner?A reflective practitioner is one who “reflects the understandings which have been implicit in(one’s) action, which (one) surfaces, criticizes, restructures, and embodies in further action” (Ash& Clayton, 2004). It entails questioning oneself, assumptions, beliefs, goals, and even values inrelation to their practice as teachers. According […]
Peer Review Part 1Goodman-Scott, E., Doyle, B., & Brott, P. (2013). An Action Research Project to Determine theUtility of Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support for Elementary School BullyingPrevention. Professional School Counseling, 17(1), 120. TitleProvide the title of theresearch proposal. It isusually a statement based onthe research question–shortand to the point. An Action Research Project to Determine […]
The backward design model proposes a method where one sets instructional goals beforechoosing methods and forms through which learners will be assessed. The backward designencourages intentionality when designing lessons. It is thus beneficial to educators because ithelps them in first establishing the purpose of the lesson and how to implement the curriculumduring the instructional process. […]
Hello everyone,My name is Nicholas Tsikitas. I live with my family in Bayville, a small town located inNew York. I have worked as a financial investment advisor before. I took a sabbatical to pursuea Bachelor’s Degree in Education here at Ashford. I graduated recently and now pursuing aMaster’s degree in Education. I want to start […]
It is essential to conduct vulnerability assessments in any organization to identify and address thevulnerabilities in the organization’s network. In this memorandum, the vulnerability management(VM) process is defined. This includes the definition of the different elements of the process. Areport conducted using the OpenVAS tool is analyzed and evaluated in the memorandum. Arecommendation concerning the […]
Select three of the five prompts below, and then discuss how the Framework for 21st CenturyLearning (Links to an external site.) can be applied to each prompt using specific examples ofthe actions you would take to apply the framework.Reflect on ways in which you will choose culturally relevant curriculum and instructionalmaterials that recognize, incorporate, and reflect students’ heritage […]
Reflection on the Ethical Decision Making Process Making an ethical decision is often complicated. One has to ensure that they put differentfactors into consideration. In my experience, I found it refreshing to look at the various model ofethical decision-making and their application in the process of making ethical and moraldecisions. As a behavior analyst, one […]
Annotated Bibliography Brodhead, M. T. (2015). Maintaining professional relationships in an interdisciplinary setting:Strategies for navigating nonbehavioral treatment recommendations for individuals withautism. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 8(1), 70-78.A Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) may need to work in an interdisciplinarysetting to help individuals with an autism spectrum disorder. Brodhead suggests adecision-making model that can be used by a BCBA […]
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