Alexander, G. L., & Madsen, R. (2018). A National Report of Nursing Home Quality andInformation Technology: 2-Year Trends. Journal of nursing care quality, 33(3), 200.The use of health information technology was spurred by federal legislation in the lastdecade. The article explains the statutory legislation that incentivized the adoption of HIT inacute care. For example, Federal approaches have […]
The objective is to analyze different financial ratios. Some of the financial ratios inthe analysis included the current ratio, the debt-to-equity ratio, the gross margin, the net profitmargin, and the return on equity. The financial analysis will show the computations ofApex printing financial ratios and make a comparison to the ratio of the other twocompanies […]
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects many people who have witnessed orexperienced a traumatic event. People with PTSD experience various symptoms, includingflashbacks, nightmares, and troubling thoughts regarding the event. PTSD also makes anindividual have difficulty coping or adjusting to the aftermath of a certain traumatic event.Proper diagnosis of PTSD can help one overcome the disorder through […]
The human body has various systems that work together for the execution of variousfunctions. The skeletal system comprises of various bones that form the rigid framework ofthe human body. The skeletal system also shields various organs, including the brain and thespinal cord. The bones join together through joints that form the articular system. The skeletalsystem […]
Subjective:CC (chief complaint): The patient complains of extremely worrying about anythingHPI: Cordoba Dev (seven years of age) presents with extreme anxiety and worry. He reportsworrying about everything (death and little love from his mother), having occasional bad dreams,and being scared of sleeping alone in his room (especially in the dark). He feels lost and worriesall […]
How Can Parenting Styles Impact the Social, Cognitive, and Emotional Development in Early Childhood? A permissive parenting style is characterized by high responsiveness, opencommunication, and low demandingness, and setting rules and expectations is rare. Notably,permissive parenting promotes the social development of children as it encourages opencommunication. Regarding emotional development, this parenting style improves emotionaldevelopment as […]
Technical writing uses clear, concise, and specific language familiar to a particularaudience, such as healthcare providers in general or a specific group such as nurses. Thisform of writing synthesizes complex concepts and integrates them into communication toallow the transfer of information from one nurse to another (Mills & Walter, 2018). Technicalwriting is a crucial skill […]
Introduction Health advocacy is a rudimentary exercise for all nurses, especially those that haveattained postgraduate education. Whether by joining nursing associations like ANA (AmericanNurses Association) or enrolling in hospitals, nurses must engage in health policy advocacy tochampion industrywide changes, including the welfare of their patients, colleagues, faculty,communities, and the general nursing practice. Advocacy can be […]
Week 5 Synthesis Project: Part 1 Practice Problem and PICO Question PaperThe BSN training requires students to develop research skills using the PICO format,including evidence-based practice questions. PICO is an acronym for patient/population,intervention, comparison, and outcomes. The PICO format is arguably one of the most widelyknown strategies for framing a “milieu” research question. According to […]
The selected topic is the “correlation between cardiovascular disease and physicalexercise in elderly patients aged 65 and older.” Cardiovascular diseases (CDVs) typically refer todiseases affecting blood vessels and the heart. CDVs include coronary heart disease (CHD),cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heartdisease, and deep vein thrombosis (Tran et al., 2021). Stroke and […]
The COVID-19 pandemic remains one of the worst disasters in the history of humanity,infecting over 623 million people and killing 6.5 million globally as of September 3, 2022(Worldometer, n.d.). The US average death rate shot from 715 fatalities per 100,000 in 2019 toroughly 835 per 100,000 in mid-2020 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). […]
Being a parent and believing your child is not developing as they should, based on allthe timetables accessible online, can be frightening. According to the CDC, earlydevelopmental delay screening is crucial so that therapy can start as soon as possible (2021).This is relevant in the case of B.P. because his parents brought him in as […]
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