What differentiates the DNP-prepared nurse from a nurse prepared with a master’sdegree? How will a DNP-Prepared Nurse Improve Population Health Using “System-LevelThinking” at the Regional, National, and Global LevelContrary to what most people think, there is a significant difference between DNP-prepared nurses and MSN-prepared nurses. The first difference is that MSN-prepared nursespossess medical or clinical […]
Epidemiology is a discipline often referred to by many as the fundamental science ofpublic health. Typically, epidemiology involves inquiring into the causes, patterns, andfrequency of health-related events and states, such as diseases, in populations (Frerot et al.,2018). It also entails applying the findings of these inquiries to determine interventions andsolutions to address public health concerns. […]
Nursing theories fundamentally provide the background knowledge of healthcareconcepts that define nurse actions and decisions and their reasoning (Smith, 2019). This iscritical because it assists nurse professionals in articulating evidence that validates andrationalizes the methodologies behind their actions. Dozens of theoretical concepts have beendeveloped within the last hundreds of years. This discussion will particularly explore […]
Introduction At the doctoral level, nurses must possess advanced doctoral-level competencies topractice at a higher level. These include scientific underpinnings to nursing practice, leadershipand organizational leadership skills for quality improvement, analytical and clinical scholarshiptechniques for EBP (evidence-based practice), knowledge of technology/information systems,and patient healthcare technology for transformation and improvement (Gonzalo, 2021).Additional competencies include interprofessional collaboration […]
NIGHTINGALE’S THEORY 3respect their autonomy and rights, promote good, and strive to improve their health (Gupta,2011). When serving my patients, I also consider the “environment” (or those elements that canbe altered). I am always of the opinion that an environment that encourages health can promoteself-healing. I also constantly advocate for “health” by providing my patients […]
Patients often admitted to intensive care units (ICU) need urgent medical attention and care tosurvive, such as those with severe infections that need ventilators to breathe, those with severeinjuries following accidents, those who undergo urgent invasive surgical operations, or thosewho have developed complications after surgery (Thompson et al., 2020). The decision to admitthese patients and […]
Locate and describe a health care initiative (not related to your DNP project idea) in yourpractice setting or community designed to improve patient populations or health systemsoutcomes that demonstrate advanced levels of DNP clinical judgment.What role did clinical judgment play in this initiative, and how was this evident?What were the patient and population health outcomes?Clinical […]
Measurement of Health Outcomes MEASUREMENT OF HEALTH OUTCOMES 3Mode is the preferred measure of central tendency (descriptive statistics) for describingthe nominal variable. Mode is the value that appears more frequently in a dataset. A researchercan tell the most preferred medical technology by examining the most frequent medicaltechnology. Counts and percentages can also rank responses from […]
Discussion: Health Outcome – Conceptual and Operational DefinitionsSelect a health outcome of interest to your area of practice and briefly describe theoutcome (conceptual definition)Case fatality ratio (CFR) is an imperative healthcare measurement in epidemiology. Inboth community and clinical nursing setups, case fatality ratio or case fatality rate is used toestimate the number of individuals who […]
A statistical correlation analysis often seeks to explore the relationships or connectionsbetween variables. Nearly all correlation statistics start with a research question. Researchersthen use correlational analytic techniques like regression analysis to define these relationships orcorrelations. According to Gray & Grove (2020), the strength of a statistical correlation dependson the variables utilized and how best the […]
ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN 3intercollegiate athletics for women’s and men’s sports. It develops and enforces laws for differentsports and eligibility standards for athletes. It supervises both national and regionalintercollegiate sports championships.This is the primary reason why the matrix organizational structure best fits collegiateathletics. Intercollegiate athletics in the U.S. are highly televised and watched by millions of fansnationally […]
Introduction The Doctor of Nursing (DNP) is a multipurpose program that prepares nurses for rolesextending beyond the traditional clinical functions, such as recording patient symptoms andmedical histories, performing diagnostic tests, and administering drugs (Ahmed et al., 2018).DNP nurses are equipped to conduct strategic planning, analysis and measurement of healthoutcomes, decision-making and information management, design and […]
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