Week 5 – Final ProjectNutrition and Disease Source: https://www.raps.org/news-and-articles/news-articles/2018/7/nutrition-in-health-and-disease-managementOne’s diet choices have a huge impact on their overall health and wellbeing. Some of theleading causes of death, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancers, are directly linked tonutrition (Sizer, 2017). As one grows old, they may suffer from various serious conditions thatcould be prevented by proper […]
Consciousness is simply the awareness of your mental and physical experiences. Thecommon states of awareness are consciousness and unconsciousness. While unconsciousness canmerely be described as a state of lack of awareness, consciousness has many states (Cherry,2021). For the past 24 hours, I was engaged in different activities and found myself in variousstates of consciousness. These […]
The divine comedy by Dante Alighieri is one of the earliest Italian works. Anotherelement of the poem that stands out is that Dante, the author, is the main character in the poem.The poem sees Dante walk through hell as he interacts with various individuals in hell. Thesinners in hell are made to endure the punishment […]
Vaccination is a health measure that is used to prevent the transmission ofinfectious diseases. Vaccination is also important as a method of reducing morbidity andmortality related to various infections. The success of vaccination relies on the cooperationbetween healthcare providers and patients. Patients make decisions on whether or not to getvaccinated based on various factors. Some […]
The topic selected is proteinuria. The pathophysiology of proteinuria can be describedusing two mechanisms. The first mechanism involves the increased permeability of theglomerular capillary wall leading to the abnormal trans-glomerular passage of proteins(Rosenstock et al., 2018). The second mechanism relates to the malfunctioning of the epithelialcells in the proximal tubuli. Epidemiology of proteinuria indicates that the […]
Introduction Marijuana legalization has sparked many debates in the US and globally. Nationally, many states have recently legalized marijuana, sparking reactions on itstrue benefits or impacts to society and the federal government The reactions to marijuana legalization stem from the health concerns that associateMarijuana with crimes. The reactions that are in support of marijuana […]
Definition of Critical ThinkingCritical thinking is the skill of analyzing things in an in-depth manner. It refers to theskill of analyzing and synthesizing information that one receives. Critical thinking helps one toquestion things rigorously. Through critical thinking, one can form sound and well-reasoned thoughts. Critical thinking also enables one to identify errors in other people’sreasoning […]
I selected post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD. PTSD can be analyzed using thebiopsychosocial model. The model analyzes PTSD from a multidisciplinary perspective.Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition that is occasioned by a terrifyingevent (Hasto et al., 2013). An individual with PTSD may experience flashbacks and otherthoughts that may affect their normal functioning (American Psychiatric […]
Part OneSince my name starts with an L, I will be discussing the major functions of theskeletal and muscular systems. The skeletal system comprises bones that form the rigidframework of the human body. The skeletal system is also comprised of cartilage andligaments (Lippert, 2017). The skeletal system provides support to the human body.Cartilages, on the […]
The 15-year-old child needs to visit a medical practitioner at least once per year for a fullroutine check-up. According to Maulana & Pradana (2018), teens ages 15-17 should see thedoctor once a year. A full check-up ensures that the teen is developing normally and is healthy.The 50-year-old mother also needs routine check-ups at least once […]
The main ethical dilemma in this video is whether to sacrifice five people and save one orkill five people and rescue one person (Letsbepandas, 2017). The runaway trolley has lost itsbreaks, and there is only one option for the driver – either to steer in the track direction with fiveworkers (and subsequently kill them) or […]
Beks, H., Healey, C., & Schlicht, K. G. (2018). “When you’re it”: a qualitative study exploringthe rural nurse experience of managing acute mental health presentations. Rural AndRemote Health, 18(3), 4616.This article explores the experience of rural nurses in the management of mental health.The rural setting does not have sufficient mental health facilities to treat patients, and thereforethey […]
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