Topic:For my final project, I opted to examine how transportation infrastructure affectssocioeconomic development in urban centers. I plan to answer the question: “How doestransportation play a role in urbanization?” Evidence suggests that transportation andsocioeconomic growth in urban centers are related, and technology is driving smart cities andimproving urban centers’ socioeconomic and ecological welfare. For example, […]
Literature Review 3The location and social realities of the Gallup population exacerbate their risk of syphilis.The geographical location of New Mexico makes it difficult to find adequate resources andopportunities to sustain the community. Yearby et al. (2022) note the hardships that southernNative communities face in modern times due to structured racism and social injustice. Theeconomic […]
In today’s tech-savvy and fast-paced business environments, organisational learning,training, and development are becoming increasingly integral for growth and long-termsustainability of firms. Typically, organisational learning, training, and development are definedas a set of stepwise activities and processes intended to improve the skills, knowledge, expertise,and capabilities of the human resource (employees, leaders, and teams) within organisationalsetups. Organisational […]
tTable of Contents 3 Health Care and Social Service Workers Act Advocacy is one of the primary functions of healthcare professionals, especially DNP-prepared nurses. Advocacy means championing the rights, well-being, and health of patients,colleagues, organizations, communities, faculties, and professions in general (Anders, 2021;Abbasinia et al., 2019). One of the ways nurses can meaningfully advocate for […]
There is no question that the business environment, especially the social and humanservices industry, has unprecedentedly changed over the past two or three decades, withauthorities, regulators, investors, and customers now more conscious of corporate socialresponsibility (CSR). This means that businesses – whether profit or nonprofit – are now beingincreasingly required to produce goods or deliver […]
(Training Title 18)SUBJECTIVE:CC (chief complaint): “Everyone keeps saying I have PTSD. Even Luke says I have it.”HPI (history of present illness): The patient is a young Black female adult (probably in hermid-to-late 20s) who presents to the clinic for a psychiatric assessment. She is currently servingin the US Army “base” and lives with her boyfriend […]
Introduction Like public relations campaigns for businesses, police-community relations programs arecritical initiatives that serve to build, nurture, support, foster, and strengthen relationships andpartnerships between the police and the public, including the public, communities, businesses,government and non-governmental corporations, and other partners. Strengthening and fosteringpolice-community partnerships can encourage open communication, collaboration, and shareddecision-making between the police and […]
Techniques in the Article that can be Used to Improve My Clinical Skills Rationale for the Top Three Differential Diagnoses for Emma (URI, Otis Media, and Pharyngitis) The three differential diagnoses for two-year-old Emma are upper respiratory infection(URI), Otis media, and pharyngitis. URI is a viral disease that commonly affects parts of theupper respiratory tract, […]
SUBJECTIVECC (chief complaint): The patient complains of “sadness and fear” after learning that they “haveto all return to Iraq for another tour.”HPI: Ralph Newsome is a 19-year-old male who presents for a psychiatric examination withcomplaints of “sadness” and “fear” after learning two months ago that he was activated with theNavy reserves after the stop-loss policy […]
For researchers, a theoretical framework is very fundamental as it provides a set ofprinciples, assumptions, concepts, and ideas that guide and underpin their research. It lays afoundation for interpreting and understanding research findings within the selected topic ordiscipline. Ideally, a theoretical framework can assist a researcher to organize their ideas,formulate hypothesis and research questions, choose […]
For nurse practitioners and scholars, having the proper skill set to propose safety andquality changes in healthcare successfully is a prerequisite. This requires meaningfullyperforming scientific inquiry, generating and applying evidence in decision-making, and sharingfindings with other professionals. Integrity in collecting and sharing this evidence is the basis forsupporting propositions to practice change. According to Carter […]
For instructors, summative assessments are the foundational tools for evaluating themastery of skills among learners at the end of a course or instructional unit. Therefore, as aninstructor for third-grade students, realizing that over 62% of the class failed the end unitsummative assessment can be disheartening. My first reaction is to what best can be done […]
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