Part One: Common core state standards for Math and English Arts provide high-quality academicstandards on which instruction for the two subjects is based. CCSS provide a framework of theknowledge that a learner should possess and what they should be able to do in Math and EnglishArts at the end of each instructional unit or grade level […]
Physiological and Neurological Aspects of Fear Fear is an emotion that is prototypically associated with the anticipation of danger. It canbe expressed either after conditioning or innately, and the reaction is triggered when a stimuluspredicting danger of danger itself is perceived. The role of the emotion of fear is to prepare thebody for danger. The […]
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common behavioral problem thataffects both children and adolescents. Children with ADHD exhibit various impairments thataffect their functioning. In addition, ADHD also results in behavioral challenges. Thebehavioral problems are likely to result in additional problems, including academic problemsas well as problems in social relationships. Boys are more likely to […]
Hello Tiffany, the use of virtual field trips is a brilliant idea. Your plan on how to mergeCCSS in ELA and Math differs from mine. I have learnt additional ideas on how I can furtherintegrate technology even as I ensure that students master the set standards. Further, the idea ofvirtual field trips is brilliant especially […]
IntroductionThe role of a teacher in the 21 st -century classroom has significantly changed. Other thandelivering curriculum content, a teacher must also ensure that they teach students 21 st -centuryskills. The mastery of these skills needs to be supported by Common Core State Standards(CCSS), the International Society for Technology in Education student (ISTE), and 21 […]
Hello Betty, I support your suggested intervention or treatment strategy. Benoit (2004)identifies four patterns of attachment, namely disorganized, secure, avoidant, and resistant. Thedisorganized form of attachment in early childhood and infancy is said to be a powerful indicatorof serious maladjustment and psychopathology in children. Such children are at risk and morevulnerable to stress, experience problems […]
Part 1Flipping the classroom means that the process of instruction changes, students first gainexposure to the learning material during their own time and outside the classroom, they then usethe time allocated for the lesson to do the harder work such as applying the knowledge acquiredto solve problems, engaging in debates and classroom discussion (Brame, 2013). […]
The subject of time is one of the great themes in a work of literature. The setting of anovel, such as Robison Crusoe, is affected by the place and the time. The events that take placein this novel relate directly and indirectly to the setting of place and time. Time is crucial becauseit is intrinsic […]
Problem Identification:Northwest Center for Behavioral Health requested a grant in the amount of $200,000tocontribute to the creation of an adolescent-only mental health program within the facility. As anall-inclusive mental health center, there are plans to set aside a unit for adolescents only that willfocus on preventing, diagnosing, treating and helping in the recovery of teens […]
Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation Link to the Website: Man is believed to be an emotional being. Research suggests that species that have sophisticatednervous systems are emotional. Emotions can be defined as strong feelings that are directed to aspecific stimulus (Brosch et al., 2013). The elicitation of emotions relates to the evaluation ofobjects, events, and […]
Hello Anthony, one way through which teachers can develop the academic resilience oftheir students is through providing meaningful opportunities for them, to actively take part in theprocess of learning. the flipped classroom model is one approaches that is being implemented toincrease engagement among students, meet their learning needs, and develop more resilienceamong learners. Flipped classroom […]
Oral traditions forms have allowed for the passage of messages orally from onegeneration to another in African societies. They take different forms, have similarities as well asdifferences in how they are used and their characteristics as well. one of the forms of oraltraditions in African societies is oral storytelling which provides entertainment, developscreativity, and passes […]
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