Vasquez (2007) provides an evidence-based analysis of how practicing psychologistsmay be unintentionally interfering with the establishment and development of healthyworking relationships with clients who are culturally different and thus hinder effectivemulticultural psychotherapy and counselling. Therapeutic effectiveness largely relies on thedevelopment of a therapeutic alliance. The author states that clients of color tend tounderutilize counseling and […]
Ethnic diversity has become an important consideration in counselling. Canada hasbecome a diverse nation with individuals from different cultural backgrounds living in Canada.Counsellors and experts in the psychology field have been forced to adopt culturally appropriatetechniques that will help counselling achieve its goals and objectives. Chinese Canadianadolescents are one group that requires the special application […]
Sports competitions are majorly divided into male and female. The categorization tendsto affect transgender athletes and players as they are often left with no specific area in sportswhere they can fit. Players who identify with genders that differ from the biological sex assignedat birth often find themselves locked out or discriminated against because the sport’s […]
Identification of the problemThe covid-19 pandemic has affected life as people have known it. Many people in differentparts of the world, including in Finleyville, have suffered the consequences of the pandemic.People have encountered a myriad of challenges ever since the pandemic struck. The suddenchange and disruption have made life stressful and, in some instances, overwhelming. […]
Abstract The process of determining an individual’s interests during a conflict is critical to theprocess of negotiation and conflict resolution. The mediator understands other underlying factorsthat may not be outright causes of the conflict but that could directly impact the success of theprocess of resolving the conflict. This paper explores three main factors: gender, culture, […]
Literary authors have over the years written works to express people’s quest for identity.Black people have historically faced an identity crisis. Even when represented in literature, theyhave been made to exist in the white man’s world, reverting to their marginalization. Societalnorms have historically dehumanized black people. Over the years, black authors have depictedblack characters as […]
AbstractHostage negotiation is a complex crisis as it involves trying to rescue lives of people who havebeen taken captive by a person or persons in crisis. This paper explores the negotiation process ina scenario where two correctional officers, male and female, have been taken hostage by twoinmates, Dave and Marshall. It explores how the crisis […]
IntroductionA team is a group of individuals working interdependently to accomplish a specific goal.There are many teams in society, each working towards a certain direction. Groups are easy towork with and influence as opposed to individuals. For this project, I observed a group of tenthgraders during a social studies lesson (Massachusetts DESE, 2015). The observation […]
In literature, poems are composed for a target audience. In a way, each poem tellssomething about the culture and society upon which it is based. Beowulf, The Wanderer, andDream of the Rood are all based on Anglo-Saxon culture and society. Each of these poemsteaches today’s scholars and readers some things valued by the Anglo-Saxon culture […]
Sexual morality is a wide concept that has been debated over the years, with differentscholars and philosophers holding divergent points of view. Sexual activity is morally acceptableif it meets its end goal- procreation and should be within the confines of marriage according tonatural law (Dimmock & Fisher, 2017). Agreeably, sex is pleasurable, but apart from […]
Motivational interviewing is an empathetic counselling approach centered on the patientand prepares them for change by enhancing intrinsic motivation, resolving ambivalence, andbuilding confidence to adopt change (Kraybill and Morrison, 2007). It provides a foundation forhelping people develop the rationale to adopt change in their lives. Motivational interviewing isan egalitarian “way of being” that employs a […]
High school for most teens is associated with long school hours. Achoo activities take alot of their time and energy. Even with these tight schedules, most teens still find themselvesjuggling school work and after school jobs. Most teens prefer these jobs because they earnmoney that they can use to meet some of their needs. Some […]
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