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Functional Assessments

Functional assessments are efficient if the test and control condition include thedependent variable, confounding variables, and the treatment or independent variable (Iwata &Dozier, 2008). A confounding variable that would be responsible for the maintenance ofbehavior targeted for reduction would be a child’s past experiences. For instance, a child with theoppositional defiant disorder (ODD) could be […]

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Assessment Requests

A. Case Study 1- Mile Crafone ASSESSMENT REQUESTS 3communication skills and level. Visits to his home and school are necessary. It is clear that hehas not been regular with his school routine due to transport challenges. However, these visitswill help in the assessment and eventual development of a plan.RecommendationsCrafone needs early intervention to help him […]

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PSY 638 Module 10 Week 10 Discussion

Also, the acknowledgment that women with a male sexual organ and men with a female sexualorgan can actually exist and do exist in our society has changed a lot in how therapy is conducted(Bento, 2018). As such, as a therapist, I know I do not have to diagnose a man with a femalesexual organ as […]

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The Epic and the Human Mind

The words of Jorge Luis Borges, “The epic is one of the necessities of the human mind,”are confirmed in the three epics, Beowulf, Sunjata, and Ramayana. Chronicling the deed ofhistorical heroes who had a significant impact on society, these long narratives stand as thebridge between literature and history. The narrative is critical to human consciousness […]

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Film Analysis

America has had a horrible historical past characterized by racism, violence, and slavery.Various films have been produced to tell the story and help viewers get a glimpse of thecountry’s past. Quentin Tarantino has produced films such as Django Unchained, in which hegrapples with slavery experienced in America’s horrible past, but he depicts this like spaghettiwesterns. […]

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Proposal for a Vibrant Community

IntroductionPositive psychology deals with the study of what makes life meaningful and worth living.The main focus is on human thoughts, feelings and behavior. In this school of thought,psychologists aim to enhance the quality of life and help people build a good life. The focus is toensure that people’s lives are continually improved. Instead of waiting […]

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Diversity in Forming a Sense of Community

I live in a community that is largely not diverse. Data shows that Finleyville is largelyoccupied by White non-Hispanic who make up to 98.4% of the entire population in theregion. In preparation for this assignment, I took time to observe the level of diversity bypaying attention to different groups of people and the level of […]

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Diversity in my Selected Community

The community is not diverse. There is one major population, and from myobservation, in every ten people, nine are White non-Hispanic. Thus, other ethnic and racialcommunities are not widely represented in my community. Given the population distribution,there are identifiable neighborhoods and ethnic enclaves which are mostly occupied by Whitepeople. I observed that Finleyville does not […]

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Pros and Cons of Organic foods

Food is crucial, and one of the questions that most consumers across the globe areasking themselves is whether to consume organic foods or not. Organic food farming andsales have become increasingly common in the recent past (Mie et al., 2017). People tend tosupport the idea that these foods are healthier compared to conventional foods. However,organic […]

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Week 3 Discussion Board

Conflict is defined as a struggle that is expressed and occurs between at least twoindividuals or groups who hold the perception that limited resources, incompatibility of goals,and interference from others hinders them from achieving their goals (Hocker & Wilmot,2014). Perception is thus central to the occurrence of a conflict. Conflicts arise when peoplereact as though […]

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Successful Teams

The New Zealand rugby team is the most effective and successful rugby team of itstime. It has won more than three-quarters of all the competitions that it has taken part in(Prowse, 2018). According to the readings, one of the ways through which a team can proveits effectiveness is through its success in whatever it does […]

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Leadership Assessment Tools and Techniques

3qualities that an individual possesses that is not related to the style. Thus, it may be necessaryto use the tool alongside other tools for comprehensive results.The assessment tool helps identify areas that I need to work on to become a betterleader. It also helps in creating a support system as a leader, at least by […]

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