Clinical exercise testing plays two critical roles, namely diagnosis, and prognosis.Diagnosis alludes to the usefulness of clinical exercise testing in analyzing the presence ofdisease or abnormal physiologic response. Diseases such as pulmonary diseases and exerciseintolerance warrant the use of clinical exercise testing (Choudhary & Choudhary, 2008).Clinical exercise testing also helps in detecting the risk of […]
Analyze whether Rose should undergo clinical exercise testing. Support yourdecision with a clear rationale. Rose has to undergo clinical exercise testing. Rose has never been involved in anyexercise program before. Her BMI exceeds 30.0 and this means that she is obese. She hasalso been diagnosed with diabetes. She therefore has to mandatorily undergo exercisetesting to prevent […]
Analyze the purpose and FITT-VP principles of exercise prescription. Provide anexample of each of the FITT-VP principles.FITT-VP is an acronym that stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type, Volume,and Progression. The principle is central to any exercise program. It provides importantguidelines to be used in any exercise program. Frequency refers to the number of days everyweek […]
Identify a global societal issue from the following list that you would considerresearching further for your Week 5 Final PaperThe global societal issue that I selected for my week five final paper is poverty andincome inequality.Describe effective methods you used in identifying and narrowing down to just one ofthe topics to further research for your […]
Describe the special population you observed (i.e., pregnant women, heart diseasepatients, elderly, obese etc.).I observed patients with diabetes.Explain where you went to observe the special population.I went to FIRM athletics located in New York. Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, Iwas able to watch the patient’s exercise. I could not however interact with them sinceprotocols call for […]
Week 5 Final AssignmentPart 1 Client informationJackson is a male adult aged 40 years. He is 5’9 feet tall and weighs 200 pounds.Jackson was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes two years ago. At the time, he weighed 230pounds. Jackson suffered a knee injury one afternoon after his bike’s brakes failed, makinghim roll down a hill. […]
I have chosen to write on poverty and income inequality. I have selected the causesand consequences of income inequality globally. Inequality has been growing over the years.The poorest members of society continue to suffer as a result of the uneven distribution ofresources. In addition, while economies have continued to grow and expand, the gap betweenthe […]
One of the issues identified by the writing specialist is about the thesis statement. Shehighlighted some of the errors that I had committed when writing the thesis statement. First, shemade it clear that since the thesis statement is not a quote from any source, I should not usequotation marks. Another issue with how I had […]
Describe the hypothesis and/or research question posed by your selected study.Formulating a hypothesis is among the most important steps in research. A hypothesisis a statement that expresses the researcher’s prediction of what is being evaluated byresearch. A hypothesis helps in guiding the collection of data by the researcher. A hypothesisexpresses the supposed relationship between two […]
IntroductionIn the past few decades, poverty and income inequality have become the most disturbingeconomic issues of modern times. Understanding the phenomenon is essential for a policyaiming to control or even reverse the trend. Equality in all aspects of society, including incomedistribution, is a moral ideal. One issue is economic egalitarianism, which is a doctrine thatshould […]
Health literacy deals with a person’s or organization’s capacity to locate, understand anduse information on health related actions and decisions for oneself and others. An individualwith adequate health literacy, hence, has the capacity to locate, process, understand and act onkey health information to make proper health choices (Nutbeam & Lloyd, 2021). Further, aperson with health […]
IntroductionEstablishing a proper oral hygiene routine at an early age in children reduces the risks ofdeveloping caries in permanent teeth. Oral health affects overall health, social adjustment,school performance wellness, and the child’s overall growth (Geetha Priya et al., 2019) .Despite the need for proper oral health in children, most populations have struggled with theoral care […]
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