Over the last few decades, the way partnering countries, including their global markets,regulate and manage the global economy has changed dramatically. These transformations canimpact the interchange of services and goods and money flow across countries. As witnessedthroughout the last century, excessive swings in the world economy can lead to a globaleconomic crisis. This does not, […]
Gene editing involves making specific changes in the DNA sequence of human beings orthe genome of other living organisms. Essentially, gene editing is performed using genetically-engineered enzymes, such as nucleases (Center for Genetics and Society, 2022). The engineerednucleases are introduced into the body to replace the removed DNA. CRISPR is the technologythat scientists often leverage […]
This paper is divided into ethics and technology, ethics and data management, and socialmedia use as a data governance concern. Parts one and two are divided into competency andmastery sections. In the first part, the competency section explores the advantages anddisadvantages data analytics brings in terms of organizational data governance and ethics (fordata-in-transit and stored). […]
Authorities have increasingly established the risk that fire poses to individuals and thecommunity’s well-being and safety. They acknowledge that it is in everyone’s greatest interest toexamine fires and determine how they started. Today, civil authorities strive to reduce fire riskby imposing penalties for allowing an unintentional fire to spread out of control. Fireinvestigations are inherent […]
Concepts and Theories Learned in L103, L104, and L105 Lessons I03, 104, and 105 are essentially centered on creative & critical thinking andproblem-solving concepts and tools, logic and decision-making, and the framework/model of theoperations process in the Army. Specifically, L103 focuses on the benefits of critical thinking inthe Army, especially for army commanders, the thought […]
Question 1 Francis Fukuyama asserts that history is a process of evolution. In Francis Fukuyama’sessay, “The End of History,” he argues that liberal democracy has become the final form ofgovernment in all countries. He explains that liberal democracy has proven to be a better form ofgovernment over time than other alternatives. The author predicted no […]
Air gets into the body via the nose or mouth before quickly moving to the throat orpharynx, then to the voice box (larynx) and the trachea, a strong tube containing cartilage rings.From the windpipe or trachea, air branches into the right bronchus and left bronchus, then to thebronchioles (smaller parts of the bronchi). Ultimately, the […]
Abstract While working with a small-sized family-owned construction company, I had theopportunity to work with teams to bring about a major change: to diversity the company’sactivities into real estate brokerage and management. The main advantage of teamwork wassharing the workloads, while the main challenges and disadvantages were the difficultiesinvolved in sharing a vision and securing […]
Though widely used, there is no single, agreed-upon definition of “police use offorce.” Instead, the concept is characterized in a variety of ways, including “unnecessary useof force,” “illegitimate, improper, or abusive use of force,” “illegal use of force,” “excessiveuse of force,” excessive force,” “police brutality” and “deadly force” (Reno, Fisher, &Robinson, 1990). Sometimes, these concepts […]
After reviewing this week’s learning resources, I assert that Williams’ sentence shouldhave been reduced to life in prison instead of execution. The (capital punishment) death sentenceand redemption have been weighty subjects in the justice system. Some argue that redemptionshould be applied instead of capital punishment to allow offenders to reform and reenter societyat the right […]
In this paper, I examine through the lenses of gender and race a long-form articletitled Obesity: Can we stop the epidemic? The article was published in the Spring 2017edition of the Harvard Public Health Magazine. The bulk of the article is devoted todiscussing what can be done to stop the epidemic.I see my two constructs […]
The first opportunity for nurses (RNs and APRNs) to partake in policy review is byseeking employment in clinical settings, including hospitals, urgent care clinics, public healthclinics, substance abuse treatment clinics, nursing homes, blood banks, correctional healthcarefacilities, community clinics, inpatient services, prenatal clinics, and primary care settings. Beingalways in the front line means nurses understand issues […]
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