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Aspects of Human Culture

John Lennon was born in Liverpool in 1940. He was one of the most famous artisticworks artists. He was a member of the Beatles band, an influential group of their time to date.The band created hits that resonated with youths and their parents alike. John Lennon createdmeaningful lyrics that allowed listeners to resonate with the […]

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Russell Means and Dennis Banks

Russell Means and Dennis Banks played a significant role in the American IndianMovement. Russell was born in South Dakota in 1939 and later joined Arizona State Universitybut did not finish his studies. At the age of 25 years, he organized and held a rally on AlcatrazIsland where he urged the government to consider the rights […]

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The Indian Mascot Debate

Until recently, I had little experience with the Indian or Native American mascotdebate. While I have always known about Indian mascots, mainly through seeing sports fansadorning them, I did not know there was such controversy around them. Rather, I believedthey were a great way to celebrate America’s cultural diversity.Arguably, this controversy is more profound in […]

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American Indians

I first came across American Indians in my early education after enrolling in one of theelementary schools. I learned that when Europeans arrived for the first time in America, theAmerican continent was mainly populated with Native American communities. Hundreds ofthousands of Native Americans lived in different regions, and each Native American communityhad its own unique […]

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What is a treaty, and why do they still matter?A treaty is a nation-to-nation agreement involving independent entities such as politicalgroups that can establish rules for their own communities, control their membership, care fortheir territory, and enter agreements with other self-governing entities. A treaty can beestablished on anything likely to result in disagreements and imbalance […]

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Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull was born in 1831 in South Dakota and was the son of Returns-Again. As aNative American chief, Sitting Bull accomplished a lot during his reign and lifestyle. Notably, atthe age of 10, he killed a buffalo. He also resisted the U.S government and organized the firstbattle in 1863 when the U.S Army came […]

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The Battle of the Little Bighorn

The Battle of the Little Bighorn was significant for three main reasons. First, itrepresented the most decisive victory of Native Americans in their longstanding tensions withthe federal government (History.com Editors). The win was also swift: General GeorgeArmstrong Custer and two hundred of his men had been overpowered and killed by a band of3,000 Native Americans […]

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Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT)

Introduction The term “big data” refers to an ocean of data that is large in size and volume butexponentially growing with time. Big data is characterized by its behemoth size and complexitywith no traditional data analytical or management tools capable of processing or storing itefficiently. Social media is an excellent example of big data (Solanki, […]

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How Has Nursing Informatics and Technology Impacted Your Practice?

The unprecedented global spread of COVID-19 since late 2019 took the world bysurprise, and it crippled even the world’s mightiest economies and paralyzed healthcare systems.However, governments moved quickly to implement multiple informatics or health informationtechnologies to combat the virus’s spread and improve service delivery. As an emergencydepartment RN working in a community hospital, I believe […]

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Applying and Sharing Evidence

This week’s article by Lunden et al. (2021) explains and describes nurses’ views abouttheir own preparedness for evidence-based practice (EBP) and knowledge management (KM)and their perceptions of their organizational and managerial support for improving EBP andcompetency within their workplaces. Less than 50% of the 125 nurses surveyed reported oftenusing EBP to make decisions, while a […]

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Attorney’s Obligation

All attorneys have a professional and ethical obligation to act responsibly and observe thepractice’s Code of Conduct when supervising other lawyers, in their capacity as subordinates,and when handling fees deposited by non-clients. In most instances, these ethical codes conformto biblical principles. This discussion provides three examples of the attorney’s obligationsmentioned above and relevant biblical principles.Firstly, […]

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Details for Applying a Mortgage for First-Time Home Buyers

Introduction Buying a home is undeniably one of the most significant and extensive purchases for anyAmerican, whether working for the federal government, private employers, or self-employed.Buying a home is often considered by most investment experts as a worthwhile project becausehousing property appreciates every year. Although planning to purchase a home is an excitingexperience, it can […]

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