The correct statement is 4. All three should be willing to pay the same amount for thestock regardless of their holding period. The current stock price is arrived at by summing theending stock price and the present value of dividends earned from the stock. Shareholders oftenexpect that dividends will be paid at the end of […]
Vicarious responsibility alludes to the situation where one party is held liable for theunlawful actions of a third party. The third party also carries its part of the blame fornegligence or unlawful actions. Vicarious liability stems from the common law doctrine ofagency or respondeat superior. Respondeat superior is Latin for the master should answer. It […]
The entities that differ in terms of their legal characteristics include corporations, limitedliabilities, general partnerships, and sole proprietorships. The corporations are formally arrangedthrough the filling of articles of incorporation within a specific state. Corporations are legalentities, and the shareholders in the companies are protected from the liabilities of the company.The laws of state corporations dictate […]
IntroductionThe diversity training manual provides a better understanding of the need for a diverseworking environment. The manual also provides strategies to put in place to effectivelymanage various employees and improve the performance of the organization (Keil et al., 2007).The manual is centered on enhancing the relationship among the employees, fostering teamwork,competitive ability, and entrepreneurial skills […]
The central concepts learned during the week were estates, trusts, and gift taxes. Otherthan the individuals and corporations that file tax returns, entities such as trusts and estatesalso take part in filing tax returns. Trusts are created to benefit an individual without providingthem with the principal control of the declaration of faith. Trust is one […]
Research and Theoretical FoundationsTourette syndrome (TS) is a hereditary disorder that is passed from one generation toanother (Mathews et al., 2019). A lot of research has been conducted on Tourette syndrome. Earlier,it was believed that the condition was associated with anger, and hence it was thought thatpsychoanalysis would be used for treatment. However, scientists have […]
Summary of Client Budget ImprovementThe Client’s budget has improved by reducing the total fixed costs from $108,050 in the2019 financial year to $106,150 as of March 2020. That is an indication that the Client hassuccessfully managed to cut down on some of the expenses. Also, there has been a decrease inthe total variable cost from […]
definition of child abuse. Some states, however, use general terms while some use specificterms. A universal definition would help in eliminating all ambiguities (U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services., 2020). A clear definition would help ensure that violators arejailed, and all loopholes in the law are sealed. The welfare of children can be improvedthrough a […]
The best and ethical decision is to recall the product and reformulate it. The product iscausing harm to users. While the business has the goal of making profits, the purpose does notsupersede its ethical responsibilities to the consumers. The decision may be costly in the shortrun, but in the long run, the product may cause […]
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) is characterized as a disorder that revolves around theimmune system (Badri & Hariz, 2020). The causes of the disease remain unknown, withresearchers still investing significantly to unearth the causes. However, genetic and environmentalfactors play a role in the development of scleroderma (Badri & Hariz, 2020). Silica and otherorganic solvents may increase one’s […]
Pain is considered persistent if it lasts for more than three to six months. Acute pain, inmost cases, is manageable, but when it gets chronic, medical care is necessary. Pelvic pain caneither be acute or chronic. During menstruation, women may experience acute pain in the pelvicarea, which goes away after some time. However, some women […]
From the case study, the Help Desk at Bank USA faces the challenges of understaffing, poorcustomer service, and lack of morale. When the trust administrator called the InvestmentManagement Help Desk, they had to wait for long before their call was answered, an indicationof poor service and lack of morale from the staff. The work seems […]
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