Surname 2 Works Cited Gaus, Annie. “A Female Writer’S New Milestone: Her First Death Threat”. The Daily Beast,2014,, Taylor. “Teens Are Being Bullied ‘Constantly’ On Instagram”. The Atlantic, 2018,
Part 1: Analyzing the Scenario The ethical dilemmasWhen Captain Crozier communicated his plea for assistance, he faced ethicaldilemmas around all the four basic elements of communication: sender, receiver, message,and channel (Sandu & Grad, 2020). As the sender of the communication, the Captain, nodoubt, had the safety of his crew and the preparedness of the ship […]
I found it easy to read the article’s title, introduction, and background. The article Iselected did not have an abstract. Thus, I read the introduction and the background provided tounderstand what the article entails. I found it easy to start with the first two paragraphs because Iwas able to determine the relevance of the article […]
Brien, Donna Lee. “Surfing with sharks: a survey of Australian non-fiction writing about surfingand sharks.” TEXT 25.Special 65 (2021): 1-19.The article explores the changing perceptions of sharks over time. In the article,Benchley is quoted saying that his views have changed significantly since the time hefirst wrote the novel Jaws. At the time, little was known about sharks, […]
Peter Benchley’s novel Jaws focuses on the story of a killer shark that is disturbing thepeace of Amity Island. The shark is depicted as a self-preserver who survives by obeying its owninstincts. Chief Martin Brody, the protagonist in the novel, has a role in saving the Island fromthe rogue shark. Brody feels that he is […]
The use of antidepressants to treat depression among bipolar patients has remained acontroversial subject in the field of psychopharmacology. Research on appropriate treatment forbipolar depression has been minimal compared to that of unipolar depression. The lack ofresearch and the controversy on how to treat the condition has made it even more complicatedfor professionals as well […]
Question 1According to Mahlstedt and Keeny (1993), sexually abused women are most likely todisclose their abuse to informal sources of help, especially family and friends, as opposed toformal sources like the police. Trust is the main reason for resorting to family and friendsrather than the authorities. Trust is especially important when one takes into account […]
Question 1Private real property can be owned in one of three broad forms: sole ownership, jointor common ownership, and ownership by legal entities (Mayer, Warner, Siedel, &Lieberman, 2012). Sole ownership means ownership by an individual. Joint, common, orcommunity ownership means the concurrent ownership of a given piece of real property bytwo or more persons. It […]
Global warming and climate change are one of the greatest challenges to environmentalsecurity. It is important to ensure that people across the world have access to fuel energy. Fuelenergy is important not only for the quality of life but also for economic development. Besidesfuel, globalization is also a critical element for economic development. However, there […]
Everyday Use by Alice Walker explores the themes of conflict and harmony within theAfrican American culture. Walker depicts an encounter within the Johnson family. Dee and hersister Maggie have different interpretations of their cultural heritage. Walker uses symbolism andcharacterization to demonstrate these differences. While the differences are clear, the authorseems to take a position. According […]
1. The narrator in the story is a spiritual person. On the morning that he finds out thatBartleby had been living in his office, he was on his way to church. The narrator says, “Now, oneSunday morning I happened to go to Trinity Church, to hear a celebrated preacher, and findingmyself rather early on the ground, […]
Bargheer, S. (2018). Apocalypse adjourned: the rise and decline of cold war environmentalism inGermany. Environmental Politics, 27(6), 973-993.Stefan Bargheer is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of California. Hehas also written articles on political ecology and environmental history. He is thus acredible author to write on the topic under study. The article explores the anti-nuclearprotests […]
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